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The author accepting the distinction between history and memory in her article refers it to the institution which was perceived as important in a topographic and cultural sense in the lives of Poles (mainly intelligentsia) in the modern era – to the Lviv Ossolineum. She does not present the history of the Ossolineum but she is interested in finding answer to the question about the process of creating the exceptional status of the Lviv library and the transmission on the significance of that place and values connected with it to the society in the individual and social awareness. It is an attempt to analyze the memory about the institution through the prism of scientific knowledge about it. The writer pays attention to the fact that the Ossolineum owed the most to its employees who did the task of presenting its achievements in a longer or shorter time span. Indicating various approaches to studies on the history of the Ossolineum and possibilities of further research the author focuses her attention on the process of shaping social memory of the Ossolineum distinguishing within it such elements as the establishing idea, development of the institution and the role of its directors, scholarship holders of the Lviv foundation which included two, namely Stanisław Łempicki and Stanisław Wasylewski, who played a key role in preserving the Ossolineum memory thanks to their high mental culture and literary abilities
The author of this article discusses the first period of functioning of one of the more significant social publishing foundations in Galicia, namely Macierz Polska in Lvov. Established in 1882 on the initiative of Jozef Ignacy Kraszewski, for the next eleven years it operated with Antoni Malecki, literature historian and retired professor of the Lvov University as its president. At that time more than 60 publication appeared, which might not have been an impressive number but statutory limitations, difficulties with obtaining valuable and original works – which was strongly insisted on – peasants’ reading needs not quite awoken yet, greatly influenced this fact. The Lvov foundation since its beginnings attempted to combine two goals, namely the practicalpragmatic one and the religious -national one. The former was realized by means of publishing works allowing to modernize farms, increase their incomes, facilitate the use of technologicalcivilizational achievements. The latter allowed to widen the viewpoint of the peasant reader onto the issues of the national community, its past and other factors uniting the nation such as religion and language. The fact that the foundation was managed by a literature historian and medieval researcher influenced the profile of publications. One third of the offer constituted historic and historic-religious readings being of mostly biographical character. Relatively easy for less educated receiver, they made their readers acquainted with the greatest Polish monarchs and leaders (Kazimierz the Great, Jadwiga Angevin, Wladyslaw Jagiello, Stanislaw Zolkiewski, Jan Tarnowski, Stefan Czarniecki, Jan Sobieski, Stanislaw August Poniatowski, Tadeusz Kosciuszko) and saints (st. Wojciech, st. Kinga, st. Brunon, st. Jan Kanty). Efforts were made to reach for heroes representative for various historic periods. Old, complete elaborations of Polish history written by Izabela Czartoryska and Wladyslw Ludwik Anczyc were also reprinted. The publishing programme also included works presenting selected persons and events from the world history. Masterpieces of national literature were represented by Pan Tadeusz by Adam Mickiewicz and Piesn ziemi naszej by Wincenty Pol. Press titles issued by Macierz Polska were “Niedziela” (“Sunday”), “Kalendarz MP” (“MP Calendar”) and subsided ”Gospodarz Wiejski” (“Country Farmer”). Although they gained a certain numer of permanent subscribers, among which the majority we the peasants, they fought for survival.
