Bardziej marketingowe podejście do rynków zagranicznych ze strony polskich producentów i eksporterów doprowadziło w ciągu ostatnich 8—10 lat do rozwoju j-v z udziałem polskiego kapitału. W przeprowadzonej analizie autor zwraca uwagę na szereg pozytywnych aspektów korzystania z j-v zarówno w operatywnej pracy polskich przedsiębiorstw eksportujących jak i w programowaniu długookresowej strategii eksportowej. W związku z tym należy zakładać znaczniejszy niż dotychczas rozwój tej formy działania na rynkach obcych. Poza liczną już formą spółek agencyjnych i dystrybucyjnych winien nastąpić rozwój afiliacji dla eksploatacji surowców mineralnych oraz dla przerobu płodów rolnictwa i hodowli.
The purpose of the article is a discussion of Stephen Hymer's works ьееп as a significant centribution to the development of the theory of multinational corporation. Since he submitted his doctoral thesis at the MIT in I960 he has been quoted in almost all publications devoted to the theory of multinational corporations and many of his hypotheses have been verified and confirmed by both his supporters and opponents. The article describes Hymer's most important hypotheses concerning internationalization of the national enterprise, the causes and effects of mutually crossed investments between the USA and Europe, the impact of the firm's size and position in the home market structure on the choice of forms of foreign expansion and many others. The article also presents the radicalization of Hymer's views, from the time of presentation of his doctoral thesis to his last paper, published in 1972. Hymer from the very beginning of his career was under the influence of Marxist ideas, which determined his methods of research and interpretation of facts connected with the activity of multinational corporations. After some time and new research, Hymer ceases to be only an interpreter of the capitalist market phenomena and ardently accuses the system which demands unequal economic and social development. One of the examples of degenerat ion of this system is the existence of monopolies, their various forms and the process of internationalization of enterprises with all its consequences for world economy.
The article analyzes the anti-import strategy of economic development. The example of Latin America's countries allows the author to analyze genesis and characteristics of the import-substitution policy. This policy is divided in to four stages according to the goal and sources of financing. The performed analysis allows to determine causes and consequences of limited effectiveness of the import-substitution policy. The further part of the article is devoted to analysis of possibilities of utilizing the economic and organizational potential possessed by big supranational corporations in such a direction that the import-substitution policy could become an important instrument employed in the economic policy by the developing countries. This solution calls for adoption of different forma of cooperation between governments of the developing countries and boards of supranational corporations from those pursued by many countries in the region under survey with in the so - called economic nationalism. Although the article concerns the countries of Latin America, the conclusions afforded by the performed analysis maybe applied also in relation to the remaining developing countries.
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