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В Україні лісові пожежі набувають значних обсягів та перетворюються на надзвичай- ні ситуації загальнодержавного значення. Внаслідок локалізації та ліквідації великих і особливо великих лісових пожеж, пожеж у природних екосистемах, залучається значна кількість особового складу та техніки. Знищуються практично усі компоненти довкілля – флора, фауна, ґрунти, забруднюються річки, водойми, повітря. Пожежі у природних екосистемах спричиняють потрапляння в атмосферу значної кількості летких продуктів горіння та небезпечних речовин і сполук. Метою роботи є висвітлення результатів досліджень моніторингу довготривалого впливу лісових пожеж на один із найважливіших компонентів екосистеми – едафотоп. Для досягнення поставленої мети були сформовані такі основні завдання: провести аналіз наукових та літературних джерел щодо проблематики впливу лісових пожеж на едафотоп у вітчизняному та зарубіжному контекстах; дослідити модельне вогнище стосовно температурного та вологісного режимів; встановити температуру полум’я на різних ділянках модельного вогнища; встановити потужність еквівалентної дози фотонного іонізуючого випромінювання на місці проведення експерименту. Теплові режими Малого Полісся є достатніми для розвитку багатьох рослин. Веге- таційний період триває понад 200 днів, а період з активними температурами (понад + 10°С) – 150–160 днів. Більше 100 днів у році мають середньодобову температуру понад + 15°С (період інтенсивної вегетації). Відлиги, які понижують морозостійкість лісових та сільськогосподарських культур, затяжні весни у зв’язку з повільним таненням снігу гальмують швидкий прихід тепла. Експериментальні дослідження з вивчення впливу ландшафтних пожеж на екологіч- ний стан едафотопу здійснювалися на території Малого Полісся поблизу Рава-Руського лісництва в селі Лавриків Жовківського району Львівської області. Відбір проб ґрунтів для досліджень їхнього екологічного стану здійснювався із врахуванням давності (за роками) горіння рослинності та лісової підстилки. Також було створено штучне модельне вогнище ландшафтної пожежі (низової, лісової) на відкритому просторі з дотриманням усіх вимог Правил пожежної безпеки в лісах України з метою фіксування температури та вологості ґрунту в зоні горіння, а також аналізу відібраних ґрунтових проб із ділянок горіння. Встановлено, що температура полум’я під час горіння лучної рослинності в початковий момент часу становила +66,7°С. У процесі горіння, через 20 секунд, температура полум’я сягнула +352,5°С, максимальною температура полум’я була +715,7°С після вигорання всього горючого матеріалу (через 2,5 хв після початку досліду). Водночас, на глибині 5 см у початкових точках горіння температура едафотопу підвищується із +7°С до +20 ± 24°С. Яскраво вираженого діапазону зміни вологості на глибині 5 см не спостерігалося. Отримані результати є важливими з точки зору вивчення впливу підвищених температур на компоненти біосфери, а також відновлення девастованих територій.
In Ukraine forest fires are becoming more significant and transform in emergencies of national importance. Due to the localization and elimination of large and especially large forest fires, fires in natural ecosystems a significant number of personnel and equipment is involved. Almost all components of the environment are destroyed flora, fauna, soils; rivers, reservoirs, air are polluted. Fires in natural ecosystems cause a significant amount of volatile combustion products and hazardous substances and compounds enter the atmosphere. The objective of the work is to highlight the results of research monitoring the long-term impact of forest fires on one of the most important components of the ecosystem – edaphotope. To achieve this goal, the following main tasks were formed: to analyze scientific and literary sources on the impact of forest fires on edaphotope in domestic and foreign contexts; to investigate the model hearth in relation to temperature and humidity regimes; set the flame temperature in different parts of the model hearth; set the power of the equivalent dose of photon ionizing radiation at the site of the experiment. Thermal regimes of Male Polissya are sufficient for the development of plants. The growing season lasts more than 200 days, and the period with active temperatures (over + 10°C) – 150–160 days. More than 100 days a year have an average daily temperature is above + 15°C (period of intensive vegetation). Thaws, which reduce the frost resistance of forest and agricultural crops, and long springs due to the slow melting of snow inhibit the heat arrival. Experimental studies of landscape fires impact on the ecological condition of the edaphotope were carried out in the territory of Maly Polissya near Rava-Rusky forestry in the village of Lavrykiv, Zhovkva district, Lviv region. Sampling of soils was carried out taking into account the age (by years) of burning vegetation and forest litter. Also, an artificial model of landscape fire body (grassland, forest) was created in the open space in compliance with all requirements of the Rules of fire safety in the forests of Ukraine in order to record soil temperature and humidity in the combustion zone, and to analyze the soil samples from combustion sites. It was found that the flame temperature during the burning of meadow vegetation at the initial time was + 66.7°C. During the combustion process, after 20 seconds, the flame temperaturę reached + 352.5°C, the maximum flame temperature was + 715.7°C after burning all the combustible material (2.5 minutes after the start of the experiment). At the same time, at a depth of 5 cm at the initial burning points, the temperature of the edaphotope rises from + 7°С to +20 ± 24°С. A pronounced range of changes in humidity at a depth of 5 cm was not observed. The obtained results are important from the point of view of studying the influence of elevated temperatures on the components of the biosphere, as well as the restoration of devastated areas.
