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Content available Władca wizjoner. Reformy agrarne Józefa II
This article describes agrarian reforms of Josef II, the most outstanding reformer in the Habsburg monarchy in the 18th century. He wanted to create a single, strong organism of state. He wanted Habsburg monarchy to be modern similarly to centralized Hohenzollern monarchy of Friedrich II. It was a very difficult task. Josef II had to strengthen central government for the purpose of weakening aristocratic particularism supporting domination of feudalism. At the same time he had to introduce many administrative and social reforms, to weaken role of Catholic church, to increase budget income with stronger fiscalism and to introduce monetary reform with increasing circulation of money. Reform of social structure, agrarian reform with a change of position of farmers that should change production relations in agriculture were all squandered with the untimely death of Joseph II. The nobles and Catholic church were dissatisfied with these reforms and forced new Habsburg monarchs to revoke agrarian reforms of Josef II.
Decline of XVIII century brought interest the region o i Russia named later the Coal-basin Donieck. One of the first who were interested in this region was the omnipotent minister Russian tzarina Catherine II, duke Grigorij Aleksandrowich Potiomkin. However, the actors of technology and communication made the development of heavy industry impossible at this area. The geological investigations led to discovery of ledges of pit-coal and coking-coal on the territory of Donieck in 1790. The government initiatives concerning the development of region of Donieck based on local dePosits of pit-coal and iron-stone failed. Situation of private investments was similar. Factories of "Noworossyjskie Company” (British capital) and Pastuchow’s (Russian capital) founded in the Coal-basin of Donieck functioned only with support of subsidies of the government. The economic torpor of southern Russia ended in the second half of 1870s. It was caused discovery of the deposits of high-quality iron-stone in area or Krivoi Rog by local businessman Alexander Pohl. The change of economic doctrine of Russian Empire in 1877 caused the inflow or foreign capitals into the region. The govemement made foreign investors locate huge means for building modern railway lines. They connected southhern Russia with leading markets of Russian Empire. The true investment boom in southern Russia took place atter 1886 when government increased custom duties for iron and import became unprofitable. Period of economic situation or 1890s led to development of region of “Niz Dnieprowski” and “the Coasts or Azov See”. All the investments in southern Russia were based on estimated data about deposits or high-grade iron-stone of Krivoi Rog. Using up or the richest deposits of iron-stone in area of Krivoi Rog caused that exploitation of worse iron-stone of Kercz region begun in 1898. The profits generated by joint-stock companies in southern Russia let them introduce newest technologies. The southern region or Russian Empire was the most modern centre of industry. This caused using the by-products and development of chemical industry there. In the middle of 1890s there was a great technological difference between the mining of iron-stone of Krivoi Rog and coal-mining of the Coal-basin of Donieck. It was the result of shallow and rich deposits of pit-coal in the Coal-basin of Donieck. Using up of these deposits caused that in the middle of 1890s the modern technological solutions in coal mining were introduced. In the same period the modern systems of iron-stone mining functioned exclusively in Krovoi Rog. The dynamic development of production of steel and steel rails in southern Russia caused demand for ferro-manganese and matcrrial mirror. Russia was world largest manufacturer of manganic ore. The largest deposits were in district of Kutay and Ekaterynoslaw (nikopolska and caucasian ore). In the middle of 1890s in southern Russia the production of ferro-manganese and material mirror was started. As the result of foreign capital investments the southern centre fransformed into the largest complex of heavy industry in Russia. In years 1870-1900 the coal production increased from 32,8 to 69,5% and output of iron-stone form 2,8 to 57,2%. In the same period the production of pig-iron increased from 1,4 to 51,8%. In years 1880-1900 the production of iron and steel increased from 4,5 to 44,0%.
