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Changes in nutrient availability in wetlands have been observed during the recent years, mostly due to human pressure. A shift from N limitation to P or K limitation causes changes in plant species composition, nutrient use efficiency, plant growth, interspecific competition and plant species performance. Several studies have shown that stoichiometry indices such as N:P and N:K ratios in plant biomass can be a good indicator of nutrient limitation. However, the implications of an N:K ratio for wetland vegetation have hardly been investigated. In order to estimate a critical N:K ratio that can indicate the type of nutrient limitations, a greenhouse experiment has been established. The response of two grass species: Holcus lanatus and Molinia caerulea, to the range of N and K supply was analysed for two years. The effect of six combinations of N:K supply ratios (from 0.5 to 225), combined with two levels of fertility in a factorial design, on aerial biomass production, nutrient concentrations and nutrient resorption efficiency was tested. The aerial biomass increased with an increasing N:K supply ratio during both vegetation seasons at the low level of supply. Significant differences were observed not only between species but also between the N:K ratios during the two years. In the first year, the optimal N:K supply ratio was 4.5 for Holcus lanatus and 225 for Molinia careluea at the high fertility level. In 2010, the optimal N:K supply ratio was similar for both grasses. At the high fertility level, the shoot biomass was the highest at an N:K supply ratio of 13.5; at the low level, shoot productivity reached the peak at a 225 N:K supply ratio. Moreover, both plant species showed the same pattern of aerial biomass production to N:K supply ratios at both fertility levels, but differences in the N:K biomass ratios make it impossible to determine a critical N:K ratio. The N:K nutrient supply ratio was a better indicator of plant performance than the N:K biomass ratio of the analysed species. The tested graminoids did not show a similar response to N:K supply ratios at the high and low levels of supply, indicating that nitrogen was the most important factor limiting the plant growth during the two years, and that these plant species were less sensitive to K shortage than to N deficiency.
W ostatnich latach w wyniku antropopresji na obszarach wodno-błotnych obserwuje się zmiany dostępności związków biogennych. Zmiana czynnika limitującego, w szczególności azotu, na rzecz fosforu i potasu wpływa na zmiany składu gatunkowego roślinności, efektowność poboru związków biogennych przez rośliny, wzrost roślin, konkurencję międzygatunkową oraz inne ich parametry. Badania wskazują, że wskaźniki stechiometryczne zawartości biogenów w roślinach, takie jak N:P i N:K, mogą być dobrymi indykatorami czynnika limitującego wzrost roślin na mokradłach. Jednak zastosowanie stosunku N:K w odniesieniu do roślinności mokradeł jest dotąd w niewielkim stopniu rozpoznane. W celu wyznaczenia krytycznej wartości stosunku zawartości azotu do potasu (N:K) w biomasie roślin, wskazującego, który z biogenów jest czynnikiem limitującym wzrost roślin na obszarach podmokłych, przeprowadzono doświadczenie kontrolowane w warunkach szklarniowych. Reakcja dwóch gatunków roślin Holcus lanatus i Molinia caerulea na nawożenie zróżnicowanymi dawkami azotu i potasu była badana w okresie dwóch lat. Wpływ nawożenia N i K na produkcję nadziemnej biomasy roślin, zawartość związków biogennych oraz resorpcję biogenów badano w sześciu kombinacjach stosunku N do K (od 0.5 do 225) na dwóch poziomach nawożenia – niskim i wysokim (3 x niski). Dawki azotu przy niskim poziomie nawożenia wahały się od 9.30 mg do 146.69 mg wazon–1 rok–1, a potasu od 18.53 do 0.65 mg wazon–1 rok–1. Nadziemna biomasa roślin zwiększała się wraz ze wzrostem stosunku N:K w przypadku niskiego poziomu nawożenia w ciągu dwóch lat. Statystycznie istotne różnice stwierdzono nie tylko między badanymi gatunkami traw, ale także między analizowanymi latami. W pierwszym roku badań największą biomasę wytworzył Holcus lanatus, gdy stosunek N:K wynosił 4,5, natomiast Molinia caerulea, gdy stosunek N:K wynosił 225. W drugim roku wegetacji największą biomasę wytworzyły obydwa gatunki w przypadku nawożenia N:K równego 13,5, ale tylko przy wysokim poziomie nawożenia. Mimo iż reakcja badanych traw na nawożenie była analogiczna, to różnice w zawartości N i K w komórkach tych roślin uniemożliwiają wyznaczenie granicznej wartości N:K, która wskazałaby składnik limitujący wzrost roślin. Wykazano, że stosunek N:K w aplikowanych nawozach był lepszym wskaźnikiem oceny reakcji roślin na zmianę dostępności związków biogennych niż stosunek N:K wyznaczony na postawie koncentracji N i K w roślinach. Zróżnicowane reakcje badanych traw w przypadku wysokiego i niskiego poziomu nawożenia wykazały, że azot był głównym czynnikiem limitującym wzrost roślin. Analizowane trawy były mniej wrażliwe na niedobory potasu niż na niedobór azotu. Niedobór potasu był obserwowany tylko wówczas, gdy dawki nawożenia azotowego były bardzo wysokie.
