Artykuł omawia modernizację stacji wentylatorów głównych szybu Wilson w KS „Wieliczka” S.A., która objęła: budynek stacji, wentylatory główne, silniki elektryczne o mocy 110 kW do napędu wentylatorów, transformatory 3/0,4 kV, rozdzielnię 3 kV „Wilson”, rozdzielnię główną 0,4 kV oraz systemy komunikacyjne do sterowania stacją.
The article concerns the modernization of the main ventilators station of the „Wilson" shaft at „Wieliczka" Salt Mine. The modernization included: the station building, main ventilators, 110 kW electric motors for the operation of ventilators, 3/0.4 kV transformers, 3 kV „Wilson" switching station, 0.4 kV main switching station and communication systems to control the station. The modernization of the Wilson shaft ventilators station has provided a modern facility that improves the safety of tourist and sanatorium traffic as well as employees staying in the underground workings of the mine. Thanks to the development of modern devices, the mine meets the requirements of restrictive environmental standards in terms of the permissible noise level. As regards the modernization of the main ventilators stations, devices with Iower electricity consumption were used -which translates into limitations in the amount of electricity bills. Another aspect that reduces costs is the use of automated devices, which in the long run will completely eliminate the station of the device service.
Presently the hoisting installation operated in the Wieliczka Salt Mine is mostly used for transporting visitors to the underground mine sections. It comprises two elevators which are able to effectively transport groups of up to 42 people during a single ride. Design objectives developed prior to its mounting at the shaft bottom and observations made by maintenance engineers clearly indicate that the guiding system in the shaft is very stiff and so deformations are in fact negligible. The components of the guiding system which have the highest stiffness are bunton beams, designed in accordance with pertinent regulations having relevance to hoisting installations.To verify the rationale of implementing the stiff steelwork frame, the digital model of the steelwork frame was created and numerical procedures were applied, taking into account the maximal design loads and operational loads. Numerical results were validated through measurements of real stress values at selected components of the guiding system in the hoisting installation operated in the shaft “Regis’, under variable operating conditions. The analysis of measurement data allows a preliminary evaluation of structural parameters of the car frame, highlighting the potential of reducing the mass of components selected to be optimised.
The article presents the construction of an inter-level shaft between levels II lower and level III and equipping it with a transport system. The purpose of the project was to provide transport of loose materials and long items from level III to level II lower, which was necessary to secure the mining excavations. Before the investment, only a limited amount of materials could be transported manually by means of ramps.
The study summarises the selection of dedicated techniques and procedures for measuring real stresses arising in shaft steelwork components due to car-shaft steelwork interactions as well as stresses at critical points of the car frame in the elevator installation in the Regis Shaft of the Wieliczka Salt Mine. The implemented solution and operational parameters of the hoisting installation in the Regis Shaft of the Wieliczka Salt Mine are summarised, the adopted measurement method and dedicated equipment are presented, focusing on the procedure for locating the critical points on the car frame and shaft steelwork. The purpose-built measurement set-up as well as the adopted stress measurement procedure and results are explained in detail.
Opracowanie dotyczy zagadnienia bezpiecznej ewakuacji osób z szybu lub szybika w zakresie: sposobu prowadzenia ewakuacji, sprzętu i urządzeń służących do prowadzenia ewakuacji oraz czasu jej trwania. Przedstawiono stosowane rozwiązania organizacyjne i techniczne dotyczące ewakuacji osób z szybów i szybików oraz przeprowadzone modernizacje urządzeń transportu w Kopalni Soli „Wieliczka” S.A., gdzie prowadzony jest ruch turystyczny.
A comprehensive modernization of all elevators was carried out in the "Wieliczka" Salt Mine. Reserve drives and power generators were installed and new organizational and technical solutions were implement to ensure the safe evacuation from elevator vessels. In the event of a power outage, the organizational and technical solutions implemented assume the use of power generating units, or the gravitational lowering of elevator cabins to the nearest level. In the event of failure of the main engine, they immediately engage the reserve drive or carry out an inspection drive. In turn, in the event that the elevator vessel is stopped in the shaft, they usually enable evacuation utilizing climbing techniques, carried out with the support of GOPR rescue officers. Diversified solutions for safe evacuation of people ensure. As shown by periodic drills of mine services , carried out in coordination with mining rescuers and GOPR group rescuers, these activities have raised the level of safety of tourists, especially those suffering from reduced mobility.
W artykule przedstawiono budowę szybiku międzypoziomowego, materiałowego pomiędzy poziomem IIn i poziomem III oraz wyposażenie go w układ do transportu materiałów. Celem przedsięwzięcia było zapewnienie możliwości transportu materiałów sypkich oraz długich z poziomu III na poziom IIn, niezbędnych do zabezpieczenia wyrobisk górniczych. Przed inwestycją transport materiałów w ograniczonym zakresie odbywał się ręcznie pochylniami.
Artykuł omawia modernizację stacji wentylatorów głównych szybu „Wilson” w KS „Wieliczka” S.A., która objęła: budynek stacji, wentylatory główne, silniki elektryczne o mocy 110 kW do napędu wentylatorów, transformatory 3/0,4 kV, rozdzielnię 3 kV „Wilson”, rozdzielnię główną 0,4 kV oraz systemy komunikacyjne do sterowania stacją.
This article discusses the modernization of the “Wilson” shaft’s main fan station in KS “Wieliczka” S.A., which included: the station building, main fans, the 110 kW electric motors to drive the fans, 3/0.4 kV transformers, 3 kV “Wilson” switchgear, 0.4 kV main switchgear and the communication systems used to control the station.
This article discusses the modernization of the “Wilson” shaft’s main fan station in KS “Wieliczka” S.A., which included: the station building, main fans, the 110 kW electric motors to drive the fans, 3/0.4 kV transformers, 3 kV “Wilson” switchgear, 0.4 kV main switchgear and the communication systems used to control the station.
Artykuł omawia modernizację stacji wentylatorów głównych szybu „Wilson” w KS „Wieliczka” S.A., która objęła: budynek stacji, wentylatory główne, silniki elektryczne o mocy 110 kW do napędu wentylatorów, transformatory 3/0,4 kV, rozdzielnię 3 kV „Wilson”, rozdzielnię główną 0,4 kV oraz systemy komunikacyjne do sterowania stacją.
The article concerns the planned modernization of the power supply system for special transport equipment in the Regis shaft in the scope of building the electricity processing and storage system. In order to improve the safety of people in the underground excavations, the mine plans to install a system enabling emergency power supply for the lifts in the event of a power outage. At the same time, the mine started works related to the development of a photovoltaic power plant, which in the future will make it possible to store energy in periods when the costs of electricity from the power supply network are high and to draw energy stored in this way when electricity costs are low. Energy storage is a key factor in integrating renewable energy into the power generation system and optimizing electricity consumption.
Artykuł przedstawia planowaną modernizację urządzeń transportu specjalnego w szybie Regis w zakresie zabudowy systemu przetwarzania i magazynowania energii elektrycznej.
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