Na Ukrainie pożary lasów stają się coraz bardziej poważne i przeradzają się w kataklizmy o skali narodowej. Ze względu na lokalizację i eliminację dużych i bardzo dużych pożarów lasów oraz pożarów w ekosystemach naturalnych konieczne jest angażowanie znacznej liczby personelu i dużych ilości sprzętu. Zniszczeniu ulegają prawie wszystkie elementy składowe środowiska – zanieczyszczenie obejmuje florę, faunę, gleby, rzeki, zbiorniki wodne oraz powietrze. Pożary występujące w ekosystemach naturalnych powodują powstanie znacznych ilości lotnych produktów spalania i przeniknięcie do atmosfery substancji niebezpiecznych i ich związków. Celem pracy jest podkreślenie wyników badań monitoringowych długotrwałego wpływu pożarów lasów na najważniejsze komponenty ekosystemu – edafotopu. W tym celu przeprowadzone zostały następujące główne zadania: analizowanie źródeł naukowych i danych uzyskanych z literatury dotyczących wpływu pożarów lasu na edafotop w kontekście narodowym i międzynarodowym; badanie modelowego pieca w nawiązaniu do warunków związanych z temperaturą i wilgotnością; ustalenie temperatury płomienia w rożnych miejscach modelowego pieca; ustalenie siły równoważnej dawki promieniowania jonizującego na miejscu przeprowadzanego eksperymentu. Warunki termiczne w Male Polissya są odpowiednie dla wzrostu roślin. Okres wegetacyjny trwa ponad 200 dni, a okres z aktywnymi temperaturami (ponad + 10°C) – 150–160 dni. Przez ponad 100 dni w roku przeciętna dzienna temperatura wynosi ponad + 15°C (okres intensywnej wegetacji). Roztopy zmniejszają odporność na mróz terenów leśnych i upraw rolnych, a długie wiosny wynikające z powolnego roztapiania się śniegu opóźniają pojawienie się ciepła. Badania eksperymentalne wpływu pożarów terenów zielonych na stan ekologiczny edafotonu zostały przeprowadzone na terytorium Maly Polissya w pobliżu leśnictwa Rawa Ruska we wsi Lavrykiv, rejon żółkiewski, obwód lwowski. Pobieranie próbek gleby przeprowadzono, biorąc pod uwagę wiek (określony w latach) płonącej zieleni i ściółki leśnej. Dodatkowo opracowano sztuczny model pożaru zieleni (pastwiska, las) na otwartej przestrzeni zgodnie z wszystkimi wymaganiami zasad bezpieczeństwa pożarowego w przypadku pożarów lasu na Ukrainie w celu rejestrowania temperatury i wilgotności gleby w strefie spalania i analizowania próbek gleby z obszarów spalania. Stwierdzono, że temperatura płomienia w trakcie spalania roślin pastwiskowych w okresie wstępnym wynosiła + 66.7°C. W czasie procesu spalania, po 20 sekundach, temperatura płomienia osiągnęła + 352.5°C, natomiast maksymalna temperatura płomienia wynosiła + 715.7°C po całkowitym spaleniu materiału palnego (2.5 minut po rozpoczęciu eksperymentu). Jednocześnie na głębokości 5 cm we wstępnych punktach spalania temperatura edafotonu wzrasta od + 7°С do +20 ± 24°С. Nie zaobserwowano znacznej skali zmian wilgotności gleby na głębokości wynoszącej 5 cm. Uzyskane wyniki są istotne z punktu widzenia badania wpływów podwyższonych temperatur na poszczególne składniki biosfery, jak również na odnawianie zniszczonych terenów.