Autorka omawia w artykule pierwszy okres funkcjonowania jednej z ważniejszych społecznych fundacji wydawniczych w Galicji, jaką była Macierz Polska we Lwowie. Założona w 1882 r. z inicjatywy Józefa Ignacego Kraszewskiego, przez kolejnych jedenaście lat działała pod prezesurą emerytowanego profesora Uniwersytetu Lwowskiego, Antoniego Małeckiego. W tym czasie ukazało się ponad 60 publikacji, co nie było liczbą imponującą, ale ograniczenia statutowe, trudności z pozyskiwaniem wartościowych i oryginalnych opracowań, słabo jeszcze rozbudzone potrzeby czytelnicze wśród włościan miały na to przemożny wpływ. Lwowska fundacja usiłowała godzić cel praktyczno-pragmatyczny z religijno-narodowym. Pierwszy realizowano przez wydawanie prac pozwalających unowocześniać wiejskie gospodarstwa, zwiększać ich dochodowość, ułatwić korzystanie ze zdobyczy techniczno-cywilizacyjnych. W drugim chodziło o rozszerzanie światopoglądu chłopskiego czytelnika o sprawy narodowej wspólnoty, jej przeszłości oraz innych czynników spajających naród, takich jak religia i język. Kierowanie Macierzą Polską przez historyka literatury i mediewistę nie pozostawało bez wpływu na profil wydawnictw. Stanowiące trzecią część oferty prace historyczne oraz historycznoreligijne miały głównie charakter biograficzny. Atrakcyjne dla słabiej wykształconych odbiorców, zapoznawały czytelników z największymi polskimi władcami, wodzami, świętymi. Sięgano do bohaterów reprezentatywnych dla różnych okresów historycznych. Wydano też całościowe opracowania dziejów Polski pióra Izabeli Czartoryskiej i Władysława Ludwika Anczyca. Do programu wydawniczego włączono również dziełka prezentujące wybrane postaci i wydarzenia z historii powszechnej. Narodową literaturę reprezentowały Pan Tadeusz Adama Mickiewicza oraz Pieśń o ziemi naszej Wincentego Pola. Tytuły prasowe: „Niedziela”, „Kalendarz MP”, oraz subwencjonowany „Gospodarz Wiejski” zdobyły sobie pewną liczbę stałych prenumeratorów, wśród których przeważali włościanie, ale faktycznie walczyły o przetrwanie. Jakkolwiek warunki dla realizacji inicjatyw obliczonych na podnoszenie poziomu kultury umysłowej niższych kręgów społeczeństwa Galicji wschodniej nie były łatwe, kierującym Macierzą udało się niemało osiągnąć. Było to możliwe nie tylko dzięki zaangażowaniu uczonych i społeczników, ale i finansowemu wsparciu otrzymywanemu od Sejmu Krajowego i Rady Miasta Lwowa.
This article deals with the co-operation among the Lvov historians studying education system and upbringing within the ministry’s Board for Studies on the History of Upbringing and Education in Poland, operating between 1919 and 1929. Its management was seated in Cracow and it was led by the president of the Polish Academy of Learning, Kazimierz Morawski. As far as the co-operation between the Lvov division and the Cracow headquarters is concerned, the publishing, personal and organizational issues were of the main importance. The first ones were the source of tension connected with far greater expectations for publishing works by the members of the division than it was possible considering the existing Board funds. The leading project undertaken by the Lvov historians, i.e. the history of Galician education system, was not realized, although works had been initiated. The issue of this ambitious endeavour influenced the management’s attitude towards the members of the Lvov division. It was impossible to become more effective due to lack of funds and personal conflicts. In Lvov there were not many fully professional researchers dealing with the history of education and upbringing, thus delays in approving candidates by the headquarters were treated as an obstacle to the works of the division. Its members did not compare their organization to the newly founded divisions in Poznan, Lublin and Vilnius but they referred their potential to Cracow and Warsaw, stating that their efforts were underestimated. The first president of the Lvov division, Kazimierz Twardowski gave up his post after less than two years. His successor, Ferdinand Bostel resigned even faster. Establishing a federation of equal divisions with more representative management was proposed along with the possibility to have an independent publishing and personal policy. Issuing new publishing series (source materials and school monographs) was suggested. Co-operation in this matter between the Cracow headquarters and the ministry of education completely paralyzed the efforts of the Lvov-Warsaw fronde. However, the Lvov historians succeeded in organizing the 150th anniversary of the National Education Board and the death of Stanislaw Konarski celebrated in 1923 and commemorated with publishing a memorial book. After that there was a year-and-a-half break in the work of the division caused by the withdrawal of the most active members. The division was revived but Stanislaw Lempicki’s efforts aiming at enlivening works in the second half of the 1920s did not bring satisfactory results. The horrible situation of the Board deprived of the ministry’s grants and the possibility to print publications meant mere vegetation of the divisions. All this indicated a still relatively weak integration of the circles of Polish education and upbringing historians.
