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Powódź 2010 r. stanowiła ciężką lekcję dla dziesiątków podmiotów gospodarczych, których działalność została przerwana przez wielką wodę. Szacuje się, że przeszło 1,4 tys. przedsiębiorstw zostało dotkniętych przez żywioł (MSWiA, 2010). Mimo naturalnego charakteru zjawiska w wielu wypadkach udałoby się ograniczyć straty, gdyby nie zaniechania w utrzymaniu infrastruktury wodnej oraz brak rzetel-nej informacji o samym zagrożeniu. W tym artykule prezentujemy wyniki prac projektowych nad zabezpieczeniem zakładu produkcyjnego w województwie małopolskim, wykonanych przez Hydroprojekt Sp. z o.o
The 2010 flood was a hard lesson to learn for dozens of economic entities, the activity of which was discontinued by the high water. It is estimated that 1.4 thousand enterprises were affected by the element (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration, 2010) Despite natural character of this phenomenon, in many cases the losses could be limited if not for omis- sioons in water infrastructure maintenance and lack of reliable information on the threat itself. The article presents the results of design works on protection of a production plant in the Małopolskie Voivodship, carried out by Hydroprojekt Sp. z o.o.
Content available remote Badania właściwości mechanicznych spienionego polichlorku winylu
Przedstawiono metody badań spienionych tworzyw, które są stosowane na rdzenie w konstrukcjach przekładkowych. Badaniu poddano spieniony polichlorek winylu o gęstości 115 kg/m³ marki PChW-1, dla którego określono właściwości mechaniczne przy rozciąganiu, ściskaniu, skręcaniu i zmęczeniu.
Examination results of the foamed materials used for cores in sandwich constructions are presented. The polyvinyl chloride, PChW-1, of the density 115 kg/m³ (for which mechanical properties in the tensile, squeezing, torsion and fatigue tests have been determined) was tested.
Przedstawiono koncepcję numerycznego modelowania połączenia sworzniowego. Metodologia la pozwala na szybkie odwzorowanie kolejnych postaci zespołu maszynowego wywołanych obciążeniem pr/y wykorzystaniu raz utworzonych modeli dyskretnych poszczególnych części. Zaproponowano metodę szacowania sztywności stykowej elementów skończonych służących do odwzorowania zagadnienia kontaktu między sworzniem a uchem.
This paper presents a special algorithm with a gap clement to solve the three-dimensional elasto-plastic contact problem in many different kinds of mechanism. We introduce a simple method of modeling a pin joint which uses the same discrete models of components for different configuration of assembly. We propose a special calibration of the gap elements which reduces the time and cost required to prepare the FEM model and to obtain a solution. The validity and performance of the proposed contact algorithm with the gap element are demonstrated through the numerical analysis of a front landing gear of an aircraft and through the comparison with the experimental tests.
The sizing of a storage reservoir, in order to reduce maximum water discharges in stormwater drainage systems, is one of the major topics in the civil engineering. In this article a methodology that allows identifying an optimal capacity of a pipe reservoir is proposed. Applying a simplified water flow model it was possible to bind various reservoir’s parameters (a reservoir diameter, a diameter of an outflow orifice and an outfl ow coefficient) with an infl ow hydrograph (a peak flow, a time of rising, a hydrograph fineness, a maximum discharge and a total volume). On the basis of functional relationships the nomographs were elaborated, allowing determining a desirable size of the reservoir, in a sense of a required peak reduction. The usage of the proposed methodology is presented with a simple example.
Wymiarowanie zbiornika retencyjnego w celu zredukowania maksymalnych odpływów z kanalizacji deszczowej jest jednym z podstawowych zagadnień w inżynierii wodnej i lądowej. W artykule zaprezentowano metody wyznaczania optymalnej pojemności zbiornika rurowego. Zastosowanie uproszczonego modelu przepływu pozwoliło na powiązanie parametrów zbiornika rurowego (średnica komory akumulacyjnej, średnica otworu spustowego i współczynnik wydatku) i hydrogramu dopływu (czas przyboru, przepływ maksymalny podczas kulminacji, objętość fali, współczynnik asymetrii fali). Na podstawie uzyskanej zależności funkcyjnej sporządzono nomogramy pozwalające określić wymiary zbiornika i zapewnić redukcję przepływu maksymalnego na dopływie. Wykorzystanie zaproponowanej metodologii przedstawiono na prostym przykładzie obliczeniowym.
Łodzie płaskodenne typu airboat przeznaczone są do poruszania się po terenach trudno dostępnych, podmokłych łąkach czy akwenach wodnych o nieznanym dnie. Aby uniknąć uszkodzeń konstrukcji dna stosowane są zewnętrzne warstwy ochronne wykonane z polietylenów. Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia badania właściwości materiałowych warstwy wierzchniej wykonanej z PE1000 przy różnych temperaturach pracy.