Fires in natural ecosystems cause catastrophic consequences on a global scale. These fires are caused by landscape-transforming factors, which include dust and gas pollution of the atmosphere, destruction of forests and living organisms, pollution of ecosystems with dangerous toxic compounds and heavy metals. The aim of the presented research is to investigate the influence of ground forest fires on the concentration of mobile forms of heavy metals in different soil horizons. Sampling of soils of pyrogenic origin was carried out from 4 plots according to operating standards on the territory of Rava-Rusky forestry near the village of Lavrykiv, Zhovkva district, Lviv region (Ukraine). Soil sampling for investigation of migration of heavy metals was carried out taking into account the number of years spent after burning of meadow vegetation and forest litter. The most contaminated with heavy metals is site #2 (completely burned out 2 years before the experiment). There is a significant accumulation of cadmium in edaphic horizons (0.31 – 0.66 mg/kg), the value is close to the maximum allowable concentrations for soils (0.7 mg/kg). Also in this area the highest content of mobile forms of nickel (1.52 – 2.80 mg/kg) was detected, while the maximum allowable concentrations for soils is 4 mg/kg. The lowest content of heavy metals is in the site #1, which was exposed to fire long before the start of monitoring – 3.5 years. Here the values of mobile forms of heavy metals are close to the background. Vegetation in burnt areas at the first year of post-pyrogenic development is characterized by spontaneous single species. In 2–3 years it is characterized by a group arrangement. Complete natural overgrowth of the burnt area (natural vegetative reclamation) occurs 4–5 years after combustion. Monitoring the impact of ground forest fires on the concentration of heavy metals in edaphic horizons is important in terms of environmental renaturalization and the development of preventive measures for forest fires and fires in natural ecosystems.
Fires in natural ecosystems require a comprehensive approach due to the dependence of these processes on many factors – climatic conditions, moisture content of combustible material, type of ignition source, soil temperature regime, availability of possibilities and tools for extinguishing, presence of fire-fighting obstacles, organization of localization and elimination. The investigation of natural fires today takes into account (developed and effectively used) computer models, which are based on numerical methods of the physics of combustion of substances and materials. In the presented work, a study of the fire at the site was carried out, which included the growth of grass and other components of the phytocenosis, particularly shrubs. The research was carried out taking into account the environmental conditions and the combustible material’s physical and chemical properties. In general, the fire simulation lasted 180 seconds. Rapid burning stopped 66 s from the beginning of ignition, and after that, single burning and smoldering of the studied area were observed. It was established that the maximum flame temperature was more than 1250 °C, which was observed in 33 s within the limits of burning grass in stacks. The maximum power from the fire of the studied area is reached approximately at the 65th second and was 09650 kW/m3, and starting from the 66th second, it was decreasing. It should be noted that the species composition of the pyrogenic succession is depleted, and on the site of the fire, there is a scattering of plants and a spontaneous arrangement in the studied area. The predominance of Asteraceae in the pyrogenic succession is a rather positive phenomenon because they are the most widespread family of the flora of Ukraine and have great practical applications and are used as medicinal, food, fodder, honey, oil, and decorative species.
Content available Heat Resistance of Landfill Vegetation
The heat resistance of vegetation at landfills is worth investigating for the determination of the optimal species for the biological reclamation phase. Insufficiency of experimental data on comparative stability of the stems and roots make it difficult to draw definitive conclusions about the heat resistance of the organs of the plants. It should be noted that many scientific works are devoted to the thermal stability of cultivated and agricultural plants. The reason is that the temperature conditions should be taken into account when growing vegetables, fruits and mushrooms. However, the heat resistance of weeds, specifically in landfills, has not been investigated thoroughly enough. Increased substrate temperatures at the landfill site, which are caused by the burning of waste, alter the microclimate, cause the greenhouse effect, and contribute to the climate change. The aim of the work was to investigate the heat resistance of 5 most common plant species that have evolved in the landfills of the Western Ukrainian Forest-Steppe District (Ukraine). The plant specimens were collected at the Lviv, Rava-Ruska and Chervonograd landfills. The heat resistance of landfill vegetation was determined according to the Matskov method during 2015–2018. The following materials, reagents and equipment were used for the experiments: green leaves of 5 species of the investigated plants (weeds) – wormwood (Artemisia vulgaris), absinthium (Artemisia absinthium), city goosefoot (Chenopodium urbicum), common burdock (Arctium lappa), dooryard plantain (Plantago major); 0.2 N hydrochloric acid; heated bath, thermometers, pipettes, petri dishes, crystallizers, electric hot plate, marker. The experiments were conducted in triplicate. During the investigation of the heat resistance of the landfill vegetation, it was found that the most stable species are wormwoods (Artemisia) in all areas of the landfill, and the least heat-resistant is city goosefoot. The temperature of 70–80°C is detrimental to all of the tested plants. It was found that the lowest heat resistance is characteristic of the plants that develop at the foot of landfills.
