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The journalist is required to be reliable and diligent in preparing the press materials. The aim of the paper is to determine the activities that should be undertaken by the journalists to meet the standards provided by applicable law. Regulations referring to the journalists’ rights as well as regulations intended to protect the rights of persons who are the subject of interest to mass media employees were analyzed. The subject of the techniques that are used by the entities interested in initiating or suppressing press criticism to impact media representatives is also undertaken.
Od dziennikarza wymaga się rzetelności oraz staranności w przygotowaniu materiałów prasowych. Celem artykułu jest ustalenie, jakie działania mają oni podejmować, aby dochować standardów przewidzianych obowiązującym prawem. Analizie podlegały przepisy dotyczące zarówno uprawnień dziennikarzy, jak i te mające chronić dobra osób będących przedmiotem zainteresowania pracowników środków masowego przekazu. Podjęto także temat technik oddziaływania na przedstawicieli mediów przez podmioty zainteresowane inicjowaniem lub tłumieniem krytyki prasowej
Purpose: Effective social and economic revitalisation of post-industrial cities involves municipal government entities undertaking planning activities. The aim of the paper is to analyze these activities as the entities have to set not only far-reaching goals to be achieved, but also develop a strategy to achieve the intended results, which acts as a basis for the selection of optimal tactical actions. The city planning document needs to refer to broader regional, metropolitan and national strategies and include specific sectoral programmes within the city. In addition, it should include an evaluation model that ensures the verification of the effectiveness of the operations undertaken. Methodology: The Zabrze development strategy was analysed to determine the content of planning documents in the field of development strategy of post-industrial cities. The content of the document, taking into account the specified priorities, was then verified with systematically prepared reports specifying the degree of implementation of plans, budgetary outlays and the schedule of activities. Findings: As a result, it was possible to link the planning assumptions with the facts in the case of the revitalisation of the city, which, several years ago, was a centre of heavy industry with numerous mines, steelworks and manufacturing plants. We focused primarily on the analysis of the implementation of tasks related to social and infrastructure revitalisation. It was agreed that in the case of Zabrze, the development of a new field of economic activity, i.e. post-industrial heritage tourism, played an important role. Value: It has been shown that consistent implementation of the adopted plans by the local government can result in a change of the image of the city.
The foundation of the social communication system of the Polish police is the press officers of district and city departments, who maintain regular contact with journalists of local and regional media, and incidentally also with national or international mass media. The aim of the 2022 survey was to determine the media relations activities, techniques and tools used by officers. All press officers in the police garrison in the Silesian Voivodeship participated in the research project. 100% of press officers took part in the survey. Responding to the expectations of journalists police officers prefer direct contact with journalists, including 52% by phone. Although press officers consider social media to be a good method of contacting the public (30%), they do not use it themselves in contacts with journalists. They prefer to use the official police website (28%). Police spokesmen, due to the information they have, gain the attention of the mass media and do not have to use modern communication techniques to attract journalists. Maintaining constant contact with journalists, press officers also assessed the level of their professionalism. According to the respondents, TV journalists are characterized by the highest professionalism (41%). In second place are press and radio journalists with a similar number of indications (27% and 24%). The professionalism of Internet editorial staff was rated the worst (8%).
Prasa samorządowa na trwałe wpisała się w polski krajobraz medialny. Wydawanie gazet bezpośrednio przez administrację terenową lub na jej zlecenie spotyka się jednak z krytyką. Podstawowym zarzutem jest nieuczciwa konkurencja wobec czasopism prywatnych. Zdaniem niektórych regionalnych izb obrachunkowych, nadzorujących jednostki samorządu terytorialnego, publikowanie płatnych reklam przez prasę samorządową jest łamaniem dyscypliny finansów publicznych. W opinii innych izb – to niezbywalne prawo prasy, także samorządowej. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań można stwierdzić, że sami dziennikarze mediów komercyjnych w większości uważają, że prasa samorządowa powinna być wydawana. Na celowość jej edycji wskazują też studenci dziennikarstwa i komunikacji społecznej, dostrzegając przy tym – podobnie jak dziennikarze – słabe strony prasy samorządowej, czyli np. przypadki nadmiernego akcentowania komunikacji perswazyjnej czy braku profesjonalizmu zespołów redakcyjnych. Ogólna ocena prasy samorządowej formułowana przez środowisko dziennikarskie jest pozytywna – przy świadomości, że prasa taka w obowiązującym stanie prawnym nie wypełnia funkcji kontrolnej wobec samorządów.