The flat – bottomed vessel – airboats are designed to move through hard to reach areas, swamps or areas of water, where the bottom is unknown. To avoid damage to the construction of the bottom are used the outer protective layers made of polyethylene. This paper presents the experimental investigation of material properties of the top layer made from PE1000 in the different temperatures.
W pracy opisano doświadczalne badania pochłaniania energii uderzenia przez kompozyt epoksydowo-szklany. Badaniu poddano próbki w postaci rurek i stożków ściętych o różnej strukturze i różnej grubości ścianki oraz pięciu kątach połówkowych stożka. Przeanalizowano wpływ na wartość pochłanianej energii, takich czynników jak: struktura, geometria i kształty próbek, orientacja włókien w warstwie i sekwencja układania warstw.
Experimental studies on striking energy absorption by the epoxide-glass composite are described. Subjected to study the samples had a form of pipes and cut off cones of different structures and different wall thickness as well as five half angles of the cone. The impact of the structure, geometry and form of the samples, the fibre orientation in the layer and the layer deposition sequence on the absorbed energy has been analysed.
The problem of sluice gate flow is analyzed using two models: a simplified one, derived according to the concept of the Potential Field (PF), and a more complex form, based on the Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations. The numerical solution is compared with experimental data, including measurements performed by authors and results acquired from literature. Despite its simplicity, the PF model provides a satisfactory agreement with the measurements. The slightly worse performance of the RANS model comes from an overestimation of energy losses.
Niezatopiony wypływ wody spod zasuwy opisano dwoma modelami: uproszczonym, wyprowadzonym na podstawie teorii płaskiego przepływu potencjalnego (PF), i modelem o większym stopniu złożoności, bazującym na uśrednieniu Reynoldsa równań Naviera-Stokesa (RANS). Wyniki obliczeń przepustowości scharakteryzowano współczynnikami wydatku i porównano z wynikami własnych pomiarów hydraulicznych oraz podawanymi w literaturze. Współczynniki wydatku uzyskane z modelu PF są zbliżone do wyników badań eksperymentalnych. Nieco większe różnice wartości współczynników wydatku uzyskano z obliczeń modelem RANS. Wynika to z przeszacowania strat energii strumienia wody.
In the article, the results of tests and numerical computations of road infrastructure elements-protective barriers are presented. On the base of carried out tests (in laboratory conditions) the forms of deformations of each of elements and their assemblies, components of road protective barriers, were described. The determination of stiffness of each type of barriers, at the moment of their destruction, enabled to elaborate the methodology of the construction of numerical models and numerical simulations of the process of the barrier destruction. The absorption of energy of three subassemblies of road barriers, consisting of the W-beam guard rail section of 0.7 m, a post and SP01, SP05 and SP09 mounting hardware, was experimentally determined. From the comparison, the experimental results with the numerical simulation ones it is seen that proposed numerical models with a good accuracy present the behaviour of the real elements of barriers. Investigations enabled to estimate the distribution of absorbed energy of each constructional elements of barriers at the moment of their destruction. Further step in the investigation is to be an attempt to modify the construction, paying special attention to increasing its ability to absorb energy of collision. On this base, the protective road barrier system can be enriched with elements absorbing energy. Great energy absorbing abilities have elements which are subjected to progressive destruction e.g. by plastic deformation or delamination of elements produced from relatively cheap fiberglass reinforced plastic composites. The elaborated methodology of numerical simulation with the use of LS-DYNA software enables the essential shortening of the test period of worked out solutions.
The paper addresses the problem of determination of the energy and momentum coefficients for flows through a partly vegetated channel. These coefficients are applied to express the fluid kinetic energy and momentum equations as functions of a mean velocity. The study is based on laboratory measurements of water velocity distributions in a straight rectangular flume with stiff and flexible stems and plastic imitations of the Canadian waterweed. The coefficients were established for the vegetation layer, surface layer and the whole flow area. The results indicate that the energy and momentum coefficients increase significantly with water depth and the number of stems per unit channel area. New regression relationships for both coefficients are given.
Content available remote Investigations of Fatigue Strength of Sandwich Plates
The results of investigations of mechanical properties of the polyvinyl chloride foam and the epoxide composite reinforced by glass clothes and their fatigue life are presented. The fatigue life and the dependence of the structure degradation on the number of cycles of the sandwich plate subject to bending are also given. The plate was composed with the core made of the polyvinyl chloride foam and the face sheets of the epoxide composite reinforced by glass clothes.