The purpose of the article is to enhance the oil recovery coefficient of lower Menilite deposits of the Strutynsky oil field by using an ASP solution (a mixture of three agents: alkaline, surfactant and polymer (ASP)). The tasks were solved by choosing an effective method of enhancing oil recovery by using EORgui software and hydrodynamic modelling software by using Petrel, Eclipse software. Calculations of computer simulations indicate the possibility and technological efficiency of residual oil extraction through the use of ASP solution. After using the method of oil recovery enhancing in the lower Menilite deposits of the Strutynsky oil field by means of ASP solution, the coefficient of final oil recovery will increase from the initial value of 10.4% to the predicted 17.6%. For the first time, geological and hydrodynamic models have been created for the conditions of the Lower Menilite deposits of the Strutynsky oil field, and the most appropriate method for oil recovery enhancing by using the EORgui program has been selected. The suggested method for oil recovery enhancing can be applied within the framework of the concept for reviving the Lower Menilithic deposits of the Strutynsky oil field, as well as in other oil fields of Ukraine, which are developed with waterflood patterns and have similar geological and physical characteristics.
Fires in natural ecosystems have a detrimental effect on all biota components. In the global scale, many scientific studies of prominent scientists are devoted to this topic. It should be noted that scientists have always been interested in the influence of thermal destruction of soil genetic horizons on the specific activity of radionuclides. Most of these studies began after the Chernobyl (1986) and Fukushima (2011) radiation disasters. The conducted research is focused on the specific activity of radionuclides due to the thermal effects of fires in natural ecosystems. It has been established that the edaphotopes affected by fires are naturally restored causing the restoration of soil formation processes. The specific activity of radionuclides decreases with the duration of the ground fire. Comparing the obtained data with the regulatory documentation, it was found that they do not exceed the minimum significant activity of radionuclides in the workplace. However, the increased activity of radionuclides in soils has a detrimental effect on the ecological condition and flora and fauna development. During the fire season in natural ecosystems and forests, careless handling of fire should be avoided and preventive measures should be taken to inform the public about the harmful effects of wildfire.
The tourism industry is concentrated within the boundaries of the Subcarpathia Forestry District of Ukraine. These are mostly resort complexes with recreation houses, hotels and restaurants. Since the issue of solid household waste processing has not been resolved in Ukraine, landfills are emerging near recreation facilities. Undoubtedly, such a situation contradicts the improvement processes, because landfills are objects of detonation of dangerous substances and compounds infiltrating into all components of the environment due to geochemical flows. The object of the conducted research was determination of chemical elements in the newly formed substrates on the surface of the following landfills, i.e. Bronytskyi, Stryiskyi, Boryslavskyi, which are located not far from the border with Poland within the tourist and recreational complex of the Lviv region of Ukraine, geographically belonging to the Subcarpathia Forestry District of Ukraine. It was established that the chemical elements of the toxic group and biogenic elements accumulate. The traces of individual elements were also determined. The Bronytskyi landfill is the most polluted with the following chemical elements: Pb (3.56–4.06 mg/kg), Zn (2.84–3.67 mg/kg), Gd (0.021–0.033 mg/kg), P (457.3–609.7 mg/kg), K (9.7–14.6 mg/kg), Ca (174.7–237.7 mg/kg), Ga (3.58–5,98 mg/kg), La (1.09–1.24 mg/kg), Y (0.013–0.014 mg/kg), Cd (0.15–0.176 mg/kg), Sn (0.013–0.018 mg/kg), Nd (0.029–0.046 mg/kg), Eu (0.022–0.036 mg/kg) and Th (0.05–0.078 mg/kg). The site of the Boryslav landfill is most polluted in the western side - Fe (16.06–19.72 mg/kg), Cu (0.37–0.43 mg/kg), Gd (0.003 mg/kg), Si (43–58.2 mg/kg), P (782.4–995.5 mg/kg), Ca (88.6–104.7 mg/kg), Mn (1.7–2.7 mg/kg), Sc (0.009 mg/kg), Cr (1.069–1.255 