For many companies dumping is a permanent feature of their export strategies. It is a part of a pricing strategy that is driven by market structures, business cycles or the characteristics of the products that are produced. Most forms of dumping have a clear strategic dimension. Of these deliberate strategies, only one is potentially detrimental to the welfare of the country importing the dumped product: predation. However, in practice it is underselling that importing-competing firms consider unfair, which reflects their inability or unwillingness to met the price set by a foreign competitor. Why do companies dump if they can be accused of unfair practices? Which practices should be subject to self-restraint if an export company is to maximaze the risk of anti-dumping accusations in export markets? This article presents a brief summary of the basic issues involved and relates them to companies concerns in export operations.
Stosowanie dumpingu w praktyce nie jest zjawiskiem sporadycznym, ponieważ rynki zarówno krajów rozwiniętych, jak i rozwijających się działają w warunkach konkurencji niedoskonałej, co wymusza dostosowywanie strategii sprzedaży do warunków panujących w otoczeniu. Z tego powodu niektóre przedsiębiorstwa uciekają się do dumpingu jako formy rywalizacji z zagranicznym konkurentem, co może wywoływać poważne skutki dla gospodarki. Zamierzeniem Autorki jest zdefiniowanie podstawowych pojęć oraz omówienie teoretycznych fundamentów dotyczących tego zjawiska. W tym celu przedstawiono kwestie związane z pojęciem dyskryminacji cenowej, dumpingu, przyczynami jego powstawania oraz skutkami oddziaływania na kraj importujący i eksportujący. Rozważania zostały uzupełnione współczesną teorią rozwoju handlu wewnątrzgałęziowego, zaprezentowaną na przykładzie modelu „wzajemnego dumpingu” Brandera i Krugmana.
Dumping is a part of a pricing strategy that is driven by market structures, business cycles or the characteristics of products that are manufactured. It is rarely an anti-competitive practice because most forms of dumping have a clear strategic dimmension and are generally common and beneficial, not only to consumers or an exporting company but also to any economy where domestic price systems are distorted. However, in practice it is underselling that importing-competing firms consider unfair, which reflects their inability or unwillingness to meet the price set by a foreign competitor. Does dumping have any adverse effects? What are the main economic outcomes of this kind of competition? Can dumping be beneficial to the economy of any importing country? The aim of this article is an attempt to answer these questions and present a brief summary of the economic effects of dumping regarding an importing and exporting country economy.
There were significant changes in the range of the information access observed during last two decades. It has determined growth of the international capital exchange. The effect of such situation is raising foreign investors’ participation in exchanges’ turnover. The monetary union in Europe indeed decreased FX risk in euro zone additionally. The goal of this paper is to analyze how the introduction of the euro influenced on stock exchange volatility. The hypothesis about the introduction of the euro stabilizing influence on euro zone stock exchanges volatility verification has been undertaken. The previous research does not fully confirm legitimacy of this opinion. The occurrence of such influence possibility has been proved, but the researchers are far from straight generalizations. The empirical analysis conducted in the article did not prove the hypothesis about the introduction of the euro stabilizing influence on euro zone stock exchanges with no doubts. There were some stock exchanges lowering their volatility after EMU accession analyzed in the paper, but we also find some others that such situation did not appear. Strong positive verification of Authors’ hypothesis cannot be done. However the hypothesis about the introduction of the euro stabilizing influence on euro zone stock exchanges volatility may be verified empirically. Although some other important stock exchange volatility determinants, strengthening or reducing the role of euro, may be omitted.
In the conditions of increasing environmental threats that arise from overexploitation of the environment and business activity the idea of implementation and functioning of environmental management system (EMS) in enterprises is getting more popular. Taking into account these expectations, as well as the desire to generate profits, companies should use instruments by which they can manage their goals in a sustainable way. The main aim of the article is to present the role and benefits of implementation and functioning EMS compliant with the ISO 14001 standard, EMAS (in force only in EU countries), as well as programs: Cleaner Production and Responsible Care. The Authors focus on EMS scale, problems and meaning for companies functioning in contemporary globalizing world.
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