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This review describes the structure, physicochemical properties and sources of asbestos as well as other mineral fibres in the natural environment. The diversity of character and methods for the determination of airborne inorganic fibres are discussed with particular attention to the biological effects on humans health. It also demonstrates the practical significance of asbestos.
Content available remote Application of high calorific mixtures in reverse batteries
Chemical sources of energy, operating effectively within a wide range of temperatures, not prone to self-discharging during a long period of storage in varying environmental conditions, featuring a very short activation time and differing in construction from the commercially available energy sources, are called reserve batteries. Following the way of activation, there are the following battery types: water-activated, electrolyteactivated, gas-activated and heat-activated batteries. At the ambient temperature below zero, some of the types included in the first three groups require thermal activation, particularly in the initial period of operation. Thermally activated batteries supply the useful energy only when the temperature of their cells exceeds 350 ºC. The activating agent for batteries is usually a high calorific mixture: Zr/BaCrO4 or Fe/KClO4. It is being reported that physical and chemical properties of this mixture ingredients determine the basic operational parameters of the battery, such as activation time, amount of thermal energy being released, volume of the emitted gases, linear burning rate and ignition sensitivity. Moreover, some of the operational parameters mentioned above can be altered by external factors affecting thermal batteries during a long period of storage. Modification of a particular ingredient of a high calorific mixture (for example, Fe powder and/or KClO4) resulting from introducing an activator into the latter leads to significant improvement of the efficiency of operation of the thermally activated floating battery. State-of-the-art designs of thermally activated batteries are presented in the paper.
The effect of the kind (Zn, Mo, or Ti) and amount (the concentration range 0-5 wt.%) of the metallic powder used as an activator introduced into the highly calorific mixture of Fe and KClO4 has been studied. In all samples studied, with increasing amount of the activator introduced into the system Fe-KClO4 the energy effect has been found to increase in the following sequence Ti
Content available remote Some Thermochemical Properties of High Calorific Mixture of Fe-KClO4
The paper presents physicochemical characterization of components of the reaction mixture of iron powder and polycrystalline KClO4. Reactivity of the studied substrates was tested in the solid-state reaction. Research has been done to determine the effect of the grain shape and degree of crystallization of substrates on their selected thermochemical properties. Taking into regard amount of the generated heat and the amount of oxygen not involved in the reaction with iron, the mixtures containing 13, and 17 wt.% of KClO4 were found the most effective among those studied.
Przedstawiono problem występowania ołowiu i platyny w glebie przy drogach i autostradach, z uwzględnieniem nowych i od dawna eksploatowanych tras komunikacyjnych. Analizę zawartości ołowiu i platyny w glebach przedstawiono na przykładzie głównych dróg wylotowych z Poznania. Jakkolwiek zawartość ołowiu jest monitorowana od dłuższego czasu, to jednak problem obecności platyny w glebie nie był brany wcześniej pod uwagę. Badania wykazały, że pomimo stosowania benzyny bezołowiowej zawartość ołowiu w badanych próbkach gleby była znaczna, jednak nie przekraczała wartości dopuszczalnych. Ponadto stwierdzono obecność platyny w badanym materiale w ilości przekraczającej wartość tła geochemicznego, co wskazuje na konieczność monitorowania jej zawartości ze względu na stale zwiększającą się emisję tego pierwiastka z układów katalitycznych, w które wyposażone są pojazdy samochodowe.
The paper addresses the problem of lead and platinum occurrence in the soil along roads and highways, the case in point being the main exit routes from the city of Poznan. While the soil concentrations of lead have been monitored not only along recently constructed roads but also those used over a long period, the presence of platinum in those soils was left without due consideration. The study reported on in this paper has revealed that despite the common use of unleaded petrol, the soil concentrations of lead along main roads are still high although they do not exceed the admissible levels. Another major finding of this study is that the soil concentrations of platinum exceed the geochemical background values. This corroborates the necessity of monitoring the presence of this noble metal, since its emission from the catalytic systems in motor vehicles continues to increase.