Materiały kompozytowe wzbudzają narastające zainteresowanie w zastosowaniu do absorpcji i rozpraszania energii kinetycznej. Uzyskanie stabilnego reżimu progresywnego niszczenia odpowiednio zaprojektowanego kompozytu pozwala na dyssypację stosunkowo dużej ilości energii kinetycznej w odniesieniu do jego masy. Trudność polega na znalezieniu optymalnej konfiguracji oraz uzyskaniu stabilnego procesu progresywnego niszczenia. W pracy przedstawiono próbę teoretycznego modelowania wewnętrznej struktury wielowarstwowego kompozytu z tkaniny szklanej w osnowie epoksydowej. Model ten powinien poprawnie opisywać proces dyssypacji energii kinetycznej w wyniku progresywnego niszczenia materiału kompozytowego. W rozważaniach wzięto pod uwagę trzy mechanizmy odpowiedzialne za absorpcję energii w procesie progresywnego niszczenia struktury kompozytu: delaminacja, zginanie warstw, tarcie (o podłoże, między warstwami kompozytu po delaminacji).
Composite structures arouse growing interest in applying to kinetic energy absorption and dissipation. The stable progressive failure of the properly designed composite lead to dissipation of significant amount of the kinetic energy in relation to the composite mass. The problem rests on the optimum structure configuration and reaching the stable progressive failure stage. It is presented the theoretical model of the internal multilayer composite structure consisted of the glass fabric in epoxy resin matrix. The model should describe in proper way the kinetic energy dissipation process during progressive failure of a composite structure. Three energy absorbing mechanisms were considered: delamination, layers bending, and friction (with the base or/and between composite layers after delamination). The adequate description each of them is the necessary condition for the further study in seeking effective absorbing structures based on composite materials. Presented composite model leads to building primary absorbing elements with complicated shapes where the geometry could have a positive impact on an amount of absorbed energy.
Content available remote Numerical simulation of tensile loaded lap riveted joint
The paper deals with the analysis of the global shell–beam model of a riveted lap joint consisting of six rivets. This is a stage of study of the local physical phenomena in riveted joint [3 – 12]. The contact with friction is defined between collaborating parts of the joint. The calculations are carried out in an elastic-plastic range. The influence of the specimen geometry, boundary conditions, rivet stiffness and the sheet material model on strain and stress fields in the riveted joint is studied. Numerical models are verified on the base of experimental tests. In particular plastic strain fields during tensile loading, stress fields during tensile loading, comparison of numerical results, plastic strain fields around the hole, stress fields in the whole specimen are presented in the paper. Results demonstrated that the specimen geometry has important influence on the stress and strain fields in the final stage of tensile loading. The advantage of the numerical simulation is limiting development costs and improving analysis by giving more complete information about stress and strain fields compared to the pure experimental way. The stress and strain fields can be presented in the neighbourhood of a contact interface, where it is impossible to detect and measure it experimentally.
The paper presents an experimental work pertaining to the energy absorption capability of FRP specimens. The tests were performed on the INSTRON 8802 universal testing machine and the energy absorbed by the structure was calculated from the load-shortening diagram. A series of experiments were performed for composite thin walled tubes and cones with different semi-vertex angles ranging from 5° to 20°. The specimens were made of epoxy (E-53) and vinylester (VE-2MM) composites with glass, carbon and aramid fibers in three forms: filament yarn, fabric and mat. The influence of specimen geometry, fiber orientation and composite structure on the energy absorbing capability was studied. In particular relative energy of absorption (WEA) in dependence on materials, typical dependence of a crushing force on displacements (shortenings), comparison of mechanical properties of epoxide, monotropic composites strengthen with glass and carbon fibres, comparison of mechanical properties of epoxide, orthotropic composites strengthen with glass and carbon materials, dependence of the destructive strength on displacement of carbon/epoxide composite, progressive destruction of a specimen made of carbon/epoxide composite, mechanism of destruction by layer bending, influence of the thickness of the cone wall on the ability of absorbing energy by the epoxide composite, dependence of WEA on the angle alfa for the chosen structures of composites are presented in the paper.
In this work the problem connected with an improvement of the road safety through implementation of additional elements absorbing the hitting energy is taken into consideration. The experimental results of a basic absorbing element of the glass epoxy composite are presented. The results of these tests will serve for the construction of a reliable numerical model of a panel of protective elements. The coincidence between the experimental and numerical results is also proved, showing that introduced approach to the modelling of the process of the progressive destruction and the energy absorption by composite elements is not only properly assumed but is very promising for the future. Efforts, which lead to increase the amount of absorbed energy need actions, directed to improving absorbing energy properties of used elements. Therefore, the received results will serve as guidelines for elaboration the methodology of the research structures of that type and also could be used in further research works within the scope of increasing the road security. In the article it is also proved that there is the necessity to conduct the series of comparative experiments and also tests verifying numerical studies at loading speeds, which can be compared with ones in reality, e.g. crash test or shock wave of an explosion. The validated, in such way, method of numerical simulations enables the limitation of costly and long-lasting research of real objects.
