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Zaprezentowano analizę zastosowania elementów Przemysłu 4.0 w modelowaniu procesów innowacyjnych w przemyśle chemicznym. Analiza ta wskazała obszary, które w procesach innowacyjnych umożliwiają zastosowanie rozwiązań Przemysłu 4.0, ale wymagają także dodatkowych działań, np. kontrolnych, na wczesnym etapie ich wdrażania. Analiza wskazała także zarówno spodziewane, jak i wstępnie osiągnięte efekty zastosowania rozwiązań Przemysłu 4.0 przez badane przedsiębiorstwa.
Readiness of Polish chem. enterprises to implement the elements of Industry 4.0 in their industrial practice was tested by a poll. Eleven representatives of 6 enterprises answered to the inquiry. The anal. of the operational effects was found the most important tool for increasing the prodn. efficiency. An improvement of resources utilization and a reduction of prodn. costs were mostly expected as results of the Industry 4.0 implementation.
Obecnie funkcjonują dwie główne metody szacowania minimalnego wymogu kapitałowego z tytułu ryzyka kredytowego, określane jako: "metoda standardowa" oraz "metoda wewnętrznych ratingów". Metody te różnią się między sobą zarówno założeniami, jak i złożonością modelu formalnego. Konstrukcja metody standardowej (Standard Approach) jest prosta, intuicyjna, a w efekcie nie wymaga szczegółowych wyjaśnień. Inaczej postrzegana jest metoda IRB (Internal Rating Based Approach). Opiera się ona na skomplikowanej formule matematycznej, której założenia są zrozumiałe jedynie dla bardzo wąskiego grona osób. Najbardziej powszechną praktyką w przypadku IRB jest bierne stosowanie narzuconych przez regulacje formuł, bez wnikania w ich sens ekonomiczno-statystyczny. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest próba wyjaśnienia podstawowych założeń ramowej formuły IRB. Wyjaśnienie to zostało w maksymalnym stopniu uproszczone. Miejsce szczegółowych wywodów matematyczno-statystycznych zajmują wyjaśnienia intuicyjne, odwołujące się do typowych doświadczeń bankowca.
A key area of concern for banking supervisors is solvency of banking institutions, which determines the stability of the entire banking sector. In the common opinion of regulators, equity capital is the best protection against unexpected losses. The main proponent of this approach has been for many years the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. The evolution of the Basel agreements is aimed at improving the protection against increasing forms of risk, yet in the common opinion, credit risk still plays a dominant role. At the moment there are two main methods for estimating the capital requirement for credit risk, known as the Standard Approach and the Internal Ratings Approach. The Standard Approach is simple, intuitive and consequently does not require detailed explanations. The Internal Rating Based Approach, on the other hand, is based on a complex mathematical formula, comprehensible only to a very small group of specialists. The purpose of this paper is to explain the basic assumptions of the IRB framework. This explanation has been simplified as much as possible. Detailed mathematical and statistical proofs are replaced with an intuitive explanation, referring to the typical experience of bankers. The IRB formula framework is actually modified by the banking regulations and adapted to various types of credit exposures. The general assumptions, however, remain unchanged. Understanding the main objectives of the IRB formula opens up further discussion on its relevance to the measurement of actual exposure to credit risk.
M imo wysokiej niepewności na rynkach, związanej z pandemią COVID-19, polska branża chemiczna nieustannie inwestuje. Nakłady inwestycyjne w 2020 r. wyniosły ponad 13 mld zł. To 10-procentowy wzrost w czterech sektorach polskiego przemysłu chemicznego względem 2019 r. Największe krajowe spółki chemiczne realizują kluczowe projekty rozwojowe i zapowiadają kolejne.
Nowy model regulacji kapitałowych banku, określany potocznie jako Bazylea III, pomimo szeregu istotnych różnic w stosunku do wcześniejszych regulacji zmierza w kierunku dalszego zwiększenia udziału kapitału akcyjnego w finansowaniu banku. Rodzi to obawy o wywołanie zjawiska „credit crunch”, skutkującego spowolnieniem gospodarczym. Częściowym rozwiązaniem problemu mogłaby być próba włączenia długu do kapitału regulacyjnego banku. Celem opracowania jest wskazanie podstawowych przesłanek budowania struktury kapitałowej banku, a w szczególności wpływu czynników rynkowych i regulacyjnych na relację pomiędzy kapitałem akcyjnym a dłużnym w kapitale regulacyjnym banku.
