Purpose: The aim of the study was to examine how the weight of a school backpack with school supplies carried on the right or left shoulder influences body posture in schoolchildren. Methods: The study of body posture was carried out on a group of 65 pupils aged 7, using the mora projection method in the following eight positions: (four positions for the diagonal loading of the right shoulder and four positions for the loading of the left shoulder) 1 – the habitual posture, 2 – the posture after a 10-minute asymmetric loading, 3 – the posture one minute after removing the load and 4 – the posture two minutes after removing the load. The fitness level was measured using the Sekita test. Results: Among the boys, the load on the left or right shoulder showed a statistically significant difference in the analyzed features, apart from the angle of inclination of the lumbosacral segment for the load on the right shoulder. In the girls, significant differences were observed in all of the analyzed features. Conclusions: The mode of carriage of school items may cause significant adaptation changes in the skeletal, muscular, and nervous system. Overall fitness affects the size of postural changes. The method of carriage of school supplies with asymmetric loading of the body trunk should not be practised among 7-year-old children of both sexes. The load should be smaller to affect the posture symmetrically.
Działania edukacyjne skierowane do dzieci i młodzieży mogą przyczynić się do dokonywania przez nich dobrych dla zdrowia wyborów, a u dorosłych – wpłynąć na zmianę nawyków z negatywnych na prozdrowotne, służące poprawie zdrowia. Rozwój technologii elektronicznej sprawił, że w dziedzinie tej można korzystać z urządzeń, które sprawdzają, monitorują, a także w sposób pośredni motywują do zmiany stylu życia. Do wymiany informacji służą różnego typu aplikacje instalowane w smartfonach, tabletach czy komputerach, monitorujące poziom aktywności fizycznej i zmiany związane z jej podejmowaniem, zachodzące w organizmie, np. zmiany poziomu tętna podczas wysiłku. Dane wykazują, że już ponad 30% osób korzystających z Internetu wykorzystuje także urządzenia monitorujące i aplikacje zdrowotne w codziennym trybie życia; korzystanie z nich może przyczynić się w konsekwencji do poprawy kondycji zdrowotnej całego społeczeństwa. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie możliwości wykorzystania innowacji technologicznych do monitorowania aktywności fizycznej, przeznaczonych dla ludzi w każdym wieku, na podstawie badań dostępnych w literaturze przedmiotu. Sformułowano następujący problem badawczy: czy dostępne urządzenia elektroniczne monitorujące poziom aktywności fizycznej przyczyniają się do zmiany elementów stylu życia badanych osób? W pracy zastosowano metodę analizy i krytyki piśmiennictwa, polegającą na przeglądzie literatury i uzyskaniu wiedzy z danego zakresu. Okazało się, że istnieje już długa lista dostępnych aplikacji zdrowotnych, mimo to badania naukowe w tym zakresie są dość ograniczone.
Educational activities aimed at children and adolescents can contribute to making good choices for their health, and in adults, changing habits from negative to prohealth ones, aimed at improving health. However, the development of electronic technology has made it possible to use devices that check, monitor and motivate people to change their lifestyle. These are different types of applications installed in smartphones, tablets or computers that monitor the level of physical activity and the changes associated with its taking place in the body, eg changes in heart rate during exercise. The data shows that already over 30% of people using the Internet, also uses health applications in their everyday life and the use of such devices may contribute to improving the health condition of the society. The aim of the work is to present the possibilities of using technological innovations to monitor physical activity, intended for people of all ages, based on research available in the literature on the subject. The following research problem was formulated: do the available electronic devices monitoring the level of physical activity contribute to the change of the lifestyle elements of the examined people? The work uses a method of analysis and criticism of the literature consisting in a review of the literature and obtaining knowledge in a given field. It turned out that although there is already a long list of available health applications, research in this area is quite limited.