The self-government press has become a permanent part of Polish media landscape. Publishing of newspapers directly by the local administration or by its order, however, meets with criticism. Their main criticism is unfair competition against private newspapers. According to some regional accounting chambers, supervising self-government units, publishing paid advertising by the self-government press is the violation of public finance discipline. In the opinion of other chambers – it is the inalienable right of the press, including self-government press. Based on the surveys it can be stated that commercial media journalists mostly think that self-government press should be published. On the advisability of their publishing point out also students of journalism and communication, being aware – like the journalists – of weaknesses of self-government press, that is, e.g. the cases of overemphasizing persuasive communication or lack of professional editorial teams. Overall rating of the self-government press formulated by the journalism circle is positive – with the awareness that the press in the legal situation does not fulfill the control function to self-governments.
Prasa samorządowa pełni ważną rolę w zapewnianiu mieszkańcom dostępu do wiadomości o charakterze lokalnym. Stanowi też narzędzie polityki komunikacyjnej jednostek samorządu terytorialnego. Mimo linii programowej spójnej z zasadami marketingu terytorialnego może dbać o dochowywanie rzetelności dziennikarskiej, a materiały prasowe upowszechniać z poszanowaniem zasad bezstronności. Część redakcji wykorzystuje jednak różnorodne metody prezentacji treści, które przy zachowaniu pozorów obiektywizmu wyraźnie służą celom wizerunkowym. Wśród stosowanych technik występuje publikowanie artykułów wstępnych, wywiadów, odpowiedzi na pytania czytelników czy zastosowanie konwencji przeglądu prasy bądź debaty publicznej z udziałem liderów opinii. W głównym nurcie prasy samorządowej dominuje przy tym formuła pozytywnego opisywania rzeczywistości. 77 proc. respondentów z aprobatą wypowiada się o działalności wydawniczej samorządów, wskazując na preferowaną formę miesięcznika edytowanego bezpośrednio przez urząd gminy lub starostwo powiatowe.
Self-government press plays an important role in providing residents with local news. It is also a communication tool for the self-government units. Despite the program line relating to territorial marketing, it can be credible and press materials can be disseminated with objectivity and impartiality. Some of editor’s offices use different content presentation methods which, preserving objectivity, serve image goals. Among used techniques there are, among others, editorials, interviews, answers for readers’ questions or press review with participation of opinion leaders. In the mainstream of self-government, press dominates positive reality description. 77% of respondents have positive opinions on self-government publishing and points out as the most preferable form – monthly journal published edited directly by Commune Office or Country Governor’s Office.
Purpose: In order to establish the applicable principles for the practical implementation of police media relations activities, a survey was conducted among all press officers of the Silesian garrison in 2022. The results obtained were then compared with the results of a project carried out on the same research field in 2017. The result was to identify trends in the management of police information policy and to obtain data on the selection and use of communication tools. Design/methodology/approach: A survey questionnaire was addressed to all press officers of the Silesian police garrison. The questions concerned, among other things, the tools used in media relations activities, perceptions of the communicative effectiveness of individual mass media or the methods preferred by journalists for obtaining information. In order to determine the nature of transformations in media relations activities, the results obtained were compared with data obtained during a similar survey, but carried out five years earlier. Conclusion: An overwhelming proportion of officers responsible for maintaining relations with the media continued to declare traditional forms of contact such as a telephone call (52 per cent of indications), which is probably related to the high attractiveness for journalists of information held by the police press service. In contrast, awareness of the importance of social media has increased among officers (from 22 per cent to 30 per cent), although this has not been followed by an increase in the level of their use in media relations practice. There has also been a drastic increase in the level of approval (from 53 per cent to 75 per cent) of the use of rectification as an effective method of responding to publications containing inaccuracies, misrepresentations or manipulations. Practical implications: The results obtained are of implementation significance due to the possibility of applying in practice the public relations activities of both the uniformed services and other organisations implementing communication strategies based on the use of mass media, and this particularly concerns media relations activities. Originality/value: Conducting research into the management of police communication allows for scientific reflection on methods of information distribution and at the same time creating the image of both the formation itself and forming opinions about the level of security among media audiences. The analyses described above also allow further areas of research to be identified and actions to be taken to implement innovative methods of improving the process of social communication of the police and other uniformed services.
