The paper is part of a series of publications discussing the prevalence of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment. The paper presents two groups of hypolipidemic drugs (lipid regulators) and their basic parameters. A review of the literature on the occurrence of these compounds in wastewater, surface water and groundwater was made. According to the literature, the presence of various lipid regulators in raw water entering water treatment plants poses a real threat of their penetration into the water supply system, and consequently, to public water intended for human consumption.
This paper is part of a series of publications discussing the prevalence of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment and the effectiveness of their removal and degradation during wastewater and water treatment processes. It presents the most commonly used b-blockers and their parameters related to their metabolism and excretion from a body. In the paper, the authors review the literature data on the presence of b-blockers in wastewater and surface waters and present new solutions which have been developed to increase the efficiency of removal of these compounds from wastewater and potable water.
W literaturze przedmiotu od dawna opisywany jest wpływ światła Księżyca na pionowe migracje zooplanktonu w zbiornikach wodnych. Biorąc pod uwagę oczywisty fakt, że pożywieniem zooplanktonu jest fitoplankton, postawiono hipotezę o możliwej korelacji między jasnością nocnego nieba a zawartością fitoplanktonu w warstwach powierzchniowych zbiornika wodnego. W celu weryfikacji tej hipotezy wykonano całoroczne pomiary jasności nocnego nieba w rejonie ujęcia wody na Zbiorniku Dobczyckim. Stwierdzono wyraźną liniową korelację między poziomem chlorofilu a w warstwach powierzchniowych tego zbiornika a jasnością nocnego nieba. Nie stwierdzono jakichkolwiek podobnych korelacji między poziomem chlorofilu a a innymi wskaźnikami jakości wody, takimi jak temperatura czy natlenienie, jak również z parametrami meteorologicznymi, takimi jak temperatura powietrza czy nasłonecznienie w ciągu dnia. Postawiono tezę, że jasność nocnego nieba, na którą składają się zarówno czynniki naturalne (światło Księżyca), jak sztuczne (zanieczyszczenie świetlne w postaci sztucznej poświaty niebieskiej), jest głównym i decydującym czynnikiem wpływającym na rozwój glonów w warstwie powierzchniowej Zbiornika Dobczyckiego. Postawiono tezę, że poprawne oświetlenie okolic ujęć wody może znacząco obniżyć eutrofizację zbiorników wodnych. Teza ta wymaga dalszych, wieloletnich badań na szeregu zbiorników wodnych.
The effect of moonlight on the vertical migration of zooplankton in reservoirs is widely known. Given the fact that phytoplankton provides food for zooplankton, we hypothesized about the possible correlation between the night sky brightness and the content of phytoplankton in the surface layers of reservoir. This hypothesis was tested for the Dobczyce Reservoir. We found the strict linear correlation between a level of chlorophyll a and brightness of the night sky, noticed in the surface layers of this reservoir. We have not noticed any other similar correlation between the level of chlorophyll a and other physical parameters of water such as temperature and oxygenation, as well as meteorological conditions such as air temperature or insolation during the daytime. We believe that brightness of the night sky, which consists of both natural factors (moonlight) as well as artificial ones (light pollution in a form of artificial airglow) is the main and crucial factor in the growth of algae in the surface layers of the Dobczyce Reservoir. We also believe that the correct lighting of the area of the water intake can significantly reduce eutrophication of such reservoirs.
The article discusses the occurrence of selected cytostatic drugs in the aquatic environment. The authors start with a preliminary introduction to the characteristics of the most commonly used cytostatic drugs. Then, based on the review of the literature they show that such drugs occur in small amounts in an aqueous medium and that there is no reliable research data on the long-term exposure of aquatic organisms to cytostatics. Until now, the studies on the stability of some cytostatics showed that these compounds were extremely stable, not only in natural waters, but also at wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). In spite of the advanced treatment technologies used at wastewater treatment plants, cytostatics pass relatively easily through the treatment line and end up in surface waters, thus posing a threat to water quality.
This paper is part of a series of publications discussing the prevalence of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment and the effectiveness of their removal and degradation during wastewater treatment processes. The paper discusses the problem of the presence of carbamazepine and other anti-epileptic drugs. The authors reviewed the basic characteristic parameters of these compounds, and based on the analysed literature data, the problem of anti-epileptic drugs, mainly carbamazepine, in the aquatic environment. Carbamazepine appears to be exceptionally persistent at municipal wastewater treatment plants as has been confirmed by current studies on its elimination and degradation, as well as reports on its presence in surface water, groundwater and even drinking water. The latest studies demonstrated highly effective removal of carbamazepine during oxidation processes. The application of these methods in real life situations should enable the effective protection of the aquatic environment.
The article is part of a series of publications discussing prevalence of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment. The aim of this study is to describe the problem of the presence of hormonal tablets ingredient 17α-ethinylestradiol and its three natural analogues in wastewater and the environment. Basic information on the substances in question and the concentrations in which these compounds can negatively affect aquatic organisms are provided. In the paper, the authors review the literature data on the presence of estrogenic hormones in wastewater, surface water and groundwater. Penetration through aquifers can lead to accumulation of these compounds in the sediments, which is reflected in the literature.
The article presents the issue of adsorptive removal of hydrogen sulphide from biogas using zeolite. Based on literature data, comparing performance of the biogas desulphurisation process for various mineral adsorbents, eg. activated carbon, zeolites and metal oxides, was carried out. The efficiency of biogas desulphurisation by adsorption on zeolites is significantly lower than for the activated carbons. Therefore, this article presents opportunities for improving efficiency desulphurization by modifying the structure of adsorbents.
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