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W pracy autorzy poruszają problematykę rozwoju obszarów wiejskich. Nie da się mówić o rozwoju gospodarczym regionów, nie mówiąc o jego wpływie na środowisko. Wykorzystanie środowiska w sposób racjonalny, zapewni przyszłym pokoleniom spuściznę, dzięki której będzie można żyć normalnie. Jednym z podstawowych zadań ludzi nauki jest stworzenie wieloplatformowej dyskusji, która zaowocuje wymiernymi efektami: propozycjami, technologiami, rozwiązaniami dla ochrony środowiska i rozwoju regionalnego. Jedną z dróg racjonalnego gospodarowania środowiskiem jest wykorzystanie źródeł energii odnawialnej, które ze względu na wieloletnią niekorzystną politykę państwa nie mogą jeszcze konkurować z energią konwencjonalną, ale ich rozwój jest niezwykle ważny ze względu na ochronę zasobów przyrodniczych nie tylko kraju, ale całego globu.
Authors, in their work, raise problems of countrysides development. It is hard to speak aobout economic development of regions without saying nothing of its environmetal effects. Taking advantages of environmental resources in rational way will assure the right heritage to the future generations, so that they could live normally. One of ways of rational taking advantages of environmental resources is using of renewable energy sources, which cannot compete with conventional energy sources because of long standing goverment policy, but development of using of renewable energy sources is extremly important for the sake of natural resources not only In our country but also on the whole world.
In the case of ideal separation of minerals, partition into products is conducted according to a specific partition feature which is, for instance, the density of raw material. Usually, enrichment in a jig is described by means of the particle density as a partition feature. However, the degree of particle loosening in the jig's bed is influenced by, among others, the particle free settling velocity. After some time of the pulsating movement duration, particle segregation along the vertical axis according to the settling velocity will occur. It can be said that the particle free settling velocity constitutes a feature characteristic of the feed heterogeneous in terms of physical and geometric properties in the jigging process. In the article on the basis of heuristic considerations, a physical model of the partition function (recovery of the i-th fraction), in which interactions between particles in the working bed of the jig are taken into account, is derived. A cause of the formation of the mechanism of particle dispersion around equilibrium layers is given and the accuracy of particle partition for a narrow size fraction in two variations, i.e. in conditions when a partition feature is, accordingly, the particle density and settling velocity, is calculated. These calculations allowed for the analysis of causes of process and inherent dispersion formation which takes place during the jigging process.
This paper presents the analysis of the batch flotation with regard to the size of the floated particles with coal as an example. Empirical studies were conducted on samples of bituminous coal from the Jankowice coal mine (33 type in Polish classification). Experimental includes fractional flotation of coal samples with various particle size, the float and sink analysis of flotation products and determination the ash content in each flotation and densimetric fractions. The evaluation of flotational upgrade was based on the partition curve and value of heterogeneity index (standard deviation) with the division into concentrate and tailings as a measure of flotation efficiency. From the partition curve, partition size, which is assumed in flotation as the maximum size of floatable particles under the given physicochemical conditions, was calculated. On the basis of float and sink analyses, it was found that floated particles are particles with hydrophobic properties corresponding to the density (related to the mineral matter content) below 1.6 Mg/m3. In this connection, the probability of detachment of a particle from a given particle size fractions, was calculated as a relation between the mass of particles with the density below 1.6 Mg/m3 in tailings and the mass of particles with this density in the feed. With the increase in particle size, the de-gree of heterogeneity increases and reaches the maximum value for particle size fractions 0.315–0.4 mm, then decreases for larger particles. The characteristics of the dependence of the degree of heterogeneity on particle size is analogous as in many flotation processes – the dependence of the flotation rate constant flotation on particle size.