The effect of selected transition metal powders (Zn, Ti, Mo and nano-Fe), in the concentration range from 0-5 wt.%, when used as activators in the highly calorific mixture Fe-KClO4 (containing 16 wt.% KClO4), has been studied. It has been established that zinc and molybdenum powders can act as factors in decreasing the activation temperature and increasing the effectiveness of the oxidant used. Titanium powder increases the oxygen conversion rate and the amount of energy released. Iron nano-powder has only a slight influence on the above mentioned parameters.
W pracy przedstawiono kierunki badań nad materiałami wysokoenergetycznymi (MW) w świetle zasad zrównoważonego środowiska przyrodniczego i konieczności spełnienia rosnących wymagań określonych przez krajowe i międzynarodowe akty legislacyjne.
The work shows the direction of research into high-energy materials (HEMs), in light of the principles of environmental sustainability and the need to meet the increasing requirements of national and international legislation.
W pracy przedstawiono podstawowe aspekty materiałów o wysokim stopniu zdyspergowania w skali nanometrycznej obejmujące pochodzenie, budowę i klasyfikację, wykazywane właściwości oraz ich metody wytwarzania. Osobliwe właściwości i zjawiska wykazywane przez te materiały sprawiły, że w ostatnich dwóch dekadach jesteśmy świadkami rewolucji materiałowej. Świadczy o tym zarówno i istotny wzrost intensywności prowadzonych prac badawczych jak i rosnący zakres możliwości praktycznego stosowania osiągnięć nanotechnologii we wszystkich dziedzinach naszego życia.
At work are fundamental aspects of materials with a high degree of nanometric scale has dispersed, including their origin, construction and classification, reported properties and manufacturing methods. Peculiar properties and phenonena reported by these materials have made in the last two decades, we are witnessing a revolution in materials. These shows both a significant increase in the intensity of the carried out research work and the growing range of practical applications of nanotechnology advances in all areas of our lives.
Geothermal energy belongs to renewable energy sources. The promotion and the increase of the application ej geothermal energy allow to comply with the requirements of European Union policy as well as lower the pressuri on the natural environment. The paper presents problems associated with geothermal power and possibilities of its using in an installation equipped with a heat pump.
Results of IR study of the systems NH4ReO4/Al2O3 and NH4ReO4/Al2O3-SiO2 heated in the range 293-723 K are given. The systems contained rhenium in amounts corresponding to those in typical heterogeneous catalysts of olefin metathesis. The IR absorption spectra, recorded for the wavelengths 1700-1300 cm-1, enabled detection of adsorption at the Brönsted and Lewis type acid centres of water and ammonia, released during thermal decomposition of ammonium perrhenate. The spectra indicated a similarity between the adsorption centres present on the surface of the systems 17.8 wt.% NH4ReO4/Al2O3 and 3.3 wt.% NH4ReO4/Al2O3-SiO2 and those on the surface of the systems 3.3 and 9.9 wt.% NH4ReO4/Al2O3. The presence of adsorption centres in the former systems should be related to the phase of the surface rhenium species, while in the latter the centres occur on the surface of the support.
Methods of obtaining aluminium and zirconium powders, decisively infuencing their granulation and thickness of the passivation layer formed on the metal surface are discussed. Application of zirconium instead of aluminium can lead to ignition resulting from its high electrostatic discharge sensitivity. One of the ways to avoid this issue is to replace metallic zirconium with the ZrH2 powder or to coat its surface with aluminium.
Textural properties of iron powders obtained by reduction of iron(II) compounds and by electrolysis were determined. Their specific surfaces were 0.38 and 0.43 m2g-1 respectively, and the prevailing grain sizes amounted to 10 and 43 ?m respectively. Total content of the determined metallic impurities was 0.055 wt.% in the preparation obtained by the electrolysis while in the preparation obtained by reduction it was 0.025 wt.%. It was proved that in initial samples the α-Fe2O3 phase occurred in the outer oxide layer present on the surface of Fe grains, and below this phase a layer of magnetite was found, the thickness of which was considerably greater in iron obtained by electrolysis. Measurements of selected properties showed that modification of the iron powder surface carried out by reduction with dihydrogen led to decreasing the linear rate of burning of the high calorific mixture Fe/KClO4 but it did not affect its calorific value. Moreover, it was found that modification of the iron powder surface resulted in lowering the temperature of ignition of the analysed mixture and decreasing the quantity of the released oxygen generated by decomposition of the oxidant, which did not react with the iron powder.
