The article draws attention to the need to create social spaces in revitalized areas as integration spots and places where local community life is activated. The article presents current approach to revitalization in Poland and the applied manner of designating degraded areas. Features of social space are presented. Using the example of Włocławek, it is shown how downtown areas characterized by high-density housing may be developed so that they are adapted to the needs of users, allow to establish relations with neighbours and, simultaneously, support the process of extricating the revitalized area out of crisis. The publication is of practical character and may serve as inspiration for self-governments implementing revitalization programmes. The main objective of the article was to propose new ways of using yards selected within the revitalised area in Włocławek, so that they indeed constitute social spaces and encourage to spend leisure time there. Complex approach to developing social space concepts was applied, basing among others on the analysis of the revitalized area, results of the completed urban inventory and opinions of the inhabitants.Different research methods have been applied, including – among others – SWOT analysis, to describe the revitalised area, in particular its problems, needs and potential. The results of urban inventory have been presented showing the current development stage of analysed areas. Moreover, proposed changes in space development have also been based on results of surveys conducted among users of the analysed areas.
Artykuł zwraca uwagę na potrzebę tworzenia przestrzeni sąsiedzkich na obszarach rewitalizacji jako miejsc integracji i aktywności lokalnej społeczności. Przedstawia aktualne podejście do rewitalizacji w Polsce i sposobu wyznaczania terenów zdegradowanych. Wskazuje cechy przestrzeni sąsiedzkich. Prezentuje na przykładzie Włocławka, w jaki sposób można przygotować koncepcje zagospodarowania przestrzeni znajdujących się w gęstej zabudowie śródmiejskiej, tak aby były one przystosowane do potrzeb użytkowników, stwarzały okazję do nawiązywania relacji sąsiedzkich i jednocześnie wspomagały proces wychodzenia obszaru rewitalizacji z kryzysu. Artykuł może stanowić inspirację dla samorządów realizujących programy rewitalizacji.
The aim of this article is to identify the strengths and weaknesses in the spatial development of Spycimierz sołectwo (sub-unit of municipality) and to propose directions of changes in this respect. The main determinants of spatial development of this area are described, such as geographical location, socio-economic characteristics and planning documents. The methods used include inhouse studies and field research. The main instrument employed was urbanistic inventory carried out in 2020. All proposed changes in the spatial development in this area should take into account the need to preserve the unique intangible heritage od Spycimierz.
Celem artykułu jest wskazanie mocnych i słabych stron w zagospodarowaniu sołectwa Spycimierz oraz zaproponowanie kierunków zmian w tym zakresie. W publikacji zwrócono uwagę na podstawowe uwarunkowania zagospodarowania obszaru badań, w tym głównie położenie, charakterystykę społeczno-gospodarczą oraz dokumenty planistyczne. Do realizacji przyjętego celu wykorzystano metody badań kameralnych oraz terenowych. Podstawowe narzędzie stanowiła inwentaryzacja urbanistyczna przeprowadzona w 2020 r. Wszelkie proponowane zmiany w zagospodarowaniu na tym terenie powinny dążyć do zachowania wyjątkowego dziedzictwa niematerialnego Spycimierza.
The aim of the article was the assessment of the spatial matching of existing shelters (supply) to the distribution of residents in Suwałki (demand), considering their declared transport behaviours while evacuating during war. The analysis was conducted based on the locations of existing emergency shelters using data on population distribution (registration data with building accuracy). Spatial alignment was determined using the P-Median problem and E2SFCA. In terms of establishing vehicular or pedestrian travel time, the Manhattan metric based on the urban road network model was utilised. A model of vehicle movement speed was then constructed, while a constant speed was assumed for pedestrian movement. Additionally, survey data on the transport behaviour of inhabitants of Suwałki in the case of war were conducted in 2023. The study concluded that the population residing within the city limits should evacuate on foot, and that prior training on the evacuation process is especially necessary for those who reside in less populated areas of the city. The analyses also showed that existing emergency shelters are overly dispersed, making management difficult for emergency services. Since the current capacity of emergency shelters is not sufficient for the number and distribution of inhabitants of Suwałki, the most practical significance of this article in this respect is to indicate to the authorities the optimal number and location for emergency shelters (to improve the evacuation process).
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