mg/kg), Y (0.015–0.016 mg/kg), Nd (0.016–0.018 mg/kg). In the eastern side of the Stryi landfill the presence of the following elements is most evident - Fe (18.98–27.97 mg/kg), Ni (0.09–0.21 mg/kg), Zn (0.14–0.19 mg/kg), Pb (0.05–0.1 mg/kg), Al (1.6–2.0 mg/kg), P (718.1–652.5 mg/kg), Mn (2.5–3.5 mg/kg), Ga (0.01 mg/kg), La (0.02–0.04 mg/kg), Cr (0.009–0.013 mg/kg), Ge (0.214–0.551 mg/ kg), Cd (0.014–0.02 mg/kg), Nd (0.017–0.037 mg/kg), Th (0.009–0.016 mg/kg). Such a detailed chemical analysis for the presented research objects was carried out for the first time. Determining of the chemical content of the newly formed substrate is important from the point of view of environmental protection solutions implementation.
Coal spoil-heaps cause man-made pressure on the environment of the coal mining area. Coal mining, and in recent years the mass closure of mines, have been accompanied by a negative impact on natural objects and engineering structures; the basements of houses and buildings are flooded, walls and wooden fences rot, crops, trees and bushes are destroyed. Reclamation is carried out on spoil-heaps of coal mines to reduce the man-made pressure. However, in the process of rock dumping on the spoil-heaps, a neorelief begins to emerge causing the vegetation development. The emergence of vegetation groups is a positive phenomenon, as phytomass decomposition promotes the formation of humus. The development of vegetation on the surface of coal spoil-heaps is called vegetative reclamation or phytomelioration. The efficiency of vegetative reclamation is calculated in points and is an indicator of the suitability of a particular man-made object for natural overgrowth. The aim of the work was to establish the features of spatial arrangement of plants in populations on the surface of coal spoil-heaps. It was established that on the coal spoil-heaps, as well as under natural conditions, vegetation tends to aggregate, thus forming phytogenic fields. It should be noted that at different stages of successions, phytogenic fields are formed in different ways. A monocentric phytogenic field arises on the waste heaps during the syngenetic stage of succession. The initial endecogenetic stage of succession provides the formation of phytogenic fields of two types. The first type is the initial polycentric phytogenic field. It is characterized by the ability to combine several individuals of the same species. The second type is a mature polycentric phytogenic field. It is characterized by higher resistance, and plant community is already able to convert geoprocesses. The mature endoecogenic stage of succession is characterized by the development and expansion of tree species, and the phytogenic field is acentric and global. This kind of phytogenic fields is found on tailings with artificial vegetative reclamation.
Sustainable development includes the process of processing and recycling of solid waste. In Ukraine, a system of accumulation of solid waste without pre-processing in landfills has been formed. As a result, anthropogenically devastated landscapes have appeared in the country, causing environmental hazard. Especially in Lviv, as well as in most cities of Ukraine, there is no waste processing plant. Non-recyclable solid waste is mostly transported to landfills throughout the region, as the Lviv municipal landfill has exhausted its resources and is in unsatisfactory ecological and sanitary condition. The presented research presents the requirements for custom vehicles that transport household and hazardous waste at the "entrance" and "exit" of the environmental logistics system. It is established that at the Lviv landfill and in its impact zone due to the devastation processes three types of edaphotopes were formed: natural, which are not physically disturbed, but contaminated with filtrates; anthropogenic, which are disturbed by construction equipment and contaminated with pollutants due to the formation of the body of the landfill; bulk, which were formed due to the import of fertile soils in order to implement the mining stage of reclamation. The obtained data show that the filtrates penetrate into groundwater and surface water, changing the reaction of the substrate environment, thereby increasing the level of environmental danger in the region. The main method of landfills decommissioning is the biological stage of recultivation, namely – vegetative reclamation.
