The article describes the importance of prevention and support for adolescents with depressive disorders. The mental health crisis in this age group has significantly increased in recent years, which is the result of, among other things, dynamic and unpredictable changes in the sphere of social, economic and civilisational life, therefore the issues raised in the article are intended to draw attention to the dissemination of knowledge about prevention and strengthening the emotional condition of adolescents. The analyses clearly emphasized that school, family and self-care can significantly influence the mental health of adolescents. Attention was paid to the school, which should provide access to school psychologists, implement programmes and workshops and promote supporting education. The family home should create a safe atmosphere of communication, understanding and acceptance, where closeness and joint solving problems of adolescents would be the basis. An adolescent, in turn, should not be afraid to seek and ask for help and try to take conscious actions to take care of his or her well-being.
Tematem artykułu jest znaczenie profilaktyki i wsparcia nastolatków z zaburzeniami depresyjnymi. Kryzys zdrowia psychicznego w tej grupie wiekowej znacząco się nasilił w ostatnich latach, co jest wynikiem dynamicznych i nieprzewidywalnych zmian zachodzących w sferze życia społecznego, gospodarczego i cywilizacyjnego, dlatego poruszone w artykule zagadnienia mają na celu zwrócenie uwagi na upowszechnianie wiedzy na temat prewencji i wzmocnienia kondycji emocjonalnej młodzieży. W toku analiz wyraźnie podkreślono, że zarówno szkoła, rodzina, jak i troska o siebie są w stanie znacząco wpłynąć na zdrowie psychiczne nastolatków. Zwrócono uwagę na szkołę, która powinna zapewniać dostęp do psychologów szkolnych, realizować programy i warsztaty oraz promować wspierającą edukację. Dom rodzinny powinien tworzyć bezpieczną atmosferę komunikacji, zrozumienia i akceptacji, gdzie podstawą będzie bliskość i wspólne rozwiązywanie problemów wieku dojrzewania. Nastolatek z kolei nie powinien bać się szukać i prosić o pomoc oraz starać się podejmować świadome działania w celu zadbania o swój dobrostan.
This article focuses on the role and importance of pupil activity during early childhood education, and on the use of activating methods in the educational process. The usefulness of these methods in school practice is clear, because it is widely known that learning by doing brings the best results in the first school years. By using such methods during classes, we contribute, among other things, to the independence of children as regards thinking, putting forward proposals, decision-making, planning and searching for other non-standard solutions. We provide them with a chance to deepen their knowledge, drawing on different sources of information. During their work in the classroom or in the field, pupils must sympathize and cooperate with one another, presenting their own ideas and treating the proposals of others with due respect. They cannot afford to be afraid of independence, hard and difficult work, and responsibility. This approach, based on creative activity, maximizes the opportunities for the child's development. In such a situation, the focus of the curriculum shifts to the pupil as a person. The teacher is supposed to assist the pupil by creating opportunities for gaining new experience, for commitment, for self-reflection and for preparing a plan of action. The teacher must be aware that the choice of activating methods should contribute to an increase in knowledge, skills and habits, as well as to changes (at least in a widely construed sense) to the actual personality of the pupil. Therefore, the activity and activation of pupils should be the focus for the teacher. Awareness, knowledge and commitment contribute to the perception of the pupil as a unique link, playing an active role in the implementation of tasks. The hope is that such pupils will make use of the experience gained thus during classes in their subsequent activities.
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