Dynamiczny rozwój nanonauki i nanotechnologii sprawił, że w wielu dziedzinach nauki i w sektorach przemysłu zachodzą rewolucyjne zmiany budząc ogromne nadzieje na potencjalną możliwość rozwiązania całego szeregu istotnych problemów współczesnego świata. Nanostrukturalne materiały określane też mianem nanocząstek inżynierskich stanowiące produkt nanotechnologii wykazują w porównaniu do swoich odpowiedników w skali makro unikatowe właściwości fizyczne, chemiczne, biologiczne i mechaniczne. Wszystko to sprawia, że znajdują one coraz szersze praktyczne zastosowanie. W pracy zaprezentowano możliwości stosowania nanocząstek inżynierskich ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem sektora obronnego oraz obawy wynikające z ich uwalniania do środowiska przyrodniczego.
The dynamic development of nanosciences and nanotechnologies has led to revolutionary changes in many areas of science and industry, raising a great deal of hope for the potential for solving all of the major problems of the modern world. Nanostructural materials, also known as nanoparticles, represent nanotechnology products with unique physical, chemical, biological and mechanical properties compared to their macroscale counterparts. All this lead to their increasingly practical to use. The paper presents the possibilities of the application of nanoparticles with particular regard to the defense sector and the concerns arising from their release into the natural environment.
W pracy przedstawiono termicznie programowane techniki służące do badania właściwości fzykochemicznych ciała stałego ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem ich przydatności do opisu zarówno pojedynczych składników, jak i przygotowanych z nich mieszanin wysokoenergetycznych. Ilość i czas uwalniania energii cieplnej przez daną mieszaninę określa jej praktyczną przydatność. Wynika ona nie tylko z właściwości wykazywanych przez użyte do jej przygotowania składniki, ale również ich wzajemnej reaktywności. Stosowanie i łączenie rozmaitych technik badawczych umożliwia uzyskanie szczegółowego opisu poszczególnych składników mieszaniny wysokoenergetycznej, Pozwala to na dokonanie ich optymalnego doboru i przygotowanie efektywnie działającego układu.
Acid rain and its consequences (Part 2)
Abstract: Halogenated aliphatic hydrocarbons have appeared in the natural environment in steadily increasing amounts over several decades as a consequence of their growing use, chiefly as refrigerant, foam blowing agent and solvent, prompted by their unique properties and low cost. It is recognised that anthropogenic emissions of the above compounds, which are referred to as ozone-depleting substances (ODS's), are partly responsible for depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer and the so-called greenhouse effect. The photo decomposition of halogenomethanes in the stratosphere produces significant amounts of chlorine atoms, leading to the decay of atmospheric ozone, which allows increased levels of biologically damaging UV radiation to reach the Earth's surface. The discovery of the above phenomenon has initiated efforts towards the withdrawal of ODS. Nowadays, it is accepted that fully halogenated chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's) are the main source of the chlorine that is eroding Earth's protecting ozone, and their role is of great Global concern. In spite of the fact production CFCs has been banned since 01.01.1995 and their use prohibited since 01.01.1996, the depletion of stratospheric ozone will continue because large amounts of these class compounds are still in use. Therefore, the recovery and subsequent destruction of the CFCs still in use is a logical next step, in particular the conversion of the CFC's into useful products is a challenging task. At present CFCs are being replaced by hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFC's) and in perspective by hydrofluorocarbons (HFC's), before better replacements are found. The environmental impact of CFC replacements is considered in terms of their ozone depletion potential (ODP), global warming potential (GWP) and ability to form noxious degradation products.
Ignition sensitivity is one of the factors defning the characteristics of high calorifc mixture with low emission of gaseous product. It was found that Zr-BaCrO4 mixture is sensitive to ignition by electric spark energy of 0.82 J, whereas activation of Fe-KClO4 mixture depends on the iron powder employed and the composition of its surface oxide layers. Energy required for the activation of high calorifc mixture in form of powder designated as FeK, FeR or FeE is equal to 0.08, 0.59 and 1.1 J, while in the form of pellet 6.92, 10.2 and 14.1 J. Activation of Fe-KClO4 mixture with a strip of heat paper as well as with the electric spark has revealed that the mixture containing iron powder obtained by atomization method (FeA) is not active.
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