The EU trade in entitlements for the emission of carbon dioxide presents the first in the world, international market mechanism of an environmental dimension. It is expected that it will be conclusive to the socially cheapest internalization of external costs in the operations of enterprises which emit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses while maintaining and developing the competitiveness of EU economy. Verification of these expectations will be feasible following the first settlement period, i.e. in 2008. In this year SME's will also be fully covered by the schema.
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W opracowaniu przedstawiony został obecny stan rozwoju handlu emisjami gazów cieplarnianych oraz wybrane źródła kontrowersji z nim związanych. Przedstawiona została również argumentacja na rzecz mechanizmu ochrony klimatu i jednocześnie mechanizmu zrównoważonego rozwoju.
The objective of the hereby article focuses on greenhouse gasses emissions trading which occurred during the global financial crisis and economic recessions resulting from it in many developed countries. The author presents sources of such controversies against argumentation for supporting the need to keep developing emissions trading as the basic climate protection mechanism in international dimension. The above argumentation is supported by the analysis of global carbon market development, crucial part of which is represented by the market functioning within the framework of EU ETS.
In the year 2003, a law on further development of ecological tax reform was passed in Germany. The main objectives of this reform were assistance in electrical energy savings, increase of employment and support of environmental protection activities. In the initial part of the article, the basic assumptions of ecological tax reform in Germany as well as kinds of markets for emission certificates are discussed. Further, the relationship between ecological tax reform and trade of emission certificates for industrial enterprises is discussed. The conclusion of the comparative analysis conducted in the article is that the best option linking ecological tax reform and emissions trade is the one which proposes charges for certificates. These charges may be treated as tradable taxes. Tradable charges, a blend of instruments such as taxes and trade of emission certificates are connected by the advantages of both of these instruments. They allow for the collection of minimal charges for certificates which will cover the decrease of remuneration side costs, while at the same time may allow for maximum emission reduction by means of limiting the certificates.