The usual way of characterising the notion of “musical postmodernism” is set out by the following claims: (1) a postmodern musical work corresponds to the postmodern worldview; the notion in question is closely connected with the etymology of its name (“postmodern” means, in any case, “of an era after a modern one”); (3) the characterisation of the postmodern worldview (and, thus, of a postmodern piece of music) ought to conform to the beliefs of the classics of the postmodern thought; (4) the postmodern repertoire includes mainly the works created after about 1970; (5) the most important features of these compositions are euphony, aleatoric indetermination, polistylistics, and repetitiveness. The notion governed by the claims (1) – (5) is highly unclear and provides little help for understanding musical phenomena. In order to make it more precise, the basis of its definition should be modified and the three following claims accepted: (A) a postmodern musical work is a musical representation of the postmodern worldview; (B) the existing musical repertoire contains some postmodern works; (C) a correct definition of musical postmodernism should enable to qualify at least some of the given composi-tions as postmodern or not. The conditions (A ) – (C) and the analysis of the postmodern worldview seem to suggest that a postmodern musical work is such of a precariously integrated structure. A postmodern work represents the undermining (“deconstruction”) of the crucial idea of the com-posing practice: the piece of music arises from the integration of sounds, not of a simple aggregation of them. The musical “deconstruction” can emerge when some of the important portions a work or certain aspects of it exhibit larger degree of integration than the work as a whole. It seems that some compositions by Ives and the final movement of Chopin’s Sonata in B minor Op. 35 are postmodern in the sense pointed above.
Przedstawiono rezultaty analiz nośności kratownicy poddanej obciążeniu od wiatru. Wykonano liniowe analizy stateczności modelu prętowego i powłokowego konstrukcji przy różnych warunkach brzegowych na podporach skrajnych. Badano wpływ sztywności (rotacyjnej) stężeń pasa górnego na nośność konstrukcji. Zaprezentowano model pasa dolnego, podpartego sprężyście, jako model zastępczy kratownicy przestrzennej. Przedstawiono rezultaty analiz statycznych, nieliniowych, przeprowadzonych dla konstrukcji z imperfekcjami.
In the paper the load bearing capacity analysis of the truss subjected to upward wind loading were presented. The linear buckling analysis results for the beam and shell model of the structure, due to various boundary condition at the marginal supports, were appointed. The influence of the top chord brace stiffness (rotational) on the capacity of the truss, was taken into consideration. The model of the bottom chord on elastic supports was presented as the replacement for the spatial structure. The nonlinear static analysis for the imperfect truss model was carried out.
Przedmiotem opracowania jest obecny stan prawny w zakresie zbiegu ubezpieczeń społecznych z uwzględnieniem kumulacji i rozłączności poszczególnych tytułów ubezpieczenia emerytalnego i rentowych. Autorzy podejmują także próbę wskazania optymalnego kierunku przyszłych zmian i budowy nowego modelu kumulacji tytułów ubezpieczenia społecznego. Przeprowadzona analiza pozostaje w ścisłej korelacji z koniecznością rozszerzenia zakresu podmiotowego ubezpieczenia społecznego oraz dążeniem do uproszczenia systemu i ujednolicenia zasad podlegania ubezpieczeniu emerytalnemu i rentowym. Ocena przydatności stosowania zbiegu tytułów ubezpieczenia społecznego oraz zaproponowana koncepcja modelu kumulacji tytułów uwzględnia potrzebę zwiększenia poziomu przychodów FUS oraz prognozy źródeł finansowania przyszłych świadczeń.
The subject of the study is the current legal status seen within the scope of the coming together of social insurance pensions, taking into account the accumulation and dislocation of particular pension insurance types. The authors also attempt to identify the optimal direction for future changes and to build a new model of social insurance title accumulation. The analysis is closely correlated with the need to broaden the scope of social insurance and to simplify the scheme and to harmonize the rules governing pension insurance schemes. The assessment of the suitability of the overlap in social insurance title applications and the proposed concept of a model of title accumulation, takes into account the need to increase the level of revenues of the Social Insurance Fund and the forecasts for future benefit source financing.
An Upper Jurassic succession is exposed in the active Rogaszyn Quarry (Kodrąb area) located in the Radomsko Folds structure (central Poland). Six facies types were distinguished, comprising oolitic, oncolitic, biodetrital and pelitic limestones as well as marls and marly clays. Typical lithologies are limestones with coated grains deposited in shallow-water, fore-shoal, shoal and lagoonal parts of a carbonate ramp. Three types of ooid and three types of oncoid were identified, which display several shapes and sizes, and a complex structure of cortices. The ooid types show micritic, radial-fibrous and mixed, micritic/radial-fibrous cortices. Type 1 oncoids comprise micritic or bioclastic nuclei enveloped by non-laminated or laminated micritic cortices. Type 2 oncoids are composed of micritic or bioclastic nuclei and laminated, fossil-bearing cortices covered by microbial envelopes. Type 3 oncoids are the largest of the oncoids observed, attaining cm-scale dimensions. These oncoids are formed of a Bacinella-dominated meshwork incorporating smaller ooids and oncoids, or they have bioclastic or micritic nuclei covered by complex cortices with micritic, laminated, fossil-bearing, Bacinella-dominated fabric and microbial envelopes. Boundaries between the specific types of cortical envelopes are usually sharp and accentuated by organic encrustations, elongated bioclasts or borings. Commonly found are chambers of the ichnogenus Entobia representing the boring traces of carbonate-excavating sponges and the cryptoendolithic foraminifer Troglotella incrustants. The complex cortices indicate different growth stages of oncoids at different conditions of currents and microbial activity. Carbonate deposition was accompanied by mixed siliciclastic-carbonate sedimentation resulting in multiple intercalated layers of marls and pelitic limestones as well as marly clays. The deposits exposed in the Rogaszyn Quarry as well as in the Kodrąb area are compared with the neighbouring Upper Jurassic deposits of the Szczerców area and the Sw margin of the Holy Cross Mts. (both central Poland). The successions from the Kodrąb area are generally similar to the Lower Kimmeridgian sequences known from adjacent areas, but with locally observed facies variability.
Numerous fully cored boreholes completed in the last years in central Poland (Kleszczów Graben area, southern border of the Łódź Depression) enabled the researchers to obtain new sedimentological data on the Oxfordian-Tithonian continuous sedimentary record in the Polish part of the northern Tethys shelf. Twenty-two facies were distinguished in the sedimentological succession. The facies represent the outer-, mid- and inner-ramp environments, including evaporitic episodes and palaeosols. The facies document that the Oxfordian-Lower Kimmeridgian (up to Hypselocyclum) carbonate ramp has evolved to the Upper Kimmeridgian-Tithonian carbonate-siliciclastic ramp. Among the Kimmeridgian deposits, numerous hardgrounds, tidal channel deposits and gravity flow sediments were identified. The Kleszczów Graben sedimentary succession is discussed along with the lithostratigraphical units known from the adjacent regions of southern and central Poland.