Searching for a new framework of bank capital regulations, commonly referred to as Basel III, despite a number of significant differences in relation to the former regulation aims to further increase in contribution of equity capital in the bank’s capital. It raises concerns about the phenomenon of “credit crunch”, resulting in an economic slowdown. A partial solution to the problem could be an attempt to incorporate the debt to the bank’s regulatory capital. The aim of the study is to identify the basic premises of the bank’s capital structure and in particular the impact of market and regulatory factors on the relation of equity to debt capital in the bank’s regulatory capital.
Accurate definition of boundary conditions is of crucial importance for room acoustic predictions because the wall impedance phase angle can affect the sound field in rooms and acoustic parameters applied to assess a room reverberation. In this paper, the issue was investigated theoretically using the convolution integral and a modal representation of the room impulse response for complex-valued boundary conditions. Theoretical considerations have been accompanied with numerical simulations carried out for a rectangular room. The case of zero phase angle, which is often assumed in room acoustic simulations, was taken as a reference, and differences in the sound pressure level and decay times were determined in relation to this case. Calculation results have shown that a slight deviation of the phase angle with respect to the phase equal to zero can cause a perceptual difference in the sound pressure level. This effect was found to be due to a change in modal frequencies as a result of an increase or decrease in the phase angle. Simulations have demonstrated that surface distributions of decay times are highly irregular, while a much greater range of the early decay time compared to the reverberation time range indicates that a decay curve is nonlinear. It was also found that a difference between the decay times predicted for the complex impedance and real impedance is especially clearly audible for the largest impedance phase angles because it corresponds approximately to 4 just noticeable differences for the reverberation metrics.
An atypical lithological development of outwash deposits in the Carpathians Foreland (S Poland) shows lower and middle parts of the sedimentary succession that are characterized by sinuous palaeochannels. This channel facies consists of laterally accreted sands derived from side bars. The sedimentary environment was a proglacial system of anabranching channels, presumably of anastomosed type. The outwash channel pattern was most probably controlled by the raising base level of the fluvial system. Both proglacial and extraglacial waters were dammed by a sandur within a small upland valley. Aggradation and progradation of the glaciofluvial deposits resulted in progressive rising of the dammed lake level. The low hydraulic gradient of the outwash streams resulted in a sinuous planform as well as a lowenergy style of deposition. Afterwards, the rising lake water was drained off through a low watershed and the entire valley became filled with outwash sediments. The bedrock morphology thus became buried and a typical unconfined sandur with a braided channel network developed during the last phase of the glaciomarginal sedimentation (upper part of the sedimentary succession under study).
Content available remote Development of chemical industry in Poland. Achievements and constraints
History of chemical industry in Poland was comprehensively outlined. A special attention was paid to the transformation of national economy in Poland early nineties of XX century and them accompanied changes of the chemical industry. Current state of the industry was characterized in detail. Availability of raw materials and innovativeness of the industry were particularly discussed. Some recommendations for the future were given.
Zwięźle naszkicowano historię przemysłu chemicznego w Polsce. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na transformację gospodarki narodowej na początku lat dziewięćdziesiątych XX w. i towarzyszące jej zmiany w przemyśle chemicznym. Scharakteryzowano dokładnie obecny stan przemysłu chemicznego w Polsce. W szczególności przedyskutowano sprawę dostępności surowców dla przemysłu chemicznego oraz innowacyjności tego przemysłu. Dano też pewne zalecenia na przyszłość.
The researchpresents the analysis of the influence of the glue connection on the measurement of elongation of stainless steel and aluminum samples by means of fiber Bragg grating (FBG) with uniform fibers used as a measuring transducer.Research indicates two possible factors affecting the deformation of the transmission spectrum obtained during elongation measurement. One of them is the type of adhesive that is used to make the connection between the fiber Bragg grating and the tested sample. The second possible factor is method of connection's execution. The need for research on glue connection resulted from the formation of defects mainly in the form of numerous side bands visible in the transmission spectrum during the measurement of elongations. The test results were presented in the form of graphs obtained on the basis of transmission characteristic.