Zbadano szczegółowo stratygrafię warstwy torfowej i osadów podtorfowych . Dokonano także oceny położenia torfowiska na tle rzeźby terenowej w aspekcie alimentacyjnym. Badania wskazują, ze złoże torfowe „Buk Kamieński jest pochodzenia holoceńskiego. Procesowi torfotwórczemu towarzyszyły zróżnicowane stany uwodnienia z przewagą krótkotrwałego zalewu i stałego dopływu wód gruntowych. Pod względem alimentacyjnym torfowisko posiada charakter soligeniczno-fluwiogeniczny. Badania stratygraficzne wykazały, że w złożu torfowym występuje szereg gatunków torfu typu niskiego i jeden przejściowego. Dominuje torf drzewny, rodzaj olesowy Alnioni, gatunek olchowy Alneti i łozowy Saliceti. Poza tym występują takie gatunki torfów jak: turzycowo-mszysty (Cariceto-Bryaleti), mszysty (Bryaleti), turzycowy (Cariceti), turzycowo- trzcinowy (Cariceto-Phragmiteti) oraz mszarny typu przejściowego torfowcowo-turzycowy (Sphagno-Cariceti). Pod warstwą torfu zalega gytia wapienna oraz organiczna miejscami z wapieniem muszlowym.
Stratigraphy of peat layer and under-peat deposits were investigated in detail. Evaluation of location of the peat-bog against the background of relief in alimentation aspect was also carried out. Investigations shows the “Buk Kamieński” peat deposit has Holocene origin. Peat forming process is accompanied by differentiated hydration states with prevalence of short-lived flood and state inflow of ground water. Regarding alimentation the peat-bog has soligenic-fluviogenic character. Stratigraphic investigations indicated that in peat deposit occurs many species of lowland bog type and one species of transitional moor type. Peat wood, genus Alnioni, species Alneti and Saliceti prevail. Besides such species of peat as: Cariceto-Bryaleti, Bryaleti, Cariceti, Cariceto-Phragmiteti and Sphagno-Cariceti occur. Under peat layer occurs calcareous and organic gyttja in places with shelly limestone.
Badane torfowisko o powierzchni 130 ha położone jest nad Sanem koło miejscowości Dubiecko, w kierunku zachodnim od Przemyśla. Leży na wysokości około 230 m n.p.m. Celem pracy jest uzupełnienie wcześniejszych badań dokumentacyjnych torfowiska Bachórzec-Winne i ocena stratygraficzna złoża torfowego. Na badanym złożu torfowym wytyczono charakterystyczny przekrój podłużny A–B, na którym wykonano 8 wierceń za pomocą świdra typu Instorf. W oznaczeniach typu, rodzajów i gatunków torfu przyjęto nomenklaturę Tołpy i in. [1976]. Pod względem typologicznym badane złoże torfowe posiada charakter zróżnicowany, bowiem wyróżniono w nim występowanie torfu niskiego i wysokiego. Zdecydowanie dominuje tu torf typu niskiego, rodzaj Magnocaricioni, gatunek Cariceto Phragmiteti. Budowa stratygraficzna wskazuje na zatamowanie odpływu wody z torfowiska, co najprawdopodobniej spowodowało spiętrzenie wód i podtopienie torfowiska oraz zapoczątkowało tworzenie się warstwy torfu typu wysokiego, podścielonej torfem typu niskiego.
The investigated peat-bog of area 130 ha is located at the San river near Dubiecko, west of Przemyśl. Its altitude reaches 230 m a.s.l. The aim of the work is to complement of earlier documentation investigation of the peat-bog Bachórzec-Winne and stratigraphic estimation of peat deposit. The characteristic longitudinal section A–B was traced on the investigated peat deposit and 8 drillings were carried out using auger of the Instorf type. Determinations of the types, kinds and species of the analysed peat deposit was done using Tołpa et al. [1976] classification. Regarding typology, the examined peat-bog has differentiated character, because it was stated that both raised and lowland bog occurs. Decidedly prevails lowland bog and kind Magnocaricioni, species Cariceto Phragmiteti. Stratigraphic structure shows that runoff of water from the peat-bog had been dammed, what caused water lifting, inundation of the peat-bog and finally initiated creation of raised bog layer, underlain by lowland bog type.
The presented research performed throughout 2001 and 2002 on 4 cross sections of the Mszanka river between its 5+039 km and 5+724 km was aimed at assessing the current state of plants covering the banks of the river (a right side stream of Raba river) whose watercourse underwent regulatory works in 1974, namely a combined bars and water steps engineering was applied. It was revealed that well developed plants lining the watercourse properly protected the river banks from being washed out, despite slightly inconsistent, with regard to varieties, introduction of trees and bushes. Suitability of several varieties of trees and bushes was found high enough for the purpose of biological development in watercourses of rivers with habitat conditions similar to Mszanka river catchment area.
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