The Świnia Góra nature reserve was established in 1938 to protect natural forest phytocoenoses. It was studied between 1964 and 1969 and during this investigation almost 350 species of vascular plants were documented. After 40 years of strict protection the studies were repeated to describe the nature reserve's flora dynamics. A considerable decrease in number is particularly observed in the case of species belonging to Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Nardo-Callunetea, and Scheuchzerio-Caricetea nigrae. The disappearance of representatives of the above socioecological groups is a result of increasing forest glade succession. Statistically relevant changes also have been noted as regards the trophic status of the nature reserve's flora, based on ecological indicators. The higher the status, the more extensive the eutrophication of the forest habitats.
The paper presents vegetation changes of Górki nature reserve in terms of their impact on the main subject of conservation – twinflower Linnaea borealis. The research was conducted between 1969 and 1974 and during this investigation a mixed forest Pino−Quercetum was noted. After 50 years of strict protection the studies were repeated to describe the reserve's flora and vegetation dynamics. A considerable decrease in number is particularly observed in species belonging to Vaccinio−Piceetea class. The main subject of conservation withdrew. Nowadays, vegetation evolved into an oak−hornbeam forest Tilio−Carpinetum betuli. Statistically relevant changes have also been noted as regards the soil acidity and the trophic status of the nature reserve's flora, based on ecological indicators.
The research on the health state of sugar beet cultivated in a six-field system and a three-year crop rotation was conducted in the years 1991-1993 on experimental fields of the Centre for Agricultural Advisory in Stare Pole. Simultaneously with the above mentioned experiments, observations were carried out on sugar beet production fields. In the vegetation period, the following diseases attacked the leaves of sugar beet: cercospora leaf spot (Cercospora beticola), ramularia leaf spot (Ramularia beticola), phoma leaf spot (Phoma betae), powdery mildew (Erysiphe betae) and beet rust (Uromyces betae). The intensity of the diseases was higher in the case of sugar beet plants cultivated in a three-year crop rotation than on those cultivated in a six-field system. Powdery mildew and beet rust was observed in high intensity on sugar beet production fields.
W latach 1991-1993 przeprowadzono na poletkach doświadczalnych w ODR w Starym Polu badania nad zdrowotnością buraka cukrowego uprawianego w 6- i 3-polowym płodozmianie. Jednocześnie z wyżej wymienionymi doświadczeniami polowymi wykonano obserwacje terenowe na polach produkcyjnych buraka cukrowego. W okresie wegetacji na liściach buraka wystąpiły następujące choroby: chwościk buraka (Cercospora beticola), ramularioza (Ramularia beticola), plamik buraka (Phoma betae), mączniak prawdziwy (Erysiphe betae) i rdza buraka (Uromyces betae). Nasilenie tych chorób było wyższe na burakach uprawianych w płodozmianie trójpolowym niż w sześciopolowym. Na polach produkcyjnych buraka cukrowego w dużym nasileniu wystąpiły mączniak prawdziwy i rdza buraka.