Purpose: The presentation of measures taken within the Polish city with poviat rights, which is Zabrze, to mitigate the spread of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, secure the functioning of local administration structures and ensure the work of institutions and companies subordinate to local government in the light of the pandemic in 2020. Methodology: The process of involvement of municipal entities in the activities of government anti-crisis services, the specificity of performing tasks for the benefit of the local community and taking initiatives to mitigate the effects of the pandemic in particular segments of the inhabitants' life activity was shown. Findings: The implemented management procedures for the planning and coordination of measures to reduce the negative social and economic effects caused by coronavirus were presented. Practical implications: The record and analysis of the measures taken by the local government administration together with its subordinate entities in the event of a crisis may serve to optimise planning activities in case of a similar threat. Exceptionality: The activity of individual entities, institutions and services was a reaction to an exceptional epidemic situation, which affected all spheres of social and economic life, and therefore required a conscious crisis management.
Celem wprowadzenia robotów jest poprawa skuteczności, precyzja, powtarzalność (standaryzacja) i zmniejszenie inwazyjności zabiegów chirurgicznych. Obecnie roboty medyczne stosowane w chirurgii to telemanipulatory – czyli wszystkie decyzje są podejmowane przez chirurga - operatora robota. Teleoperacje pozwalają na rozszerzenie grupy pacjentów, u których skuteczna ingerencja chirurgiczna jest możliwa pomimo braku obecności specjalisty w miejscu przebywania pacjenta. Zdalnie sterowany robot przenosi na odległość funkcje motoryczne i sensoryczne operatora. Człowiek, operator robota chirurgicznego, powinien być traktowany jako element systemu sterowania powiązany przez system informatyczny i działanie układu elektromechanicznego robota z narzędziem wykonawczym. Prowadzone są w FRK prace nad dodaniem wyczucia siły i wzbogaceniem zbioru informacji dostępnych w konsoli dla operatora o obraz rzeczywisty wzbogacony o przetworzone dane diagnostyczne, planowanie i symulacje efektów operacji. Artykuł omawia szereg aspektów dotyczących sprzężenia siłowego, teleoperacji i pionierskie w Polsce doświadczenia zabrzańskiego Robin Heart Team.
The purpose of the introduction of robots is to improve efficiency, precision, repeatability (standardization) and reduce the invasiveness of surgical procedures. Currently, medical robots used in surgery are telemanipulators - that is, all decisions are made by a surgeon - a robot operator. Teleoperations allow the expansion of the group of patients in whom effective surgical intervention is possible despite the absence of a specialist at the patient's location. The remote-controlled robot transfers the motor and sensory functions of the operator at a distance. A human being, a surgical robot operator, should be treated as an element of the control system connected by the IT system and operation of the robot's electromechanical system with an executive tool. FRK is working on adding a sense of strength and enriching the set of information available in the operator's console with a real image enriched with processed diagnostic data, planning and simulation of effects of operations. The article discusses a number of aspects related to force feedback, teleoperation and the pioneering experiences of the Robin Heart Team in Zabrze.
Zdalne sterowanie narzędziami chirurgicznymi stanowi do dzisiaj wyzwanie. Badania różnych metod sterowania na odległość, w różnych warunkach technicznych i na różnych dystansach, pozwalają określić granice skuteczności i bezpieczeństwa telechirurgii. Zdobyta wiedza będzie wykorzystywana do doskonalenia wyposażenia, konstrukcji i oprogramowania, a w efekcie: optymalizacji celu wprowadzenia robotyki do medycyny. Celem wprowadzenia robotów jest poprawa skuteczności, precyzja, powtarzalność (standaryzacja) i zmniejszenie inwazyjności zabiegów chirurgicznych. W tym artykule autorzy opisali eksperyment podjęty w styczniu 2022 r. - demonstracja zdalnego sterowania robotem Robin Heart Pelikan wykorzystując ogólnodostępny Internet. Opracowano, zastosowano i przetestowano kilka różnych metod sterowania na odległość: pomiędzy Instytutem Protez Serca w Zabrzu (konsola sterowania) a robotem Robin Heart umieszczonym w halach targowych ArabHealth 2022 w Dubaju. Na podstawie pomiarów oceniono, która z metod transmisji sygnałów i obrazów jest najbardziej optymalna, czyli zapewnia zarówno niewielkie opóźnienia (latencja) w transmisji sygnałów jak i odpowiednią jakość oraz kontrolę przesyłanych informacji.
