W ramach etycznego zarządzania finansami firm są realizowane etyczne inwestycje rzeczowe, niematerialne i finansowe. Projektom etycznych inwestycji finansowych według rodzajów towarzyszą różne rodzaje ryzyka. Proces pomiaru ryzyka tych inwestycji obejmuje: klasyfikacją ryzyka, klasyfikację czynników ryzyka i ustalanie wielkości ryzyka za pomocą różnych metod.
The process of realization of the main goal of firms is complex. Vari-ous instruments participate in it. We can list here, for example, finance management of firms and investments in human capital and their fi-nancing that are instruments of this management. There are mutual rela-tionships between these instruments. Financial management of firms has impact in certain way on investments in human capital and their financ-ing. In turn, the investments in human capital and their financing have impact in certain way on financial management of firms. In scientific research and practice one should not skip the consideration of both spheres of activity of firms from the point of view of their mutual rela-tionships.
Ethical tangible, intagible and financial investments are realized in the framework of ethical finance management of firms. Ethical financial in-vestments projects by kinds are accompanied by different kinds of risk. Risk measurement process of these investments includes: classification of risk, classification of risk factors and determination of risk size using different methods.
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