Public security is nowadays considered to be a key area of national security. Its main objective is to protect the population from the effects of various types of threats that may appear on the territory of Poland, but also beyond its borders. Such threats include undoubtedly volcanic eruptions. In this article, the author makes an attempt to analyse the above phenomenon from the perspective of direct and indirect threats it poses to public security. The author included in it: the definition and basic types of volcanoes, the characteristics of volcanic eruptions and their consequences, as well as the characteristics of volcanic threats in Poland. The article ends with the author’s summary and conclusions in which the author refers to the impact of volcanic threats on public security.
Biological threats belong to this category of threats that can have negative effects on the health and life of humans, animals or plants, on a massive scale. We are experiencing this, for example, in the ongoing pandemics of AIDS and COVID-19 in the world. Knowledge about the above categories of threats is interdisciplinary and dispersed. Currently, at least in Poland, there are no scientific studies that would comprehensively define their essence, classify them and present them in a way that would constitute the basis for the improvement of public security systems. In this article, the author attempts to define and classify the above category of threats in the light of scientific literature and laws which are in force in Poland. He also presents a short description of individual biological threats derived from nature itself, while signalling that their perpetrators may be people who, through deliberate actions (military actions with the use of biological weapons, bioterrorist actions) or unintentional actions (industrial failures, accidents), may contribute to the emergence of disease epidemics for which we do not have the appropriate medicines or vaccines.
Zagrożenia biologiczne należą do tej kategorii zagrożeń, które mogą wywołać negatywne skutki dla zdrowia i życia ludzi, zwierząt czy roślin i to na masową skalę. Doświadczamy tego chociażby w trwających obecnie na świecie pandemiach AIDS czy COVID-19. Wiedza na temat powyżej kategorii zagrożeń ma charakter interdyscyplinarny i rozproszony. Brak jest obecnie, przynajmniej w Polsce, opracowań naukowych, w których w sposób kompleksowy zdefiniowanoby ich istotę, dokonano ich klasyfikacji i przedstawiono w sposób stanowiący podstawę do doskonalenia systemów bezpieczeństwa powszechnego. W niniejszym artykule ich autor podjął się próby zdefiniowania i sklasyfikowania powyższej kategorii zagrożeń w świetle literatury naukowej i przepisów prawa obowiązującego w Polsce. Przedstawił ponadto krótką charakterystykę poszczególnych zagrożeń biologicznych, których sprawcą jest sama przyroda, sygnalizując jednocześnie, że ich sprawcą mogą być ludzie, którzy poprzez działania celowe (działania militarne z użyciem broni biologicznej, działania bioterrorystyczne) lub niecelowe (awarie przemysłowe, wypadki) mogą przyczynić się do powstawania epidemii chorób, na które nie posiadamy stosownych leków czy szczepionek.
Personal security is a new perspective for the security research and description, which has grown in our times out of a human security concept developed by UN experts. The concept, which the English-language literature analyses mainly from the perspective of security studies, is now becoming a theoretical construct that stands a chance to become an independent subdiscipline of security studies in Poland because it is more and more often invoked as a basic category of national security, next to the security of the state. In this paper, the author presents the current status of the reflection on personal security in Poland and worldwide. He gives an overview of how this new security category is defined, identifies the entities that can be analysed from its perspective, and points out to further directions of research in this area.
Bezpieczeństwo powszechne zaliczane jest obecnie do kluczowych dziedzin bezpieczeństwa narodowego. Jego głównym celem staje się ochrona ludności przed skutkami różnego rodzaju zagrożeń, które mogą się pojawić na terytorium Polski, ale także poza jej granicami. Zagrożenia te mają charakter zarówno zagrożeń wywołanych działalnością człowieka, ale też i zagrożeń, których źródłem są siły natury. W artykule, jego autor podjął próbę określenia pojęcia, nakreślenia istoty i przedstawienia autorskiej klasyfikacji zagrożeń naturalnych z perspektywy bezpieczeństwa powszechnego. Jest to efekt prac badawczych Autora, które znalazły swoje odzwierciedlenie w będącej aktualnie w procesie wydawniczym monografii pt. „Zagrożenia naturalne w ekologicznej przestrzeni bezpieczeństwa”. Projekt uzyskał dofinansowanie z programu MEiN „Doskonała nauka”.
General security is now counted among the key areas of national security. Its main objective is becoming the protection of the population from the effects of various types of threats that may arise within the territory of Poland, but also outside its borders. These threats are not only threats caused by human activity, but also threats that are caused by the forces of nature. In the article, the author has attempted to define the concept, outline the essence and present the author’s classification of natural hazards from the perspective of universal security. This is the result of the author’s research work, which is reflected in the monograph currently in the publishing process, entitled “Natural hazards in the ecological environment” and “Natural hazards in the ecological security space.” The project received funding from the MEiN “Excellent Science” programme.
The aim of the study is to present the existing solutions to the functioning of the police eduction systems in selected Member States of the European Union. Using the results of the study, the Authors presented the organization of police schools and universities in fifteen European countries. On the basis of information obtained during the survey, that was conducted across Europe, the implementation of new organizational and legal solutions to the Polish police education system was proposed. The system of educating officers in Poland was presented in an institutional way, while the functioning of its leading component, i.e. the Police Academy in Szczytno, was described in detail. The material was divided into two parts because of its volume. The first part presents the organization and run of the research activity and ten police education systems in the Member States of the European Union were also characterised. Whereas the second part of the paper contains a continuation of the characteristics of police education systems in Europe (the next four countries were discussed), and also highlights the functioning of the police education system in Poland, with particular reference to the Police Academy in Szczytno. This part of the study also includes proposals for changes to the Polish police education system. The paper was made in the framework of the project "Construction of an IT system supporting communication in the Police and other services subordinated to the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the aspect of internal security", project No. DOB-BIO7 /03/01/2015 of PLN 5 010 000 co-financed by the National Research and Development Center under the competition No.7 / 2015 and No. 7/2015 for the execution and financing of research and development projects for national defense and security or research and development works for national defence and security.
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