The red fox Vulpes vulpes (Linnaeus, 1758) density and habitat use were studied in open farmland of western Poland, where forests covered only 6% of the area. During 1997-2000, nocturnal spotlight counts (in spring and early winter), the location of breeding sites and snow tracking were carried out, and the feeding habitat was described based on the stomach content of shot individuals. The average fox density estimated on the ground of spotlight counts was 1.02 individuals/km in spring and 1.63 ind./km in early winter, while the winter density obtained from the results of track counts was 1.26 ind./km2. The average breeding population density, calculated as the double density of breeding sites (mean 0.31/km ), amounted to 61% of the average total spring density, which indicates the occurrence of surplus individuals in the population. The searching intensity of farmland by foxes did not changed with the increasing distance from forests, but relatively larger number of individuals was observed <0.5 km than 0.5-1.0 km away from settlements. Out of 81 identified breeding sites, 17% were located in forests and 83% in farmland. The predominant ingredients of the fox's diet were farm livestock and small rodents (44.4 and 43.8% of the stomach content volume, respectively). The fox density in the study area was 5.4 times higher, compared with the turn of the 1970s, and changes in the habitat use consisted of more intensive occupation of open farmland and the use of human-produced food. Thus, these changes may have been among reasons of the increase in the fox density in western Poland.
Red foxesVulpes vulpes (Linnaeus, 1758) were experimentally removed in two nearby areas located in western Poland to verify the hypothesis about the limiting impact of their predation on the low-density population of brown haresLepus europaeus (Pallas, 1778) (4.4-10.6 ind./km2 in late autumn). In 1996/1997–2001/2002 foxes were culled (mainly in autumn and winter) in the reduction area (32 km2), whereas in the control area (34 km2) intensive culling was carried out only in 2000/2001–2001/2002. Indices of fox and hare spring densities were estimated using spotlight counts, as mean numbers of individuals observed per 10 km of the counting route. Annual changes in the fox density indices were negatively correlated with the bag of foxes, and annual changes in the hare density indices were negatively related to the annual changes in fox density indices. The fox density indices were significantly lower in the reduction area than in the control one only in 2000–2001 (2.8 times, on average), and in the same years, the hare population responded with higher density (1.7 times, on average). The hare responses took place without time delay, which suggests that the changes in fox abundance affected the situation of hares primarily in the autumn-winter season.