Content available Listy Kazimierza Twardowskiego do Ludwika Finkla
This edited collection of correspondence written by an eminent Polish philosopher Kazimierz Twardowski (1866–1938), the creator of Lvov-Warsaw philosophical school consists of 38 letters and cards written to the well-known historian and the rector of the Lvov University, Ludwik Finkel (1858–1930). They refer to over thirty-year-long period (1899–1930) of friendship between these two scientists exchanging remarks on not only current scientificorganizational matters but also socio-political ones and private ones. The importance of this friendship also lies in the fact that it lasted mostly at the time not included in Twardowski’s personal journal. The basis of the collection are the letters from the State Archives of the Lvov District in Lvov, preserved in L. Finkel’s inheritance.
Opracowany zbiór korespondencji wybitnego polskiego filozofa, Kazimierza Twardowskiego (1866–1938), twórcy filozoficznej szkoły lwowsko-warszawskiej, obejmuje 38 listów i kartek pisanych do znanego historyka i rektora Uniwersytetu Lwowskiego, Ludwika Finkla (1858–1930). Dotyczy ponadtrzydziestoletniego okresu (1899–1930) znajomości lwowskich uczonych i przyjaciół, wymieniających się spostrzeżeniami na temat nie tylko bieżących spraw naukowo-organizacyjnych, ale i społeczno-politycznych oraz prywatnych. Rangę tej korespondencji podnosi także to, że przypada w znacznej mierze na okres, dla którego brak zapisek w osobistym dzienniku Kazimierza Twardowskiego. Podstawą zbioru są listy pochodzące z Państwowego Archiwum Obwodu Lwowskiego we Lwowie zachowane w spuściźnie L. Finkla.
The author of this article presents the didactic-educational and social activity as well as some aspects of private life of one of the most eminent Lvov scientists working at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, Kazimierz Twardowski, who came to Lvov in 1895 to run the department of philosophy. He spent over 40 years in the city on the Poltva river and those years were filled with continuous work for the adepts of philosophical arts and dedicated to preparing professional researchers in philosophy. He managed to build a school not only thanks to his own abilities but also thanks to the university environment, in which he found a group of people thinking alike and sharing common values. Twardowski, who belonged to the group of researchers described as “people-institutions”, was warmly welcomed and supported by an outstanding professor in the Austrian history department and an extraordinary modern-history researcher in Lvov, Ludwik Finkl. They developed true friendship which lasted until the end of Finkl’s life (1930). It does not mean that there were no difficult moments in that relationship and that they agreed on every subject. They were able to distinguish between friendship and support. They highly valued their friendship, also in times when they argued or were supporting opposing sides of various issues. Their friendship was based on deep respect, all the more deeper because it assumed open and honest communication of different viewpoints in their arguments. This is the reason why Twardowski’s letters to Finkl are a valuable source of knowledge and their value is even higher if we consider the fact that in majority they come from the period when the philosopher ceased to continue his “Diary”. The article discusses the most important issues mentioned in their correspondence and they seem to be the ones indicated in the title of the article. The author is building a context for them, which allows to understand the views expressed by Twardowski, as well as certain actions taken by him.
Artykuł traktuje o edukacji historycznej dla ludu na przełomie XIX i XX w. Punktem wyjścia są pierwsze całościowe dzieje Polski dla chłopów autorstwa Izabeli z Flemmingów Czartoryskiej. Jej Pielgrzym w Dobromilu powstał z myślą o spopularyzowaniu historii ojczystej oraz zaszczepieniu pojęcia ojczyzny w świadomości chłopów. Dużo miejsca poświęcono w nim kobietom: władczyniom, szlachciankom oraz chłopkom. Księżna starała się o ukształtowanie pożądanego społecznie wzorca włościanki: kobiety pobożnej, dobrej, schludnej i pracowitej, spełnionej w roli żony, matki i gospodyni. Krytykowała kobiece pijaństwo, prostytucję, lenistwo, guślarstwo, kłótliwość i inne przywary. Narracja oparta była na balansowaniu między wyidealizowanym obrazem wiejskich stosunków oraz piętnowaniem tego, co w gromadach naganne i wymagające zmiany. Autorka artykułu stara się odpowiedzieć na pytania: 1) Dlaczego po ponad sześciu dekadach od wydania Pielgrzyma w Dobromilu dziełko nadal uznawano za przydatne w edukacji warstw plebejskich zaboru austriackiego oraz 2) W jaki sposób lwowska fundacja starała się podtrzymać zainteresowanie autorką i jej aktywnością twórczą adresowaną do „niższych” warstw społecznych. Dochodzi do wniosku, że było to spowodowane zarówno deficytem nowych i dobrych opracowań przeznaczonych dla warstw plebejskich, jak i przyjętą przez Macierz Polską strategią wydawniczą obejmującą włączanie w obręb narodu polskiego przez zapoznawanie z klasyką narodowej historiografii i literatury. Przed wybuchem I wojny światowej zaznaczył się w niej także trend polegający na przybliżaniu czytelnikom MP określonych środowisk umysłowych, co pozostawało w związku z akcentowaniem roli inteligencji w porozbiorowych dziejach narodu. Opracowanie Władysława Jankowskiego o Puławach nie tylko prezentowało klimat i dokonania środowiska związanego z dworem Czartoryskich, ale i służyło promowaniu ideologii solidaryzmu narodowego i społecznego.