W pracy przedstawiono analizę wpływu połączenia klejowego na pomiar wydłużenia próbek ze stali nierdzewnej i aluminium za pomocą światłowodowej siatki Bragga(FBG)o jednolitych włóknach wykorzystanej jako przetwornik pomiarowy. Badania wskazują na dwa możliwe czynniki wpływające na deformacje widma transmisyjnego otrzymywanego podczas pomiaru wydłużenia. Jednym z nich jest rodzaj kleju jaki wykorzystuje się do wykonania połączenia pomiędzy światłowodową siatką Bragga, a badaną próbka. Drugim możliwym czynnikiem jest sposób wykonania połączenia. Potrzeba badań nad połączeniem klejowym wynikła z powstawania defektów głównie w formie licznych wstęg bocznych, widocznych na widmie transmisyjnym podczas pomiaru wydłużeń. Wyniki badań zostały przedstawione w formie wykresów uzyskanych na podstawie widm transmisyjnych.
Although deltas and subaqueous fans are both formed in the same near-shore zones of basins, the hydraulic conditions for their formation, development and sedimentary records are different. The present review discusses the results of previously published studies of fan deltas (Gilbert-type deltas) and subaqueous fans of lacustrine and glaciolacustrine environments. The depositional mechanisms of deltas and subaqueous fans, textural and structural features of the lithofacies associations and their typical lithofacies are presented. The characteristics of subaqueous fans, which are still relatively poorly understood and are often overlooked in sedimentological interpretations of lacustrine sedimentary successions, receive particular attention. The palaeoenvironmental and lithological differences between deltas and subaqueous fans are highlighted.
Content available remote Przemysł chemiczny w Polsce : osiągnięcia i bariery
We review the three regional anastomosing fluvial systems, both ancient and modern. The dinosaur-bearing upper Triassic succession in Krasiejów (S Poland) is composed of siltstones and claystones that are divided into three facies associations. One of the fluvial associations is characterized by features typical of a low-energy anastomosing river system in a tropical semiarid climate, interpreted as the result of accumulation in deep, wide and low-sinuosity palaeochannels with pronounced vertical accretion. Deposition from suspension predominated in flows of very low stream power. The upper Neogene muddy succession in a tectonically active area (Kleczew Graben, central Poland) includes a great number of fluvial palaeochannels filled with sand and/or mud. These ribbon-shaped fluvial bodies are deep and wide, and represent channels showing very lim ited lateral migration. They were filled mostly under low-energy condi tions, and their mapped course shows an “anabranching” pattern in plan view. The palaeochannels are transitional from sand- to mud-dominated. The Holocene upper Narew River (NE Poland) represents a modern anastomosing fluvial system. The interconnected channels form an anabranching pattern. The channels are straight to slightly sinuous, relatively deep and wide. Interchannel, low-lying “islands” are covered by peat-forming plants. Despite the low stream power, in-channel deposition is dominated by sand transported as bedload. The channel banks are stabilised by vegetation, which effectively prevents their lateral migration.
Well developed NE-SW trending corridors of outwash in NE Poland are associated with a series of lakes with a similar direction of elongation. The glaciofluvial corridor under study consists of parallel ridges with associated channels and kames. The deposits are flanked by till and hummocky terrain. The gravel ridges are composed of sand and gravel deposits that are cross-stratified, massive or graded, and that contain cut-and-fill structures and large intra-clasts of sand and gravel. Locally the deposits show normal faults. The succession of one of the ridges is interpreted to reflect the infilling of a braided channel in a crevasse. Sedimentation took place in some phases when the ice-sheet regime changed from active to stagnant. Sandy-gravel ridges occur within this complex perpendicular to the Weichselian icesheet margin. The corridor is interpreted as an interlobate area in the zone between the Warmia and Mazury ice lobes. The braided-channel deposits are not comparable to typical Polish sandurs. The lithofacies characteristics show higher energy conditions, and the channels are deeper than those typical of Pleistocene lowland sandurs. The sand and gravel ridges are interpreted as interlobate eskers.
