Trzcina pospolita (Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud.), powszechnie występujący hydrofit, stanowi zagrożenie wielu nieleśnych torfowisk. Wegetatywnie rozwijające się szuwary trzcinowe negatywnie wpływają na różnorodność biologiczną i ograniczają rozwój innych gatunków. W klasycznym ujęciu monitorowanie ich przestrzennej ekspansji jest możliwe z wykorzystaniem inspekcji terenowej lub wysokorozdzielczej teledetekcji. Metody te są jednak kosztowne i pracochłonne, zwłaszcza w monitoringu obiektów wielkoobszarowych. Proponuje się wykorzystanie do tego celu zobrazowań Landsat-ETM, rejestrowanych wiosną. Jednoroczne nadziemne łodygi trzciny pospolitej po sezonie wegetacyjnym pozostają w siedlisku do wiosny, przez długi czas przesłaniając kiełkującą świeżą roślinność. Nawet niewielka ich ilość wpływa na wartość odbitego promieniowania w podczerwieni. Zjawisko to modyfikuje właściwości spektralne obrazu i umożliwia identyfikację trzcinowisk na zobrazowaniach satelitarnych na podstawie kompozycji NDVI.
Common reed is a widespread hydrophyte which poses a threat for flora of nonforest open wetlands. Reed rushes reproduce vegetatively and forming single-species aggregations restrain the development of other species and decrease biodiversity. In a traditional approach, a field study or application of high resolution remote sensing data are proposed for monitoring reed's spatial expansion. However, the methods are very expensive and time-consuming especially in monitoring wide-extent areas. The method of using Landsat-ETM data could be applied for monitoring reed vegetation. Annual above ground reed parts remain after the vegetation season until spring. Even small amount of reed affects a near infrared albedo by eclipsing young sprouting plants. This phenomenon modifies spectral properties of satellite images and enable identification of reed rushes. The process of photo interpretation should be executed on the basis of NDVI composition.
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The Narew River valley within the boundaries of the Narew National Park has great natural values. This is the last part of the valley, which is inflienced by land reclaimation works. It has the character of an open peatland ecosystem. A unique phenomenon of the Park's nature is the specific system of hydrologic conditions (anastomosing system), the naturalness of site, abundance of fauna and flora. Formerly, tall-sedges plant communities were a predominant kind of the Park's vegetation. Recently, substitution of tall-sedges by high-rushes and shrubs has been observed. Overgrowing with reed and shrubs is dangerous because it decreases the biodiversity of the Park's ecosystem. To establish the magnitude of shrub succession, aerial photographs from the growing season - dated 1966 and 1997- were interpreted. These vegetation distributions are mapped and digitized into a GIS application. An overlay of various kinds of shrub's formations is used to determine location and amount of shrubs and consequently, intensification of changes of the Park's vegetation. Application of cartogram method provided solution of the problem. The cartogram was built of regular grid (500 x 500 m) and was introduced to the GIS. The measuring of shrub's formation area and toll of shrub was carried out in each field. The series of measurement were used to generate thematic cartogram and for spatial analysis. The cartographic measurement showed an increase of the toll of individual shrub by 700% within 31 years. The spread of shrubs varies within the boundary of the Narew valley.
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In general, nature conservation is preservation of biodiversity, i.e. protection of landscape, protection of species occurence, protection of primordiality, protection of local distinctness etc. According to law, nature conservation consists in preservation and balanced exploitation of resources as a constituent of nature. A precious object or fragment of nature may be protected as a nature monument, nature reserve, document site, ecological lands. Gathering and storage of data is the basic instrument of protection. So far, data about protected objects are gathered and storaged on paper sheets. The sheets includes description of nature features, description of location and sometimes photographs of objects. That method of collecting data is inconvenient and constricts map visualization. The better way would be creation of an information inventory system of the nature conservation objects. The systems would be comprised of: m topographic background m map of the protected objects m database of attribute data m set of photographs. The inventory system would allow an easy access to nature data, planning of protection of the precious objects etc.