The article deals with historical education for the people at the turn of the 20th century. The starting point is the first comprehensive history of Poland for peasants by Izabela Czartoryska née Flemming. Her Pilgrim in Dobromil aimed at popularizing her native history and instilling the notion of "homeland" in the minds of peasants. A lot of space was devoted to women: rulers, noblemen, and peasants. The Duchess tried to shape a socially desirable model of a peasant woman: pious, good, neat and hardworking, fulfilling the role of wife, mother and housewife. She criticized female drunkenness, prostitution, laziness, witchcraft and other vices. The narrative was based on balancing the idealized image of rural relations with the stigmatization of what was reprehensible and in need of change. The author of the article tries to answer two questions: 1) Why, more than six decades after the publication of the Pilgrim in Dobromil, was the work still considered useful for the education of the plebeian layers of the Austrian partition and 2) How did the Lviv Foundation try to maintain its interest in the author and her creative activity calculated for the "lower" social classes? She concludes that this was due both to the shortage of new and good papers of the addressed plebeian classes and to the publishing strategy adopted by the Polish Cradle, which included the inclusion of the Polish nation through the study of the classics of national historiography and literature. Before the outbreak of the First World War, a trend was also observed in the strategy to familiarize readers with specific mental environments, which was related to the emphasis on the role of the intelligentsia in the post-partitioning history of the nation. Władysław Jankowski's study on Puławy not only presented the climate and achievements of the Czartoryski court environment, but also served to promote the ideology of national and social solidarity.
Autorka artykułu analizuje kwestię wpływu podróży na dynamikę życia wybranych uczniów Ksawerego Liskego, to znaczy Bronisława Gorczaka (1854–1918) oraz Wiktora Czermaka (1863–1913). Pierwszy po ukończeniu studiów we Lwowie podjął na początku lat 80. XIX w. obowiązki archiwisty – potem także bibliotekarza – w Sławucie na Wołyniu, u księcia Romana Damiana Sanguszki. Drugi po obronie na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim napisanej we Lwowie rozprawy doktorskiej mógł dzięki wsparciu krakowskiej wszechnicy prowadzić kwerendy w archiwach rzymskich, berlińskich, wiedeńskich, osiągając z czasem profesurę zwyczajną. Autorka dochodzi do wniosku, że na przełomie XIX i XX w. naukowe podróże były ważnym czynnikiem rozwoju badaczy przeszłości, a Lwów pozostawał dla wychowanków Liskego stałym punktem odniesienia.
The author of the article analyses the questions of the influence of travelling on the dynamics of life of selected students of Ksawery Liski, i.e. Bronisław Gorczak (1854–1918) and Wiktor Czermak (1863–1913). The former, after graduating from his studies in Lviv, at the beginning of 1870s, he became an archivist, and subsequently also a librarian, in Sławuta in Volhynia, for the prince Roman Damian Sanguszko. The latter, after defending at the Jagiellonian University his Ph. D. thesis written in Lviv, could take part in search queries in archives in Rome, Berlin, Vienna, with time obtaining full professorship. The author concludes that at the turn of the 19th and 20th century, scientific travels were an important factor in the research development of the past and Lviv remained a constant point of reference for Liski’s alumni.
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