This study examined the nutrient dynamics of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) resorption from senescing leaves in four hydrophytes. Differences in N, P, and K concentrations of green leaves during the vegetation season were studied to test the influence of plant strategy on nutrient resorption efficiency. Live leaves were tagged at defined canopy heights and collected in the period from March to August. Senescent leaves were collected in September. All tissue samples were analyzed for N, P, and K concentrations. Significant differences in N resorption and N utilization among the four macrophytes were observed. Particularly high values of N concentrations were detected in Phragmites australis in comparison with other species. However, these differences were not observed with respect to P and K resorption efficiencies and proficiencies. Nitrogen and phosphorus resorption efficiency was lowest in Glyceria maxima (22.0%) and highest in Phragmites australis (49.9%), indicating that minor proportions of these nutrients were translocated to the rhizomes during senescence. The analyses of changes in nutrient concentrations in green leaves during the vegetation season suggest that wetland species with different nutrient strategy uptakes can show similar final nutrient concentrations in plant tissue. In the present study, macrophytes were characterized by high leaf N concentrations, higher litter N concentrations, and lower values of NRE, which documents the high productivity of these plants and their importance in primary production in wetlands.
Processes of lake shrinkage as a result of the action of natural and anthropogenic factors in recent decades have been considerably accelerated. On the other hand, lake capacities may have increased as a consequence of damming. These changes are typically analyzed in relation to changes in lake area, while horizontal and vertical components are excluded. The aim of this study was to assess changes in morphometry in several lakes in central western Poland and to determine changes in water resources in selected lakes as a result of changes in their morphometry. These changes were analyzed based on archival data concerning the area and capacity of lake basins, collected from studies prepared by the Institute of Inland Fisheries in the early 1960s and current bathymetric studies. These investigations showed that within approx. 50 years a considerable decrease was recorded in the area of the analyzed group of lakes, amounting to 14.8% (i.e., 172.6 ha). As a result of changes in the area and shallowing of lakes, the water resources stored in lakes decreased by a total of 7.7%, which amounts to 3.6 million m3. Referring to the factors determining the above-mentioned transformations, it was found that both climatic and anthropogenic conditions were disadvantageous. While in the study period no trends were observed for changes in precipitation, a significant increase in temperature was found, thus contributing to increased evaporation. This situation was compounded by human activity connected with land reclamation operations or agricultural activity.