In previous works the research team submitted [1-5] a series of numerical analysis of the car - road barrier dynamical system, directed to the elaboration of the numerical model methodology of an impact problem with the use of the chosen CAE programs. In this article there are presented the results of works on numerical implementation of crash tests of a car with the modified road barrier. The results are presented on the example of the Suzuki Swift car impact into the road barrier, which is equipped with the additional protective panel. The panel consists of the foamed aluminium plate whose fastening to the belt of the W-beam guardrail and a shield presented itself a thin-walled open profile made from the polyester-glass laminate. The whole construction was connected with the W-beam guardrail by riveting. The Geo Metro (Suzuki Swift) car, commonly available model from National Crash Analysis Centre (NCAC), was used for numerical analysis of the car-barrier system. Numerical analysis was carried out with the use of LS-Dyna system. The comparison of the time courses of acceleration, acting on the vehicle centre of gravity and the ways of the barrier and car deformation, achieved by the experimental and simulation ways, took place. The good qualitative and quantitative conformities in accelerations w archieved.
Content available Crash tests of a car with modified road barriers
In this article experimental results of a car impact into a modified road barrier are presented. For crash tests a modified protection barrier SP-04, composed of guide poles, type B, and bridge posts IPE140, was chosen. The road barrier modification lies in using additional panels absorbing the impact energy. The protective panels, subjected to examination, consisted of a metal or a composite (laminate, glass-polyester) shield in which the f o amed aluminium or polyurethane foam was a filling. The Suzuki Swift car s were prepared for the crash tests. Tests were carried out at the Automotive Industry Institute (PIMOT) in Warsaw, with the use o f a test sample of the road barrier. For the safety sake the car's speed during the experimental examinations was limited to 50 km/h. Moreover, the vehicle hits perpendicularly in a properly modified road barrier's sector. During the test a registration of acceleration was carried out by the acceleration sensors placed in the car (among others in the centre of gravity and over the rear axle of a car). A crash test course of the system C-G was registered with the use of two cameras for fast shooting (Fantom v12). An image was recorded with the resolution of 1280 x 800 pixels and with frequency of 1000 shots per second. The shot exposure time equalled to 250 microseconds.
Content available remote Wytrzymałość zmęczeniowa stali 30HGSNA w zakresie małej liczby cykli
Przedstawiono wyniki badań niskocyklowej wytrzymałości stali 30HGSNA stosowanej między innymi na elementy podwozi samolotów. Wyniki przedstawiono w postaci zależności odkształceń sprężystych, plastycznych i całkowitych od niszczącej liczby cykli i amplitudy naprężeń cyklu symetrycznego. Wyniki badań mogą być wykorzystane do obliczeń symulacyjnych trwałości zmęczeniowej elementów konstrukcji.
The results of lowcycle fatigue strength of the 30HGSNA steel, used for elements of undercarriages are presented in the form of dependence of elastic, flexible and total strains from destructive cycle numbers and the amplitude of symmetric cycle stresses. The test results can be used to simulation calculations of the fatigue life of construction elements.
Content available remote Stanowisko do badań zmęczeniowych materiałów
Przedstawiono opracowane i wykonane stanowisko do badań zmęczeniowych przy zginaniu próbek. Stanowisko to zapewnia, oprócz badań wytrzymałości zmęczeniowej, badania degradacji struktury, właściwości lepkosprężystych oraz zmiany temperatury samowzbudnej.
We present a stand designed and fabricated for the fatique investigation for sample bending. The stand ensures, investigation of fatigue strength as well as the structure degradation, the elasto-viscous properties and a change in the self-exiting temperature.
Content available remote Pełzanie resorów wykonanych z kompozytów polimerowych
Opisano badania pełzania modeli resorów samochodowych wykonywanych z włókien szklanych i żywicy epoksydowej. Próby pełzania przeprowadzono przy zginaniu pod obciążeniem 0,2, 0,4, 0,5, 0,6 naprężeń niszczących w czasie 2 400 godz. Do opisu efektów pełzania wykorzystano prawo nieliniowej lepkosprężystości.
Study of creeping of car suspension springs made of glass fibers and epoxide resin was presented. The creeping tests were carried out at bending under the load of 0.2, 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6 of the destructive strains during 2400 hours. In order to describe the creeping effects the nonlinear viscoelasticy law was used.
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