W artykule przedstawiono drogę rozwoju rodziny mikroskopów fluorescencyjnych w celu osiągnięcia coraz wyższych rozdzielczości. Działające obecnie mikroskopy suprrozdzielcze typu STORM pozwalają na uzyskanie rozdzielczości rzędu 10 nm, a konstruktorzy mają mocne podstawy by przypuszczać, że dalszy postęp w zakresie syntezy bardziej wydajnych barwników fluorescencyjnych i doskonalenie komputerowej analizy obrazu pozwoli na osiągnięcie rozdzielczości do ok. 1 nm, czyli poziomu osiąganego obecnie przez mikroskopy elektronowe.
In this article the way of evolution of the family of fluorescent microscopes in order to reach substantially higher resolution was presented. Current, STORM-type, superresolution microscopes allow to obtain resolution of the order of 10 nm but ingenieurs have strong foundations to believe that further progress in the area of more efficient fluorescent dyes synthesis and improvement of the computer aided image analysis allow to obtain resolutions close to appoximately 1 nm - that is to the level of current electron microscopes.
Confocal microscopy is commonly used in mineralogy for structural analysis and to investigate the chemical composition of minerals. In our work we performed imaging of structural defects in meteorites i.e. imaging of microstructures, inclusions, fractures and cracks. Information obtained in this way enables better understanding of minerals' origin and evolution. The aim of our work was not concentrated on the deep description of physical processes related to confocal microscope (CSLM) imaging. This paper is limited to the presentation of a few CSLM functions and possibilities, which have practical application in the interpretation of fluorescence microscope imaging of minerals. Confocal microscopy enables identification and preview of localization of selected minerals and therefore can be used to image of the distribution of chemical compounds in minerals.
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