The paper deals with innovative technologies for maintaining the microclimate in energyefficient buildings through ventilation systems. A detailed analysis of scientific publications on studies of soil heat exchangers, in particular their efficiency and features of application in microclimate systems, has been carried out. A schematic diagram of an air conditioning system with a soil heat exchanger has been given. Analytical and graphical dependences for determining the cooling efficiency of air supply in a heat exchanger for the warm period of the year in temperate climates have been presented.
The article deals with modern energy-efficient systems for providing the microclimate of energy-saving buildings, consisting of geothermal ventilation with ground heat exchangers. The results of modern scientific research in this field are described. A schematic diagram of a geothermal ventilation system based on Rehau equipment is presented and a system of balance equations for the heat exchanger process in a ground heat exchanger is made, as well as analytical and graphical dependencies for determining the heat exchanger thermal efficiency for temperate climate conditions.
Artykuł dotyczy nowoczesnych energooszczędnych systemów zapewniających właściwe warunki mikroklimatu budynków energooszczędnych, składających się z wentylacji geotermalnej z gruntowymi wymiennikami ciepła. Opisano wyniki współczesnych badań naukowych w tej dziedzinie. Przedstawiono schemat ideowy geotermicznego systemu wentylacji opartego na sprzęcie Rehau oraz układ równań bilansowych dla procesu wymiany ciepła w gruntowym wymienniku ciepła, a także zależności analityczne i graficzne do wyznaczania wydajności termicznego wymiennika ciepła w umiarkowanych warunkach klimatycznych.
The possibility of using modular buildings for residential and public needs is considered. Due to the peculiarities of technology and the use of thermal insulation materials, such structures are erected in a short time with the help of ready-made modules, characterized by their simplicity and speed of installation. The results of the multi-criteria analysis are presented in the form of petal diagrams and diagrams of global priorities.
Due to the fact that the number of natural disasters in the world has increased in recent years, experts note that climate change is the cause. As a consequence of the nature of the needs to improve the fuel and energy complex in the countries in world. This solution could be solar energy and similar energy sources. The paper presents the classification of energy-efficient houses proposed by international standards and its critical analysis. Emphasis is placed on the problem of improving solar collectors integrated into the construction of buildings. The paper presents the temperature characteristics of an experimental solar collector. For the experimental solar collector combined with the translucent facade of the building, thermal characteristics are set, in particular, such as thermal capacity and thermal efficiency.
The proposed Trombe wall design is an innovative and effective solution for addressing issues related to building energy efficiency. The Trombe wall can help reduce a building’s energy consumption, provide optimal indoor temperature, and minimize the building’s environmental impact by utilizing renewable energy sources. The article deals with the study of the heat-air characteristics of the Trombe Wall, which performs the functions of external protection of a modular house, with the aim of further evaluating the possibility of using it as a hybrid protection with additional heating and ventilation functions assigned to it. The results of experimental research conducted on one of the elements of external protection of a modular house in the form of the Trombe Wall are presented. The experimentally obtained graphic dependences were compared with the calculated data and the convergence was evaluated. The proposed design allows you to organize air exchange in the premises with a multiplicity within 1-1.5 h-1, and also provides an opportunity to provide additional thermal power in the amount of 250 W/m2. The article presents the results of experimental studies that allow to evaluate the thermal characteristics of the proposed design of external protection for a modular house. These results indicate that with the given geometric dimensions, in particular with a volume of 14 m3, the thermal power utilized by the Trombe wall is within 0.2-0.7 kW.
Heat pumps are known as zero-emission heating and cooling devices at the point of energy production. In order to exploit their advantages, they are combined with low-temperature heating systems. Using the example of a residential building in five climatic zones in Poland and one in Ukraine, systems analyses were carried out, in which heat into rooms is supplied in two different ways: low-temperature radiators and thermally active ceilings. The energy demand for heating, cooling and domestic hot water preparation was calculated. The seasonal coefficient of performance of the ground source heat pump was estimated to compare the systems. The results of the analysis confirmed that the thermo-active ceiling (with a flow temperature of 35°C) ensures a lower final energy demand when it works throughout the year in the heating and natural cooling mode compared to the low-temperature radiators (with a flow temperature of 45°C) which facilitate only the heating mode in the heating season. Performance analysis demonstrated differences in final electric energy demand from 8% in the I climatic zone to 9% in the V climatic zone in Poland and 10% in Ukraine.
The assumptions used in the calculation methods for housing heating costs are described in this paper. The results of calculations are influenced by the values of coefficients related to the location of flats in a building. A technical contradiction, a reversed technical contradiction and a physical contradiction were formulated. Based on the indicated inventive principles, the calculation methods for individual heating costs were analysed.
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