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Badania objęły obszar województwa warmińsko-mazurskiego, które charakteryzuje się dużym udziałem obszarów prawnie chronionych. Opierając się na danych statystycznych publikowanych przez GUS oraz danych GDOŚ i RDOŚ w Olsztynie przeprowadzono analizę poziomą i pionową uwzględniającą podział na gminy wiejskie, miejskie i miejsko-wiejskie. Analiza dotyczyła zmian w dostępie do infrastruktury liniowej ochrony środowiska oraz zmian w udziale obszarów prawnie chronionych w trzech typach gmin, w latach 2005–2012. W wyniku badań stwierdzono duże dysproporcje w dostępności do infrastruktury ochrony środowiska w trzech typach gmin. Dysproporcje, choć wolnym tempie zmniejszały się. Jednocześnie przy utrudnionym dostępie do infrastruktury ochrony środowiska w gminach wiejskich stwierdzono znacząco wyższe udziały obszarów prawnie chronionych niż w gminach miejskich i miejsko-wiejskich. Jednak dynamika zmian w przypadku obszarów prawnie chronionych charakteryzowała się stałym wynikiem od 2007 roku.
The research presented in this paper covered the areas of the Warmia-Mazury voivodeship, which is characterized by a large share of legally protected areas. Based on statistics published by the GUS and data provided by GDOŚ and RDOŚ in Olsztyn, an analysis was carried out taking into account the horizontal and vertical division of rural, urban and urban-rural communities. The analysis included changes in the access to linear environmental protection infrastructure and changes in the share of legally protected areas in three types of municipalities in the years 2005–2012. The research revealed large disparities in the availability of environmental infrastructure in different types of municipalities, although these disparities slowly decreased. At the same time, rural communities with limited access to environmental infrastructure had significantly higher shares of legally protected areas than urban and urban-rural areas. However, the rate of change in the case of protected areas has been constant since 2007.
In March 2010, the European Commission announced a 10-year strategic plan called ‘Europe 2020 – A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth’. At the same time, the Polish author¬ities approved several strategic documents connected with the Lisbon Agenda and the new Europe 2020 Strategy, intended to support the development of RER and the reduction of emissions, mainly of greenhouse gases. The objective of this study has been to assess the indicators of sustainable growth for Poland against the backdrop of these indicators for the European Union. The analysis included indicators related to gas emission and energy consumption in the years 2004, 2010 and 2015. For each indicator, a so-called demonstration assessment value was calculated, which shows by what percentage the value of a given indicator achieved in Poland is better or worse than the average value of this indicator for the European Union member states The study showed positive changes in the individual indicators in 2004–2015.
The purpose of this study has been to identify the degree of sustainability in the development of the Province of Warmia and Mazury. The theoretical and empirical investigations were conducted between 2003–2014 based on data from the Local Data Bank. Using a comparative indicator method, 20 indicators were developed, with different directions of preference. The evaluation involves the concept of uniform preference, hence the higher the assessment indicator, the better the situation in the evaluated area unit. Our studies on the sustainable development of the Province of Warmia and Mazury suggest that the indicators measuring the environmental dimension and consequently the quality of life of the residents (in this aspect) score higher than the country’s average values. It is also optimistic that some progress, however small, can be seen in this area based on the analyzed dynamics of changes.
Sustainable development should be viewed in the context of environmental, social and economic order. The objective of the present study has been to evaluate to what extent the development occurring in the Province of Warmia and Mazury is sustainable in terms of the environment, society and economy, and to suggest some improvements to the evaluation method applied so far. The theoretical, empirical and competence research was conducted in 2006-2010. The empirical part of the research was performed in 2008-2009, based on the data of 2007 obtained from the Regional Data Bank. Applying the comparative indicator method, 70 indicators were developed of opposite preference orientation. It has been suggested that the area covered by forests, waters, etc., i.e. the land where people cannot be settled, should be omitted from calculations of the population density indicator. Furthermore, the forest cover indicator in the present study was used without making a distinction between private and public woodlands. The author's analysis of the social and economic order has demonstrated that the local society is poor, which entails low comfort of living and underfinanced health care and education. The evaluation of environmental order has yielded more positive results.
The main objective of this study has been to measure and evaluate changes in the values of metrics applied to environmental management systems implemented in rural areas in the years 2010 and 2022. The study included three provinces in Poland representing different socio-economic development classes. Two strategic research groups were distinguished within the provinces: rural municipalities and rural areas in urban-rural municipalities. With the Perkal method, a synthetic indicator was constructed to measure environmental performance in rural areas. The Pearson correlation coefficient was applied, leading to the results which substantiated the conclusion that the highest improvement of the environmental management indicator value was achieved in the province at the highest socio-economic development level, even though the sub-indicators did not improve between 2010 and 2022 in all the analysed groups. The management of the environment is a task mostly delegated to local governments. Proposing an environmental monitoring method can support making decisions at the level of local governments as regards directions in the management of the environment in a given area because the synthetic indicator created in this study comprises only these elements that can be moulded by actions undertaken by local governments.
