The article presents automatic eye corners detection algorithms in thermal images. Its target application is to perform quick and unnoticed measurement of human body temperature. It is proved that the temperature of eyes’ corners is the most reliable and stable temperature considering infrared imaging. That measurements were done manually so far. Our approach is to do this automatically and create complete system for measurement of core human body temperature in crowded places where it is impossible to do this in another way (for example on the airport, railway station). Such system could prevent people for spreading off the epidemic. Two proposed algorithms are presented: first based on morphological operations and geometric features of human face, second based on the cross-correlation and idea of pattern tracking. The selection of appropriate ROI size for reliable temperature extraction was tested according to the distance to person under observation.
In this paper, a novel methodology and a software tool for advanced image processing of thermal image sequences are presented. The software implements 1-D Fourier, short-time Fourier and wavelet transforms. The tool uses temperature variation in time for each pixel in the sequence of IR images. It is dedicated to Non Destructive Testing (NDT) testing and the functional time-dependent thermal imaging, e.g. for screening in medical diagnosis. The overall methodology is based on 2-stage analysis. The first, preliminary one is to estimate the right scale/frequency and the moment in time for the final frequency analysis. It can simplify characterization of materials and detection of cracks and defects.
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Praca przedstawia wybrane zastosowania termowizji w medycynie. Na początku jest zaprezentowana nowa metoda automatycznego bezstykowego pomiaru temperatury ciała. Zakłada się pomiar temperatura wewnętrzna (narożniki oczy) korzystając z algorytmu automatycznego wykrywania oczu na obrazy termicznego. Dalej analizujemy użyteczność pomiarów przesiewowych w różnych zastosowaniach medycznych. Rozwiązanie opiera się na cechach termicznych obrazu i sieci neuronowej klasyfikacji. Następnie przedstawiona jest nowatorska kamera termograficzna zaprojektowana w Instytucie Electroniki Politechniki Łódzkiej do zastosowań biomedycznych. W pracy zawarte są niektóre uwagi dotyczące oprogramowania ThemalScope.
The paper presents chosen application of thermography in medicine. At first, a new method for automatic contactless measurement of the body core temperature is presented. It assumes the measurement of temperature in the inner canthi (the corners of eyes) using an algorithm of automatic detection of the eyes on thermal images. Next, we discuss the useness of thermography for screening in different medical applications. The approach is based on thermal image features and neural network classification. At last, the novel microbolometer thermographic camera designed in the Institute of Electronics, Technical University of Lodz, for biomedical applications is presented. Some remarks on ThemalScope software are included in this paper.
In this paper, a novel method of estimation of the diameter of inter-yarn channel inlets in textile materials, in particular fabrics, is described. This method is based on 3D micro-scanning with structured light. After 3D reconstruction of the fabric surface, one uses the so called “cutting” plane perpendicular to the fabric to get the cross-sections and measure the diameters of the channel inlets. The mean value of the diameters measured estimates the size of the channel inlets. A standard 3D scanner for dental applications was applied for the research. As an important result, we present the correlation of the diameters and other parameters of the fabrics chosen with the air permeability.
W artykule przedstawiono nową metodę oceny średnic kanałów międzynitkowych w materiałach tekstylnych, w szczególności w tkaninach. W metodzie tej zastosowano trójwymiarowe skanowanie obiektu przy użyciu światła strukturalnego. Po rekonstrukcji trójwymiarowej powierzchni tkaniny, przeprowadza się analizę danych polegającą na „przecięciu” powierzchni tkaniny płaszczyzną prostopadłą do niej w różnych miejscach. Otrzymane przekroje umożliwiają estymację średnic wlotów do kanałów międzynitkowych. W celu wyznaczenia wartości średnic wlotów do kanałów międzynitkowych stosuje się funkcję aproksymującą w postaci wielomianu niskiego rzędu. W badaniach zastosowano typowy skaner dentystyczny. Ważnym wynikiem przeprowadzonych badań jest korelacja średnic kanałów międzynitkowych z przepuszczalnością powietrza wybranych tkanin.
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This paper presents application of active thermography as a tool for supporting diagnosis of selected dermatological diseases. The cold stress method is used to stimulate human skin and to measure its temperature change in time. Image and data processing techniques are applied to calculate response parameters and plot their spatial distributions (maps). The proposed technique was applied to estimate differences between healthy and unhealthy tissue for patients with psoriasis. Another application concerns detection of regions characterized by different vascularization under the skin. Obtained preliminary results are promising. It was demonstrated that the developed method, after further testing, can be a useful tool to improve the standard diagnostic procedures.
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This paper presents a novel screening approach of human skin pathologies using Active IR Thermography. The inputs of the proposed algorithm are the values of the physical parameters of the skin. Parameters are estimated based on dynamic thermographic measurements of human skin and the developed thermal model of the tissue. The calculations were based on the inverse thermal modelling. Classification was done using Support Vector Machine, Linear Discriminant Analysis and k-Nearest Neighbours classifiers. As an example, one presented the results of screening for psoriasis.
Artykuł dotyczy wyznaczania składników strat mocy w ferromagnetyku miękkim, wiodącym zmienny w czasie strumień magnetyczny. Autorzy zaproponowali nowe rozwiązanie wykorzystujące kamerę termowizyjną do pomiaru temperatury na powierzchni blachy. Rozwiązanie to bazuje na fakcie, iż rozpraszana energia wynikająca ze strat jest przekształcana w ciepło. Dzięki temu można wyznaczyć składniki strat histerezowych i wiroprądowych wykonując pomiar przy różnych częstotliwościach strumienia magnetycznego.
: The paper presents a novel approach to estimating components of losses in soft ferromagnetic materials. The idea of the described solution is to use a thermovision camera to measure the increase of temperature of the metal plate surface. The temperature rises because of power losses caused by an alternating magnetic flux. This enables measurements at different frequencies to determine the components of the losses. It is required to apply a model of a metal plate [4] to estimate the amount of power, basing on a thermal response recorded by a thermal camera in time domain. Using (4) one can calculate the content of hysteresis and eddy-current losses. The concept of a test rig is shown in Fig. 2, while the obtained results are presented in Fig. 3. In that figure there are plots of power divided by frequency as a function of frequency obtained from thermal measurements and the plots are coherent with those prepared basing on the catalogue data. The results allow us to conclude that the presented method is a promising tool. Currently it is in a preliminary stage and the authors plan to develop it in the future.
Measurement of the perfusion coefficient and thermal parameters of skin tissue using dynamic thermography is presented in this paper. A novel approach based on cold provocation and thermal modelling of skin tissue is presented. The measurement was performed on a person’s forearm using a special cooling device equipped with the Peltier module. The proposed method first cools the skin, and then measures the changes of its temperature matching the measurement results with a heat transfer model to estimate the skin perfusion and other thermal parameters. In order to assess correctness of the proposed approach, the uncertainty analysis was performed.
This paper presents the concept and three practical examples of using complex thermal impedance for characterisation different thermal objects. The first problem describes estimation time shift between power and temperature in electric distribution systems with non-sinusoidal currents. The second example discussed here, shows the estimation of power losses distribution in the magnetic punched ferromagnetic strips. The third application presents the inverse thermal modelling of 3-layer biomedical objects (tissues) to estimate the thermal parameters. More details of the presented problems are in the appropriate papers of the authors referenced here.
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