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The Narew River valley within the boundaries of the Narew National Park has great natural values. This is the last part of the valley, which is not damaged by land reclamation works. It has the character of an open peatland ecosystem. A unique phenomenon of the Park.s nature is the specific system of hydrologic relations (anastomosing system), the naturalness of site conditions, abundance of fauna and flora. Formerly, tall-sedges plant communities were predominant kind of the Park.s vegetation. Recently, substitution of tall-sedges for high-rushes that chiefly consist of common reed have been observed. Overgrowing with reed is dangerous because it decreases the biodiversity of the Park's ecosystem. Considering the biological property of the common reed and traits of the Narew ecosystem, the main hypothesis was that intensity of the reed.s expansion is dependent on density of the river-bed in the valley. To establish the range of Phragmites communities, aerial photographs from the growing season - dated 1987 and 1997 - were interpreted. These vegetation distributions are mapped and digitized into a GIS application. An overlay of these Phragmites ranges is used to determine reed.s acreage and intensification of changes of the Park.s vegetation. Additionally, on the base of 1997.s aerial photos the map of Narew river-bed was made to prove the hypothesis the main problem of the spatial data analysis was preparation of derivative data which would be possible to statistical assessment. Application of cartogram method provided solution of the problem. The cartogram was built of regular fields (500 x 500 m) and was introduced to the GIS. The measuring of rushes area and river-bed length was carried out in each field. The series of measurement were used to generate thematic cartogram and for statistical purposes. The cartographic measurement has showed an increase of the area of reed.s rushes by 16% within 10 years. The spread of these rushes varies within the boundary of the Narew valley. A visual analysis of the cartogram allows to conclude that there is a relationship between the area of reed rushes and river-bed density. The statistical analysis proved this observation. The to more to the bank-line of the river-bed, the more reed rushes covered given area. Furthermore, the introduced cartogram may serve as monitoring tool. By gathering spatial data and establishing relationships we can designate crucial field to reed.s expansion. Measurement of the increase of reed.s area may be interpolated at the whole valley.
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Mowing may lead to substantial modification of the spatial structure of phytocenoses and plant populations. An important factor contributing to such modification may be the vicinity of a forest. The aim of this work is to explain how the patterns of the spatial structure of sedge meadows patches change under the influence of annual mowing and how the proximity of a forest affects these changes. The research was conducted in the years 1985-2000 in the south-west part of the Białowieża National Park (NE Poland) Study fields were located in Caricetum acutiformis community, neighbouring ash-alder floodplain forest Fraxino-Alnetum. Three experimental plots and three respective control ones (5 x 5m) were established at the forest boundary (0 m), at a distance of 50 m and 100 m from the forest. Annual mowing conducted for 15 years caused an increase in meadow plants coverage in all mown plots. The spreading of two rush species was also observed - Calamagrostis canescens in patches lying inthe distance of 100 m from the forest edge, and Phragmites australis in the ecotonal zone. The most important changes in a spatial distribution of floristic richness were noticed in mown patches located at the greatest distance from the boundary of the forest. Mowing caused strengthening of the mosaic pattern naturally occurring within patches and changed their structure from "coarsegrained" to "fine-grained" one. Permanent management of sedge meadows caused an increase in a spatial diversity in the first 10 years in all patches, irrespective of their location. After 15 years of management a simplification of the spatial structure occurred. The spatial structure of the clonal species population (Lythrum salicaria, Lysimachia vulgaris) was characterized by relative stability only in the first 5 years of mowing and only in the quadrates located far from the forest. Response of plants of unitary type of growth to management was different - annual mowing caused substantial changes in the distribution of Cirsium palustre individuals in the plots located far from the forest while individuals of Cirsium rivulare in the ecotone remained constantly in their locations. It was found that it can be caused by the presence of clump sedges which may have a greater impact on population structure of that species than mowing.
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