Głównym celem badań był pomiar oraz ocena zmian w poziomie wskaźników kształtujących środowisko obszarów wiejskich w latach 2010 i 2022. Badaniami objęto trzy województwa reprezentujące odmienne klasy rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego. W województwach wyróżniono dwie grupy strategiczne badań: gminy wiejskie i obszary wiejskie w gminach-miejsko-wiejskich. Z wykorzystaniem metody Perkala skonstruowano syntetyczny wskaźnik pomiaru kształtowania środowiska na obszarach wiejskich. Za pomocą współczynnika korelacji Pearsona udało się uzyskać wyniki pozwalające na stwierdzenie, że w najwyższym stopniu poprawa syntetycznego wskaźnika kształtowania środowiska nastąpiła w województwie o najwyższym poziomie rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego, mimo, że wskaźniki cząstkowe nie we wszystkich badanych grupach uległy poprawie w okresie od 2010 do 2022 roku. Kształtowanie środowiska to w znacznej mierze zadanie samorządowe. Wskazanie metod monitorowania środowiska może być pomocne w podejmowaniu decyzji na poziomie samorządów co do kierunków kształtowania środowiska na danym obszarze, bowiem zaproponowany wskaźnik obejmuje tylko te elementy, na które mogą mieć wpływ działania podjęte przez samorządy.
Content available remote Fuel Poverty – A New Challenge for Social Policy?
The article presents a multi-faceted problem of energy or fuel poverty. This issue is still poorly recognised in Poland, although it is estimated to affect at least 17% of the Polish population, who find it difficult to maintain a comfortable temperature at home or to pay bills for heating their households. Besides the thermo-modernisation of residential buildings and the promotion of appropriate attitudes to energy consumption, another approach to combating energy poverty involves economic support in the form of energy allowances awarded to households identified as “vulnerable energy consumers”. This paper presents the extent of support given to households in Olsztyn in 2014-2015.
Evaluation of the tourist potential of Olsztyn sub-region in Warmińsko-Mazurskie voivodship using the SWOT analysis was the aim of the work. The tourist potential was evaluated based on two groups of variables concerning the structural and functional resources conditioning tourist development. The studies showed that the woodiness was the major strength of the Olsztyn sub-region tourist potential. It was followed by investments in environment protection and municipal infrastructure. The major threats to tourist development in Olsztyn sub-region were the decrease in volumes of the German sentimental tourism and increasing demands of tourists concerning quality coupled with insufficient status of tourist facilities.
Many documents produced by the EU, including the Europe 2020 Strategy, advocate the assumption that the European Union member states will strive to achieve sustainable development, which therefore needs to be measured with comparable parameters. The research objective was to evaluate sustainable growth indicators in Poland against the background of the same indicators in the European Union, and to ‘estimate’ chances to achieve the objectives set in the Europe 2020 Strategy. Two hypotheses were put forward in the study: a large number of indicators analysed by the Main Statistical Office in Poland allows forecasting the achievement of Poland’s objectives adopted in the Strategy; the most difficult to achieve will be the goal of financing research and development. In Poland, not all the changes were beneficial. The EU as a whole has the chance to approximate to the set value of the indicators. Both hypotheses were verified.
Wiele dokumentów opracowanych przez UE, w tym strategia „Europa 2020”, opowiada się za założeniem, że państwa członkowskie Unii Europejskiej będą dążyć do osiągnięcia zrównoważonego rozwoju, który w związku z tym należy mierzyć za pomocą porównywalnych parametrów. Celem badań była ocena wskaźników zrównoważonego wzrostu w Polsce na tle tych samych wskaźników w Unii Europejskiej oraz „oszacowanie” szans na osiągnięcie celów określonych w strategii „Europa 2020”. W badaniu wysunięto dwie hipotezy: duża liczba wskaźników analizowanych przez Główny Urząd Statystyczny w Polsce (GUS) pozwala prognozować realizację celów Polski przyjętych w strategii. Najtrudniejszy do osiągnięcia będzie cel finansowania badań i rozwoju. W Polsce nie wszystkie zmiany były korzystne. UE jako całość ma szansę zbliżyć się do ustalonej wartości wskaźników. Obie hipotezy zostały zweryfikowane.
Content available remote Agricultural Production Volume in Poland and in Belarus and Its Prospects
The aim of this study was to identify changes in the agricultural production volume for selected branches in 2013-2017 and to estimate the future trends in Belarus and in Poland. The following comparative analyses used selected per capita intensity indices, the change rate index and a logistic function. The study found that in both countries the greatest decrease took place in the plant production volume, while animal production volume remained more stable. The fact that its foreign trade is heavily dependent on Russia is the greatest problem for Belarus. Foreign trade in Poland is more stable and less dependent on Russia owing to the influence of the European Union.
This article analyses sustainable development indicators for the assessment of bioproducts. It also determines criteria for the operationalization of bioproduct assessment on the basis of available literature on the subject and the opinions of entrepreneurs producing packaging made of petroleum derivative materials. The results of literature and questionnaire studies indicate that indicators used for the assessment should accurately reflect the process or state of affairs they present, and be clear for every stakeholder throughout the entire supply chain.
Artykuł miał na celu wskazanie ścieżki wyboru wskaźników zrównoważonego rozwoju do oceny bioproduktów. Jest próbą wyznaczenia kryteriów operacjonalizacji oceny bioproduktów na podstawie dostępnej literatury przedmiotu oraz opinii przedsiębiorców produkujących opakowania z tworzyw ropopochodnych. Wyniki badań literaturowych oraz ankietowych wskazują, że  wskaźniki stosowane do oceny powinny dokładnie odzwierciedlać proces lub stan rzeczy, który prezentują, być zrozumiałe dla każdego interesariusza na całym łańcuchu dostaw.
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