Water ecosystems comprise above two thirds of our planet and play an important role in stabilization of global climate, and also provide a wide range of services to the rapidly increasing society. A number of scientific works are devoted to the study of environmental safety. Water is a basis of life on our planet, and the issue of rivers protection should be of top priority. Unfortunately, a considerable number of surface water reservoirs undergo anthropological influence. The analysis of the research allows us to note that surface water reservoirs, lakes, rivers and their floodplain suffer from human-made pollution. At the time of total use of plastics in all spheres of life, its presence in rivers is detected at the micro-level. The aim of our study is the analysis of landscape-forming factors of ecological safety of the river Styr within the city of Lutsk (Ukraine). The volume of discharge of untreated return water into the river Styr within the city of Lutsk during the last years tends to decrease: in 2018 – 427 000 m3; 2019 – 424.9 000 m3; 2020 – 423 000 m3. It is established that the quality of water of the river Styr in the range line above the city are affected by the pollution from the river Ikva housing-communal enterprise "Mlynivske" and state communal enterprise "Dubnivske", and also waste waters transferred from Lviv region – communal enterprise "Radekhiv water sewage enterprise" (through the river Ostrivka) and communal enterprise "Brodyvodokanal" (through the river Bovdurka). The quality of water in the range line below the city undergoes the influence of the waste waters from communal enterprise "Lutskvodokanal". In order to assess transformation of ecological conditions within urban floodplain, it is proposed to run biomonitoring on the basis of fluctuating asymmetry (FA) of a leaf of a plant, which is informative in case of description of the peculiarities of formation of vegetation.
The research on the physical and chemical properties of landfill leachates and migration of its hazardous components into hydrosphere and biosphere is a current problem in the global context. The object of the research is landscape-changing factors of the Lviv municipal landfill (Ukraine). It was defined that the largest part of oil products accumulates in the leachates at the south-western side of the landfill (23.6 mg/dm3) and it is 2.36 times higher than the value of the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) (10 mg/dm3); the most saline leachates with chlorides and sulfites are those accumulating at the foot and at the northwestern side; the phosphate content of the investigated leachate samples was the highest at the foot of the landfill and amounted to 12.8 mg/dm3, which exceeds the MPC (10 mg/dm3) by 1.28 times; high concentration of ammonium nitride was discovered in the leachates at the foot (76.1 mg/dm3) and at the northwestern side (46.3 mg/dm3), which exceeds the MPC (30 mg/dm3) by 2.53 and 1.54 times, respectively; the highest indicators of total iron are typical for basins nearby (at the foot – 68.2 mg/dm3, at the northwestern side – 56.3 mg/dm3) and exceed the MPC norms (2.5 mg/dm3) by 27.28 and 22.52 times, respectively. According to certain indicators, the content of hazardous components in the leachates, which accumulate at the foot and at the northwestern side, exceeds the MPC and is several times higher than in the natural basins at the distance of 800 and 1200 m.
The negative effects of the urban environment on the morphological and physiological states of Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' have been investigated. For comparison, two plots were selected for the cultivation of eastern arborvitae cultivars: one in a public garden (the control plot) and the other one in street planting with its positive vertical temperature gradient associated with overheating and dehydration of the soil. This situation had a negative impact on the biometric and physiological parameters of the plants, and, in the end, the level of their vitality. If, under optimal growth conditions, the vertical temperature gradient is negative (the air temperature in the crown is higher and the soil temperature in the rhizosphere zone is lower), the physiological processes in Thuja ocidentalis 'Smaragd' (transpiration, water-holding capacity) proceed in a normal mode. A change in the temperature regime (soil temperature is higher than the air temperature in the crown), under the conditions of a positive temperature gradient, leads to negative consequences: the morphological structure of plants changes (the growth of the apical and side shoots slows down, the number of needles increases, the lower parts of the trunks become bared, the length and volume of the crown are reduced), also physiological processes are disturbed – moisture deficiency increases, water holding capacity decreases, the pigment composition of needles changes towards decreasing the amount of chlorophylls (a + b) and carotenoids. A decrease in the vitality level of the study plants with a positive temperature gradient was confirmed by the vitality indices Rfd established by means of the fluorescence method (negative gradient 0.64; positive gradient 0.33).
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