We expected that our paper on the crevasse-splay microdelta (Chomiak et al., 2019) would arouse the interest of other researchers for at least two reasons. First, this is the first such palaeoform discovered and described within the Mid-Miocene lignite seam in Poland. Second, the microdelta siliciclastic deposits are strongly deformed both ductile and brittle. Therefore, we would like to thank Tom van Loon for his effort to comment on our article, including his words of appreciation, and above all, for pointing out some of the terminological and interpretative shortcomings. Our reply will be in line with the issues discussed in his comment.
Crevasse-splay microdelta deposits and their soft-sediment deformation structures (SSDS) are described from a tectonically active lignite-bearing area. These strongly deformed siliciclastic deposits, situated between two lignite benches, are typical of a crevasse-splay microdelta. They accumulated in the overbank zone of a Middle Miocene river system (backswamp area) where shallow ponds or lakes occasionally existed. The deformation takes the form of deformed lamination and load (load casts and flame structures) structures as well as seismic breccias within the first Mid-Polish lignite seam. Ductile deformation structures were generated first by liquefaction and then the breccia was formed under brittle conditions. The brecciation followed a sudden tectonic collapse resulting in an increase in pore pressure related to upward water movement. The occurrence in a tectonic graben and characteristic morphological features suggest an origin of these deformational structures with seismic shocks; thus, they can be called seismites. Hence, we provide strong evidence for accumulation of crevasse-splay sediments in the standing water of a backswamp area, and for tectonic activity in central Poland as the Middle Miocene lignite accumulated.
In the stratigraphic division of the Saalian (Middle Pleistocene) in Europe, the Wartanian cold period has the rank of a stadial of the Odranian Glaciation, correlated with MIS 6. The authors demonstrate the higher rank of this cold period, on the basis of an analysis of the sedimentary succession in eastern Poland, at an exposure of the terminal moraine of the Wartanian ice sheet. At the Wólka Zagórna site, three stratigraphic units were distinguished: A (lower glacigenic deposits – glaciofluvial deposits and subglacial till), A/B (fossil soil of lessivé type), B and C (a periglacial horizon with deflation pavement, involutions, frost-wedge structures and upper glaciofluvial deposits and flow till, with ice-wedge casts). Two distinct periods of climatic cooling, associated with the youngest Saalian ice sheets, were recorded in this succession in E Poland: Odranian (unit A, an ice-sheet transgression marked by the deposition of glaciofluvial deposits dated as 365–226 ka, ending with the deposition of subglacial till), and Wartanian (units B and C, an ice sheet transgression marked by development of a periglacial zone, dated as 180–126 ka, and then deposition of glacigenic sediments at the front of the ice sheet and formation of a marginal moraine). Each of these periods of ice-sheet transgression occurred at a different time (in the MIS 8 and MIS 6 positions) and were separated by a warm period. It is documented by unit A/B – a fossil soil with a very well developed Bt horizon – which attests to its formation in an illuviation process beneath a complex of mixed forests during an interstadial warming that occurred in MIS 7. From this palaeoclimatic reconstruction, it is inferred that the Wartanian cold period should be viewed as a separate glaciation in MIS 6 and the Odranian period should be assigned to MIS 8 in the stratigraphic schema of the Quaternary.
Many geological problems have not been convincingly explained so far and are debatable, for instance the origin and changes of the Neogene depositional environments in central Poland. Therefore, these changes have been reconstructed in terms of global to local tectonic and climatic fluctuations. The examined Neogene deposits are divided into a sub-lignite unit (Koźmin Formation), a lignite-bearing unit (Grey Clays Member), and a supra-lignite unit (Wielkopolska Member). The two lithostratigraphic members constitute the Poznań Formation. The results of facies analysis show that the Koźmin Formation was deposited by relatively high-gradient and well-drained braided rivers. Most likely, they encompassed widespread alluvial plains. In the case of the Grey Clays Member, the type of river in close proximity to which the mid-Miocene low-lying mires existed and then were transformed into the first Mid-Miocene Lignite Seam (MPLS-1), has not been resolved. The obtained results confirm the formation of the Wielkopolska Member by low-gradient, but mostly well-drained anastomosing or anastomosing-to-meandering rivers. The depositional evolution of the examined successions depended on tectonic and climatic changes that may be closely related to the mid-Miocene great tectonic remodelling of the Alpine-Carpathian orogen. This resulted in palaeogeographic changes in its foreland in the form of limiting the flow of wet air and water masses from the south and vertical tectonic movements.
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