Fauna glebowa (stonogi lądowe, krocionogi i dżdżownice) odgrywa istotną rolę w rozkładzie ściółki poprzez jej rozdrabnianie podczas konsumpcji. Badania laboratoryjne przeprowadzono w celu określenia preferencji pokarmowych dwóch detrytofagicznych gatunków (stonogi Oniscus asellus oraz dżdżownicy Lumbricus rubellus) w stosunku do ściółki liściastej czterech pospolitych gatunków drzew (olszy czarnej Alnus glutinosa, brzozy brodawkowatej Betula pendula, lipy drobnolistnej Tilia cordata i dębu szypułkowego Quercus robur). Dla każdego gatunku wykonano po dwa 14 dniowe eksperymenty. W pierwszym z nich oceniano atrakcyjność liści na podstawie masy zjedzonej ściółki tylko jednego gatunku, natomiast w drugim eksperymencie zwierzęta miały do wyboru liście ściółki 4-gatunkowej. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują na wyraźną selektywność obu gatunków wobec badanych ściółek. Najchętniej zjadane (a tym samym uznane zostały za najbardziej atrakcyjne) były liście olszy czarnej. Najrzadziej wybierana była ściółka dębu szypułkowego. Ściółki brzozy i lipy zajmowały miejsca pośrednie. W przypadku O. asellus stwierdzono, że ubytki ściółki mieszanej były podobne do ubytków jednogatunkowej ściółki olszy i brzozy, ale wyższe niż w przypadku jednogatunkowej ściółki lipy i dębu. W przypadku L. rubellus ubytki ściółki mieszanej były wyższe tylko w stosunku do jednogatunkowej ściółki dębowej, ale niższe w stosunku do ubytków pozostałych jednogatunkowych ściółek - olchy, brzozy i lipy. Do interpretacji wyników wykorzystano dane literaturowe dotyczące stosunku węgla do azotu, a także proporcji trudno rozkładalnych polifenoli i lignin w liściach badanych gatunków drzew.
Soil fauna, including terrestrial isopods, millipedes and earthworms, play an important role in the decomposition of litter through the process of shredding it during consumption. In the present study, the food preferences in two detritivores, the common woodlouse (Oniscus asellus) and the earthworm (Lumbricus rubellus) over the leaf litter of four common tree species: common black alder (Alnus glutinosa), silver birch (Betula pendula), small-leaved linden (Tilia cordata) and pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) were quantified in the laboratory. For each animal species, two sets of feeding mesocosms were prepared: one set with single litter species and another with mixed litter material (cafeteria-type test), where the animals were allowed to choose among the four litter species at once. The food preferences of the studied animals were determined on the basis of the consumption (mass loss) of litter for each litter species at the end of two-weeks lasting experiments. The results showed that the litter mass losses in both detritivores were significantly influenced by the tree species. The litter mass losses can be ranked in descending order as follows: alder, birch, linden, oak. In the case of O. asellus, litter mixing had no effect on litter mass loss when compared to single alder and birch litter, however mixing clearly accelerated litter mass loss compared to single lime or oak litter. For L. rubellus, litter mixing was found to slow litter mass loss compared to each single alder, birch and lime litter, while accelerating litter mass loss compared to single oak litter. For the interpretation of the results, the literature data on carbon to nitrogen ratio, as well as the proportion of difficult-to-degrade polyphenols and lignins in leaves of the studied tree species were used.
Objectives To assess dietary supplements, functional foods and nutraceuticals use among the patients after myocardial infarction (MI). Material and Methods The authors prospectively enrolled 100 consecutive patients hospitalized due to MI and remaining under coordinated outpatient care after MI in the authors’ cardiology department. Results The authors showed that patients within median (interquartile range) 12.30 (10.18–14.57) months after MI use dietary supplements, nutraceuticals and functional foods in their everyday diet. Vitamins (53% patients), especially vitamin D (35%), were the most frequently used dietary supplements. In contrary to common usage of dietary supplements (59%), smaller proportion of patients use functional foods (21%) and nutraceuticals (5%), especially phytosterols. The authors found that the use of over-the-counter (OTC) drugs and dietary supplements is associated with age (participants <60 years old vs. participants ≥60 years old: OTC drugs: N = 8 [20.0%] vs. N = 32 [53.3%], p < 0.001; herbals: N = 3 [7.5%] vs. N = 16 [26.7%], p = 0.019), sex of the patients following MI (females vs. males: vitamins: N = 17 [70.8%] vs. N = 36 [47,4%], p = 0.045; vitamin D: N = 13 [54.2%] vs. N = 22 [28.9%], p = 0.024; omega-3 fatty acids: N = 3 [12.5%] vs. N = 1 [1.3%], p = 0.042; herbals: N = 8 [33.3%] vs. N = 11[14.5%], p = 0.040), as well as the BMI of the participants (BMI < 24.9 vs. BMI ≥ 25.0: multivitamin/ multimineral dietary supplements: N = 3 [15.0%] vs. N = 31 [42.5%], p = 0.035; vitamin B6: N = 1 [5.0%] vs. N = 21 [28.8%], p = 0.035). In the study group all participants with the age above retirement age have already withdrawn from professional activity and they more often used OTC drugs (N = 14 [25.9%] before retirement age vs. N = 26 [56.5%] above retirement age, p = 0.002). Conclusions The patients following MI use supplements, functional foods and nutraceuticals. Their use depends on sex, age, BMI and professional activity. The authors believe that their potential beneficial effects require further evaluation in clinical longitudinal studies.
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