In part I, the article presents the characteristics of non-military crisis situations, including natural threats and technical failures, terrorist threats, hybrid activities and disturbance of public order. The specified crisis situations imply specific actions of the public administration, which carries out its mission on the basis of national and international legal regulations. However, the forces and resources of the civil administration are not always able to provide assistance to all victims of crisis situations, in accordance with the applicable procedures. The implementation of procedures for providing aid and liquidating the effects of crisis situations requires specific, logistically prepared forces and resources. The legal regulations introduced on the basis of experience, including Poland's membership in NATO, enable the use of military forces to provide logistical support to the administration in crisis situations, under the so-called crisis logistics. Hence, the second part of the article presents the legal basis for the use of the Armed Forces in the logistic support of the civil administration, with particular emphasis on engineering troops and their support components, prepared for the liquidation of the consequences of crisis situations.
Part I presented the characteristics of non-military crisis situations, including natural threats and technical failures, terrorist threats, hybrid activities and disturbance of public order. The specified crisis situations imply specific actions of the public administration, which carries out its mission on the basis of national and international legal regulations. However, the forces and resources of the civil administration are not always able to provide assistance to all victims of crisis situations, in accordance with the applicable procedures. The implementation of procedures for providing aid and liquidating the effects of crisis situations requires specific, logistically prepared forces and resources. The legal regulations introduced on the basis of experience make it possible to use military forces to provide logistical support to the administration in crisis situations. Hence, in the second part of the article, the authors focused on presenting and familiarizing the reader with the possibility of using the Armed Forces in logistic support of civil administration, with particular emphasis on engineering troops and their support components, prepared to eliminate the effects of crisis situations.
The subject of the article concerns the problem of estimating the location of a slip line in a massif with a vertical retaining wall made of reinforced soil, in which the limit state of active pressure was induced. The task is solved experimentally, on the basis of measured unit strains in the reinforcement inserts, with the use of electrofusion strain gauges. The inserts are located in horizontal layers. The slip curve is formed by the points where the maximum normal stresses occur in the reinforcement inserts. This curve cuts off the fragment wedge that is being sought from the plane of the retaining wall. The slip line divides the area of the massif into two zones: active (splinter wedge) and passive, in which the reinforcement inserts are anchored. The test stand is presented, the technique of measuring the deformation of the reinforcement and the method of estimating the location of the slip surface are discussed.
W artykule zaakcentowano, że obecne warunki dotyczące monitorowania i zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego są coraz bardziej złożone. Złożoność wielu procesów i ich trudne uwarunkowania akcentują potrzebę dokonywania w miarę szybkich rozstrzygnięć. W ślad za tym wymogiem znacznie więcej uwagi poświęca się poprawie funkcjonowania systemów informacyjnych. Podkreślono, że coraz większa ilość informacji z jednej strony jest zjawiskiem korzystnym, ale z drugiej strony nie zawsze sprzyja podjęciu w miarę szybkiej decyzji. Trzeba dążyć do zdobywania różnymi kanałami (sposobami) wiarygodnej informacji, która będzie podstawą dokonywania rozstrzygnięć oddalających zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa i (lub) minimalizujących jego skutki. Podkreślono, że droga do osiągnięcia założonych celów jest w każdym przypadku odmienna; nie można przedstawić uniwersalnej metodyki postępowania. Oprócz uwarunkowań przedstawiono szereg propozycji ukierunkowanych na doskonalenia działalności osób sprawujących funkcje kierownicze oraz funkcjonowanie zespołów zarządzania kryzysowego.
The article emphasises that current conditions for monitoring and ensuring homeland security are increasingly complex. The complexity of many processes and their difficult conditions emphasise the need to make relatively quick decisions. Following this requirement, much more attention is being paid to improving the functioning of information systems. It was emphasised that the increasing amount of information is, on the one hand, a positive phenomenon, but on the other hand it is not always conducive to making a reasonably quick decision. It is necessary to strive to obtain, through various channels (methods), reliable information, which will be the basis for making decisions, dismissing security threats and (or) minimising their effects. It was emphasised that the path to achieving the objectives is different in each case; no universal methodology can be presented. In addition to the conditions, a number of proposals aimed at improving the activities of those in leadership roles and the functioning of crisis management teams are presented.
The subject of the article are the layers strengthening the base of the railway track, used in special cases of modernization of the main lines on the Polish State Railways. The construction of a three-dimensional reinforcing mat, also known as a "mattress", is presented. The reinforcing "mattress" is a layer of stone aggregate pre-compressed in an openwork coating made of plastic mesh. The results of the research on vertical displacements of the experimental section established in the railway track with a spatial mat embedded in the substrate are discussed. Vertical displacements were obtained as a function of time in the track subjected to the operation process.
Artykuł prezentuje rozważania naukowe obejmujące dokonywanie rozstrzygnięć decyzyjnych w sytuacjach kryzysowych. Analiza naukowa oprócz przedstawienia specyfiki procesu decyzyjnego, konstatuje go z badaniami przeprowadzonymi na grupie 102 osób odpowiedzialnych za zarządzanie kryzysowe na szczeblu samorządowym. Wyniki badań wskazują na podobne podejście w odniesieniu do efektywności i szybkości podejmowanych decyzji. Natomiast w kwestiach pozyskiwania informacji, elastyczności w podejmowaniu decyzji, tworzenia odwodów w postaci sił i środków do realizacji zadań respondentów oraz potrzebie informowania ludności o możliwych konsekwencjach zaistniałej sytuacji kryzysowej cechował dualizm. Mimo specyfiki procesu decyzyjnego zdecydowana większość respondentów (87%) uważała, że rozstrzygniecie decyzji powinno zapaść jednoosobowo, jednakże na podstawie zespołowego wypracowania decyzji.
The article presents scientific deliberations, including decision making in crises. Apart from the presentation of the decision-making process specificity, the scientific analysis confronts it with the research conducted on the group of 102 people responsible for crisis management at the local government level. The research results indicate a similar approach to the effectiveness and speed of decision-making. In contrast, dualism characterized the issues of information acquisition, flexibility in decision making, management of reserves in the form of forces and means to carry out the respondents’ tasks, and the need to inform the population about the possible consequences of a crisis. Despite the specifics of the decision-making process, most respondents (87%) believed that one person should decide but on the grounds of the decision-making process.
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