Development or zinc industry took place in The Kingdom of Poland at the beginning of XIX century. It was caused by significant increase of demand Tor zinc mainly in industrialized countries of Western Europe. Since 1815 government of The Congress Kingdom started to develop this industry on the area of Zagłębie Dąbrowskie. Particular initiative in this development was manilested by prince Ksawery Drucki-Lubecki. Investments of the treasury caused dynamic development of zinc industry in Zagłębie Dąbrowskie. It was significant for development of coal mining in The Congress Kingdom. However, world economical crisis at the end of the 1820s ended good period for zinc in Western Europe. Also, economical effects of the uprising in 1931 changed government politics concerning zinc industry. After the uprising government’s plans of development of metallurgical infrastructure at the area of Zagłębie Dąbrowskie failed. Private initiative of development of zinc industry by Piotr Steinkeller was a fiasco too. Only building of Warsaw-Vienna railroad and its part leading to Górny Śląsk in 1859 caused development of inner market, inflow of foreign investments in heavy industry and breaking of stagnation in Zagłębie Dąbrowskie. But only change of economical doctrine in 1877 caused real development of zinc industry in The Kingdom of Poland. In 1860s begun process of penetration of zinc beds in Zagłębie Dąbrowskie by German capital from Górny Śląsk. Its first investor was Gustaw von Kramst. The amount of capital invested in von Kramst’s factory let to achieve high profits and to distance form government’s mines of galman ore. It was a fact despite richer ore deposits in government’s mines. Main problem in von Kramst’s enterprise was necessity of increasing of galman ore extraction. There were major financial losses because of mechanical mines draining. As a result „Gwarectwo von Kramsta” sold its mines and factories to French investor „Tow. Sosnowieckie”. Renting of government’s galman mines and steelworks „Pod Będzinem" to P. P. Derwisz, A. A. Pomerancew and M. M. Szewcow’s heirs company changed situation of zinc industry in The Kingdom of Poland. „Dzierżawcy rządowych zakladóww górniczych w Królestwie Polskim” company dynamically developed its infrastructure and distanced „Tow. kopalń i zakładów hutniczych Sosnowieckich”. It was caused by different strategy of „Dzierżawcy' rządowych zakładów górniczych w Królestwie Polskim” and „Tow. kopalń i zakładów hutniczych Sosnowieckich”. "Tow. kopalń i zakładów hutniczych Sosnowieckich” wanted to take over all mining companies owned by German capital and to dominate in mining and metallurgical industry in Zagłębie Dąbrowskie. Zinc industry was taken by „Tow. Sosnowieckie” as a result of taking over mines and factories of „Tow. górniczo-hutnicze von Kramsta”. However, crisis in this industry caused financial problems in „Dzierżawcy rządowych zakładów górniczych w Królestwie Polskim" company and its bankrupcy. „Tow. Francusko-Rosyjskie” which took over „Dzierżawcy rządowych zakładów Górniczych w Królestwie Polskim” company belonged to French group managing „Société Anonyme des Forges et Acieries de Huta Bankowa” and „Tow. górniczo- -przemysłowe hr. Renard”. Good management and modernization increased productivity. As a result, „Tow. Francusko-Rosyjskie” reached maximum development despite exploatation of poor deposits of zinc silicat in The Kingdom of Poland. In 1907 „Tow. Francusko-Rosyjskie” mined 84,40% of galman ore and produced 60,49% of zinc. Poor deposits of galman ore had negative influence to zinc industry. It slowed down development of „Tow. kopalń i zakładów hutniczych Sosnowieckich” and „Tow. Francusko- -Rosyjskie”. The content of metallic zinc in galman ore in Zagłębie Dąbrowskie was average 50% but because of contamination it was only about 14%. On the other hand, high duties and monopolization of zinc mining on Górny Śląsk by a few potentates had negative influence on export of zinc to The Kingdom o f Poland. That is why zinc industry did nod achieve its pre- 1904 level.
Zainteresowanie Petersburga południem Rosji jako ośrodkiem przemysłu nastąpiło u schyłku XVIII wieku. Jednak wówczas rejon nie mógł przekształcić się w ośrodek przemysłu ciężkiego. Zmiana nastąpiła po klęsce Rosji w wojnie krymskiej. Aleksander II zdecydował o otwarciu rynku rosyjskiego. Polityka ogromnych inwestycji kolejowych miała przyśpieszyć skok cywilizacyjny Rosji i dogonić zachodnie potęgi. Jednak dopiero wprowadzenie „złotych ceł” i przejście do systemu protekcyjno-prohibicyjnego połączone z odkryciem w Krzywym Rogu bogatych złóż rud żelaza spowodowało dynamiczny wzrost przemysłu ciężkiego południowej Rosji. Zainteresowany był kapitał zagraniczny. Inwestorzy zachodni chcieli czerpać zyski z rozwijającego się rynku rosyjskiego. Wpływ na rozwój przemysłu ciężkiego południowej Rosji miała polityka gospodarcza Petersburga. Lukratywne zamówienia rządowe wpłynęły na wzrost zainteresowania inwestorów zachodnich ośrodkiem południowym. Wzrost produkcji w ośrodku południowym był imponujący. W latach 1880-1900 produkcja stali i wyrobów stalowych wzrosła z 4,5% do 44%, rudy żelaza i produkcji surówki żelaza w latach 1870-1900 z 1,4% do 51,8%, a wydobycie węgla kamiennego i koksu w analogicznym okresie, w latach 1870-1900, wzrosło z 36,8% do 69,5% w skali całego Cesarstwa Rosyjskiego. Zagłębie przemysłu ciężkiego południowej Rosji w ciągu kilkudziesięciu lat ochraniane systemem protekcyjno-prohibicyjnym Petersburga przekształciło się w najnowocześniejszy ośrodek tego przemysłu w Cesarstwie Rosyjskim i stało się drugim pod względem wielkości ośrodkiem przemysłu ciężkiego w Europie, włączając przez ten czas nowe obszary do okręgu (początkowo były to: Donbas i Krzywy Róg, a następnie dołączono do zagłębia południowego podokręgi Wybrzeże Morza Azowskiego, Niż Dnieprowski i Kercz).