The remote control of surgical instruments is still a challenge today. Research on various methods of remote control, in different technical conditions and at different distances, allows to define the limits of effectiveness and safety of telesurgery. The acquired knowledge will be used to improve equipment, construction and software and, as a result: optimize the goal of introducing robotics into medicine. The purpose of introducing robots is to improve the efficiency, precision, repeatability (standardization) and reduce the invasiveness of surgical procedures. In this article, the authors describe an experiment undertaken in January 2022 - a demonstration of the remote control of the Robin Heart Pelikan robot using the public Internet. Several different methods of remote control from Zabrze, a robot located in Arab-Health2022 exhibition halls in Dubai, were developed, applied and tested. Based on the measurements, it was assessed which of the methods of signal and image transmission is the most optimal, i.e. it ensures both low delays (latency) in signal transmission and appropriate quality and control of the transmitted information.
Content available remote Healthcare Robotics 2020 & HERO
Surveys performed among the residents of Zabrze indicate that in 2021 the majority of respondents (67%), wishing to use public services provided by the local government, still preferred to visit the office in person. Residents noticed negative aspects of direct service, such as queues of people waiting for the case to be completed (26%), excessive bureaucracy (24%) or lack of parking spaces (18%). However, they counted on help in completing the necessary formalities by officials who should be: professional (20%), communicative (18%) and kind (17%). The use of the digital platform (ePUAP) dedicated to customer service was reported by 32% of respondents. At the same time, as much as 40% of the respondents, in order to save time and to simplify procedures, declared their will to use innovative methods of remote contact with public administration (e.g. via social media). The COVID-19 pandemic showed that it was possible to increase (even by 250%) the number of cases handled remotely, which with over 90% of households in Poland with access to a computer network creates opportunities for integrated development as part of the Smart City idea. The aim of the paper was to identify the residents’ expectations related to the provision of public services by local administration. Precise determination of the ways of perception of both direct and remote customer service has not only an application value. It also allows for further research study on the management of local government, including the organization of management control, as well as social communication of local governments.
The Covid-19 pandemic has radically affected social and organizational behavior. The aim of the article is to indicate the number and scope of public services provided electronically during the Covid-19 pandemic. Research in this area has not been conducted so far. The authors give answer to the research question on how the limitations of social mobility during the pandemic contributed to the use of public services provided electronically. The research was carried out using the methods of a classic telephone interview and a questionnaire directed to a deliberately selected research sample. As a result of the study it was found that these limitations generated a radical increase in the number of e-services delivered by local government administration and the need to verify the methods of information management and communication with the society used so far. The trend may turn out to be much more persistent than the sanitary restrictions that triggered it. Local government units that were the subject to the study recorded an increase in the number of public services provided with use of the Electronic Platform of Public Administration Services (ePUAP) by 170.8% in 2020 compared to the number before the pandemic in 2019.