The aim of this study was to identify sleep problems in a select group of professional soldiers. For the study used a questionnaire containing the Athens Insomnia Scale by Soldatos, allowing klinimetric evaluation of sleep disorders reflecting mainly insomnia. Material Data were obtained from 200 professional soldiers. The results showed no pathological abnormalities of sleep study population, however, the results show some reduction in the prevalence of symptoms of sleep quality based on the selected factors. The health status of all the soldiers experiencing combat stress requires periodic and thorough control since the diagnosis of disorders is difficult and they can appear even after a long period of lived events. This may lead to look for other ways to deal with problems; the use of psychoactive substances or drug abuse. Therefore it is extremely important to use therapeutic activities.
The most common form of dementia in the elderly population is Alzheimer’s disease (AD). World Health Organization (WHO) thus defines Alzheimer’s disease: “a set of neurodegenerative brain symptoms, resulting in progressive impairment of memory, thinking, cognition, counting, language, ability to learn and assessing situations, which disturb everyday life”. It usually develops in 65+-yearolds, and the risk of AD in 85+-year-olds is as high as 50%. It has become a considerable threat to the society, given the longer life expectancy and an increase in the retirement-aged population. AD prevention and treatment methods described in this paper are still being developed and perfected. Studies on genesis of the disease aim at comprehensive understanding of its causes. New, alternative treatment methods are still sough. Researchers develop and test biomarkers that could facilitate early diagnosis.
Introduction. The study aimed at judging the environmental awareness in young people from West Pomerania Province and their families by assessing their actions towards protecting the environment. Material and methods. The sample selection for the study was a non-random one as it involved a purposeful selection. The material consisted of the data obtained from the 3537 high school students. The research was carried out using diagnostic surveys. Results. The results of the research provide a basis for undertaking further education not only children and youth but also adults. Conclusions. Training to raise environmental awareness and environmental protection should be carried out by competent educators and take place at all levels of education. This process should be based on formal and informal activities and lead to the dissemination of an ecological culture model in which effective environmental protection conditions the society’s level of knowledge.
Wstęp. Celem podjętych badań był osąd świadomości ekologicznej młodzieży województwa zachodniopomorskiego i ich rodzin poprzez ocenę podejmowanych przez nich działań proekologicznych chroniących środowisko naturalne. Materiał i metody. Materiał do badań stanowiły dane uzyskane od 3537 uczniów szkół ponadgimnazjalnych z województwa zachodniopomorskiego. Badania przeprowadzono metodą sondażu diagnostycznego, techniką ankiety. Wyniki. Przedstawione w pracy wyniki badań dają asumpt do podjęcia ustawicznej edukacji nie tylko dzieci i młodzieży ale też osób dorosłych. Wnioski. Kształcenie w celu podniesienia świadomości ekologicznej i ochrony środowiska powinno być prowadzone przez kompetentnych edukatorów i odbywać się powinno na wszystkich szczeblach edukacji. Proces ten powinien być oparty na działaniach formalnych i nieformalnych oraz prowadzić do upowszechniania wzorca kultury ekologicznej, w której poziom wiedzy społeczeństwa warunkuje skuteczną ochronę środowiska naturalnego.
Liver transplantation has become one of the most effective treatments for end-stage renal disease. For patients, however, the decision to have orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) is often made in an effort to improve their quality of life and to reduce their risk of mortality and morbidity. Quality of life is an important aspect of therapy for transplant patients because this category reflects the subjective evaluation of one's own life in the physical, psychological and social dimensions. One of the means to achieve a better quality of life is not only good health, but also physical activity. Physical activity has been demonstrated to be of significance not only in the assessment of fitness levels but also could be of importance in long term recovery process after major surgical operations. The aim of this study was a review of literature showing the improved quality of life in patients after liver transplantation as well as the influence of physical activity on their physical health, mental health and quality of life after transplantation. Longitudinal data showed remarkable improvement of common domains of QOL comparing pre- and post-transplant items. Gender, occupation and regular physical activity have an influence on the quality of life after liver transplantation.
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