During recent decades, human impact on lake ecosystems has increased due to intensification of agriculture, irrigation, water consumption, and electrical purposes. Particularly strong changes have been observed in shallow lakes, which are more sensitive to environmental changes and characterized by unfavourable morphometric parameters. The majority of transformations within a lake associated with changes in water level, progressing degradation, or plant succession leading to lake disappearance take place within the littoral zone. The aim of this study was to examine how human pressure, such as water level reduction, affect the surface and water volume of lakes, and estimate the rate and the extent of water loss from lakes during 1940-2008, and predict their potential changes over the next years. The importance of integrating vertical and horizontal considerations in the management of shallow lakes was illustrated. The study was carried out in the freshwater, postglacial lakes Niepruszewskie and Tomickie, located in the central-western agricultural region of Poland. The research comprised analyses of the lakes’ morphometry base on topographic maps, aerial photos, GPS measurements, and data from bathymetric plans and morphometric cards. The study has shown that the observed transformations in the examined lakes are multidirectional and the entire process varies in changing trophic and hydrological conditions. The increase of water retention in the water body increased the lake area, but at the same time accelerated the sedimentation process of organic matter and gradual lake shallowing at the accompanying expansion of the littoral zone area. During almost 70 years, the area of Lake Niepruszewskie shrank by 9%. The shallowing rate, which is not directly visible, was about three times as fast as the contraction of the area itself. In the case of the second of the examined lakes, shallowing and overgrowing processes follow the same course, which will lead to the disappearance of the lake within less than 56 years. The area of Lake Tomickie decreased almost twofold during almost 70 years. Our study shows that analysis of the lake surface alone is insufficient to assess directions of lake development and shrinking.
Celem pracy była ocena stanu ekologicznego jezior w oparciu o makrofity i parametry fizyko-chemiczne w odniesieniu do Ramowej Dyrektywy Wodnej. Badaniami objęto Jezioro Niepruszewskie i Tomickie, położone w zlewni rzeki Samicy Stęszewskiej. Jakość wód analizowanych jezior badano w okresie od marca do września 2007 i 2008 roku w warstwie powierzchniowej i naddennej. Zakres badań obejmował oznaczenia w wodzie wskaźników fizyko-chemicznych i badania stanu roślinności wodnej i przybrzeżnej jezior, wykonane metodą Ciecierskiej i in. [2006] z zastosowaniem metody Makrofitowego Indeksu Stanu Ekologicznego. Wyniki badań Jeziora Tomickiego wykazały zaawansowany proces degradacji wód i zachwianie równowagi ekologicznej. Stan jakości wody jeziora w porównaniu do lat poprzednich uległ pogorszeniu. Mimo, iż stan ekologiczny Jeziora Tomickiego na podstawie makrofitów oceniono jako dobry, to niekorzystne warunki fizyko-chemiczne i biologiczne stwierdzone w akwenie wskazują na wysoki stan zeutrofizowania wód i wysokie tempo jego degradacji. W oparciu o metodę makrofitową Jezioro Niepruszewskie charakteryzuje się złym stanem ekologicznym, o czym zadecydował przede wszystkim niewielki udział roślinności zanurzonej oraz dominacja monokultur trzciny pospolitej i pałki wąskolistnej. Jakość wody pod względem parametrów fizyko-chemicznych świadczy o zaawansowanym procesie eutrofizacji. Wyniki badań wskazują na potrzebę podjęcia radykalnych działań ograniczających dopływ zanieczyszczeń do badanych jezior oraz podjęcie prac rekultywacyjnych, przy jednoczesnym utworzeniu stref ochronnych wokół akwenów ograniczających dopływ biogenów z ich rolniczo użytkowanych zlewni bezpośrednich.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the ecological status of shallow lakes on the basis of macrophytes and physico-chemical parameters implemented to the monitoring system according to the Water Framework Directive. The study was carried out in Niepruszewskie and Tomickie Lakes, located in the catchment of the Samica Stęszewska River. Water quality was measured from March to September in 2007 and 2008 in the surface water layer and 0.5 m above the bottom. Studies of littoral vegetation were performed by the Ciecierska et al. [2006] method using the Macrophyte Ecological State Index. Our results showed advanced stages of water degradation and unbalanced ecological equilibrium. Water quality in the examined lakes deteriorated in comparison to previous years. All measured physico-chemical parameters indicated very advanced eutrophication process and very advanced stage of lake degradation. However, on the basis of macrophyte survey, the ecological status of Tomickie Lake was assessed as good. Lake Niepruszewskie was characterized by poor ecological status due to low cover of submerged macrophytes and domination of Phragmites australis and Typha angustifolia communities. Water quality also indicated very eutrophic status of the lake. Results of our investigations indicate the need of effective actions to improve water quality in the studied lakes in order to reduce water pollution in the catchment area. It can be achieved by the establishment of protective zones around the studied water reservoirs limiting the influx of biogens from the direct catchment basins utilized agriculturally and by reclamation processes in the lakes.
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