Petersburg’s interest in southern Russia as industrial center took place at the end of XVIII century. In that time this region could not be transformed into heavy industry center. This situation changed after enforcing “golden customs” and switching to protective-prohibitive system. Rich iron ore beds discovered in Krivy Rog caused inflow of foreign capital. Lucrative government orders also affected development of heavy industry in southern Russia. Production increase in southern centre was impressive. In the years 1880-1900 production of steel and steel products increased from 4,5% to 44%. Iron ore output and production of pig iron in the years 1870-1900 from 1,4% to 51,8% and hard coal and coke output increased from 36,8% to 69,5% in the whole Russian Empire. Heavy industry center in southern Russia in several dozen years transformed into the most modern center of this industry in Russian Empire and became second biggest center of heavy industry in Europe.
Lack of modern road network had negative influence on economical situation in Republic of Polish nobilityand Księstwo Warszawskie. However. difficulties with national budget caused that only the government of The Kingdom of Poland started development of road network. It was connected with development of appropriate legislation. The Viceregent of The Kingdom of Poland. gen. Józef Zajączek decided to differentiate wheel roads to large, medium and country roads. He also defined rules of so called "powinności szarwarkowe". Significant development of state roads took place until the 40s of the XIX century. After 1847 building of wheel roads was discontinued due to development of railroads. It was connected with change of Russian conception of transport development. As a result in the years 1870-1914 most of state roads were built in the area of XIII (Warsaw) Okreg Komunikacji Lądowych i Wodnych on the right shore of river Vistula in the least industrialized districts (lubelski, lomzynski, siedlecki and suwalski). Aside from state roads in The Kingdom of Poland wheel roads were differentiated to district roads of I, II and III category. According to it building and maintaining of l-st category roads in The Kingdom of Poland were assigned to district authorities with funds from road tax. II-nd category roads were maintained by authorities of powiat and III-rd category by commune authorities and private land owners. As a result most of district roads in The Kingdom of Poland were built in most industrialized districts: piotrkowski and warszawski. Negative influence on development of district roads has decision of Russian authorities in 1895. Modern law concerning road capital wasn't extended to The Kingdom of Poland. As a result from 1895 to 1914 there was a dynamic development of wheel roads in Russia. Most significant development of wheel roads took place in Polish districts of German Empire. It was a result of appropriate subsidies and modern legislation. Road communication in Austro-Hungary was also much more developed than in Russia and The Kingdom of Poland.
Decentralizacja administracji publicznej, będąca efektem przemian ustrojowych, wymusiła dokonanie zmian w zakresie podziału dochodów publicznoprawnych. Państwo wyposażyć musiało jednostki samorządu terytorialnego w system dochodów, który pozwoliłby im realizować wszystkie przynależne zadania publiczne, tylko bowiem wtedy można mówić o samodzielnym podmiocie publicznym. Wobec tego jednak, że podział dochodów publicznych dokonywany jest w warunkach ograniczonej ich dostępności, zasadnicze znaczenie zyskuje ustalenie granicy pomiędzy tymi, które stanowią dochód państwa, a tymi, które są dochodem jednostki samorządu terytorialnego. Z tego też powodu na szczególną uwagę i rozważania zasługują gwarancje prawne wyposażenia tych jednostek w dochody publicznoprawne. Przedmiotem przedmiotowych rozważań jest więc przede wszystkim ustalenie, czy ustrojowe reguły podziału tych dochodów znalazły swoje zastosowanie w przepisach prawa krajowego, a na ile gwarancje te nie są przestrzegane.
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