Pandemia Covid-19 radykalnie wpłynęła na zachowania społeczne i organizacyjne. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie liczby i zakresu usług publicznych świadczonych drogą elektroniczną podczas pandemii Covid-19. Badania w tym zakresie nie były dotychczas prowadzone. Autorzy odpowiadają na pytanie badawcze, w jaki sposób ograniczenia mobilności społecznej podczas pandemii przyczyniły się do korzystania z usług publicznych świadczonych drogą elektroniczną. Badanie przeprowadzono metodą klasycznego wywiadu telefonicznego oraz kwestionariusza skierowanego do celowo dobranej próby badawczej. W wyniku badania stwierdzono, że ograniczenia te spowodowały radykalny wzrost liczby e-usług świadczonych przez administrację samorządową oraz konieczność weryfikacji dotychczas stosowanych metod zarządzania informacją i komunikacji ze społeczeństwem. Trend może okazać się znacznie trwalszy niż ograniczenia sanitarne, które go wywołały. Badane jednostki samorządu terytorialnego odnotowały w 2020 roku wzrost liczby usług publicznych świadczonych z wykorzystaniem Elektronicznej Platformy Usług Administracji Publicznej (ePUAP) o 170,8% w stosunku do liczby sprzed pandemii w 2019 roku.
This study examines the management strategies for internationalizing and disseminating science in EuroScience projects, focusing on the 2024 European City of Science initiative. It assesses societal expectations towards technical universities' roles in science dissemination for sustainable development, emphasizing the need for managing interdisciplinary collaborations and public engagement. Using a diagnostic survey, the research highlights societal desires for accessible scientific knowledge, popularization of research findings, and interactive science activities. Findings are presented through descriptive statistics and comparative analyses, employing the Shapiro-Wilk, U Mann Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis tests, and χ 2 Pearson test for nominal variables. The results underscore the importance of effective management in science dissemination to foster public involvement and sustainable advancements.
Niniejsze badanie analizuje strategie zarządzania internacjonalizacją i rozpowszechnianiem nauki w projektach EuroScience, koncentrując się na inicjatywie Europejskie Miasto Nauki 2024. Ocenia oczekiwania społeczne wobec roli uczelni technicznych w upowszechnianiu nauki na rzecz zrównoważonego rozwoju, podkreślając potrzebę zarządzania współpracą interdyscyplinarną i zaangażowaniem publicznym. Wykorzystując ankietę diagnostyczną, badanie podkreśla społeczne pragnienia dotyczące dostępnej wiedzy naukowej, popularyzacji wyników badań i interaktywnych działań naukowych. Wyniki przedstawiono za pomocą statystyk opisowych i analiz porównawczych, wykorzystując testy Shapiro-Wilka, U Manna-Whitneya, Kruskala-Wallisa oraz test χ2 Pearsona dla zmiennych nominalnych. Wyniki podkreślają znaczenie skutecznego zarządzania w upowszechnianiu nauki w celu wspierania zaangażowania społeczeństwa i zrównoważonego rozwoju.
Purpose: The aim of this paper is to present the anti-crisis and aid measures undertaken in Poland during the first hundred days after the aggression of the armed forces of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, which began on 24 February 2022. Design/methodology/approach: For the purpose of this paper, legal acts were analysed, literature was reviewed, representatives of organisations involved in refugee assistance, Polish and foreign volunteers, and officials responsible for conducting anti-crisis activities were interviewed. The result was a consolidation of various forms of activity in Poland that constituted an institutional and civic response to the war initiated by Russia's attack on Ukraine. Findings: A study of the activity of the local government unit in the face of the situation caused by Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine was carried out by analysing the actions taken in Zabrze in the period of one hundred days after the outbreak of war. Originality/value: The described activities - on the example of the local administration and the local community of Zabrze - confirmed that the emergency situation related to the war in Ukraine activated members of the local government community and mobilised them to directly participate in the implemented aid projects.
A city based on the sustainable development priorities, friendly to its residents, combines human activity, technology challenges, and environmental requirements. The implementation of the idea of smart city should be discussed with regard to specific areas of activity. In order to identify the way of perceiving the activity conducted under this concept, a survey was carried out among employees of the City Office in Zabrze. The cognitive, competence and informational scope was verified. It was found that the overwhelming majority of officials (79%) are convinced that smart city principles are being implemented. The survey participants also provided specific examples of smart-city initiatives undertaken in the city, and a significant part of the respondents (64%) assigned their professional tasks to them. Moreover, three out of four surveyed officials in Zabrze declared that they know the tools supporting the smart urban development. The results presented in the article constitute pilot studies aimed at understanding the extent to which the Smart City idea is known by local government administration employees. In addition, these results serve as a tool for the authorities of Zabrze to disseminate knowledge about smart city among employees of the city hall.
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