The increasingly restrictive standards related to exhaust emissions from cars make difficult the development of internal combustion engines. The activities undertaken in the design of internal combustion engines are mainly based on downsizing, e.g decreasing the engine's displacement. The main direction in the development of vehicle propulsion is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. It is expected to reduce CO2 emissions in 2020 to reach 95 g/km. Electric vehicles achieve low noise levels and do not emitted a burn, and thus, their use leads to a reduction in the amount of toxic exhaust gases in the air. The aspect of reducing emissions of harmful exhaust compounds and activities focusing on downsizing on the market of combustion engine cars leads to a significant increase the number of electric vehicles. In 2018 around 95 million motor vehicles were registered in the world, of which around 12 million in the European Union and 273 thousand in Poland. The number of electric vehicles among all sold is around 5.5%. Every year new, more technologically advanced models appear on the electric vehicle market. In 2018, the most popular model was the Nissan LEAF and the BAIC EC-Series. A large number of Renault ZOE have also been sold. In article analyzed different models of electric vehicle, which are available on market and presented the characteristics based on e.g. price per 100 kilometers, range for every model or charging time.
W artykule omówiony został wpływ konfiguracji pozasilnikowych układów oczyszczania spalin na uzyskiwaną temperaturą gazów w poszczególnych punktach układu wylotowego. Reaktory katalityczne i filtry do skutecznego oczyszczania gazów wymagają m. in. określonej temperatury. Temperatura ta zmniejsza się wraz z odległością od kolektora wylotowego. Badania przeprowadzone w artykule polegały na pomiarze temperatury spalin w różnych miejscach układu w symulowanych warunkach rzeczywistych na silnikowej hamowni dynamicznej w aspekcie zastosowania filtra cząstek stałych i jego skutecznego oczyszczania. Badanie temperatury przy pomocy termopar pozwoliło na ocenę możliwości ich zadziałania podczas eksploatacji miejskiej i pozamiejskiej w symulowanych warunkach rzeczywistych.
The article discusses the effect of exhaust aftertreatment systems configuration on the resulting exhaust gas temperature at selected points of the exhaust system. Catalytic reactors and particle filters must reach a specific temperature in order to effectively perform their functions. The temperature they obtain decreases with the increasing distance from the exhaust manifold, as the gases cool along the way. The performed research consisted of measuring the exhaust gas temperature in various places of the exhaust system in simulated driving conditions mapped on the dynamic engine brake station in the aspect of using a particulate filter and its resulting operating efficiency due to the temperature. Measuring the temperature using thermocouples allowed to assess the probability of achieving full operation of the filters during urban and extra-urban exploitation in a simulation of real driving conditions.
Along with development Commercial Air Transport were observed increase popularity of general aviation, include RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft System). In manned air transport through years created a lot of standards and regulations. For still developing RPAS not created any official rules came from ICAO. This article is a trial to arranged available and commonly using methods risk management hazard to RPAS area. Prepared a list of 72 questions about the hazard sources occurring in the analyzed area. The answers allow to identify 45 sources of hazard. Based on them, 18 hazards were identified. Guided by the ideas and good practices of manned aviation, it is necessary to harmonize legal regulations concerning safety management in unmanned flights.
Wraz z rozwojem lotnictwa komercyjnego, obserwuje się również rosnącą popularność lotnictwa ogólnego, w tym Bezzałogowych Statków Powietrznych (BSP). W załogowym transporcie lotniczym przez lata powstało wiele norm i przepisów prawnych dotyczących zarządzania ryzykiem. Dla wciąż rozwijających się BSP nie stworzono jeszcze, na tym obszarze zarządzania zaawansowanych zasad. Niniejszy artkuł jest, więc próbą adaptacji dostępnych i powszechnie wykorzystywanych metod zarządzania ryzykiem zagrożeń do obszaru BSP.Opracowano listę 72 pytań o występowanie źródeł zagrożeń w badanym obszarze analiz. Odpowiedzi pozwoliły na rozpoznanie 45 źródeł zagrożeń. Na ich podstawie zidentyfikowano 18 zagrożeń. Kierując się ideami i dobrymi praktykami lotnictwa załogowego, należy doprowadzić do ujednolicenia unormowań prawnych dotyczących zarzadzania bezpieczeństwem w lotach bezzałogowych.
The article presents a part of the work done in a research and development project being made by SWIATEK Lech Swiatek company. It describes the comparison of different fuels used in piston engines with JET-A1 turbine engine fuel. Next, the proposed combustion process of JET-A1 fuel and a prototype one-cylinder engine are described. In details, a special cylinder head and direct injection programmable computer are presented. In the next part, a designed and built test stand is described. Finally, the results and conclusions are presented. The designed test stand enabled to perform assumed tests. The innovative JET-A1 combustion process was possible to perform and the power and torque were higher in 1900-3000 rpm range than with the gasoline fuel. The designed GDI programmable injection computer enabled to fully control the injection and ignition parameters.
The basic problem in terms of measuring exhaust emissions is the approval tests of traction vehicles, which are carried out on engine dynamometers. Therefore, it is impossible to obtain reliable results concerning their actual impact on the natural environment. It is therefore advisable to carry out the tests in real operation conditions, as is the case for road vehicles for which RDE (Real Driving Emissions) tests are carried out. The latest Stage V emission standards push for the introduction of this type of test, but no limit values for toxic exhaust gases have been established and no test guidelines have been defined for assessing actual emissions. This article describes the issues related to the legislative guidelines for non-road vehicles in force in Europe, as well as the measurement tools used, such as mobile equipment for measuring emissions of PEMS (Portable Emissions Measurement Systems) and newly developed emission gates. Additionally, the paper presents examples of locomotive exhaust emission tests in real operating conditions. The aim of the measurements was to assess the emission of toxic compounds against the relevant standards. The subject of the research was a diesel locomotive type T448.P equipped with a modernized internal combustion engine.
The article presents issues related to the assessment of concentrations of harmful substances in the exhaust gas cloud behind a compression-ignition passenger vehicle. The introduction describes issues related to the impact of air pollution on the environment and on human health and life expectancy. The article presents exhaust gas dispersion tests behind the vehicle were carried out both in stationary conditions (a specially prepared laboratory stand) and in real operating conditions. PEMS testing equipment was used for this type of measurements. During the measurements, concentrations of harmful exhaust gas compounds were analyzed in relation to the distance of the measuring probe from the exhaust system. In stationary conditions, the influence of the engine speed on the dispersion of pollutants was also studied. The tests carried out show that the concentrations obtained behind a moving vehicle significantly decrease with the distance of the measuring probe, and their dispersion is much smaller in most cases than in the case of stationary tests. This is the basis for recognizing that thanks to this, it is possible to analyze the concentrations obtained and conduct tests using the emission gate.
The current EURO 6c standard has introduced a limit on the number of solid particles for spark ignition engines equal to that for compression ignition engines (6x10e11). To meet the requirements, manufacturers install particulate filters in the exhaust systems of most new engines. The article presents the results of vehicle testing with this solution during the drive carried out in accordance with the RDE procedure. The measurement results, after taking into account the Conformity Factor in relation to the approval limits, confirmed the efficiency of aftertreatment system in terms of both gas and solid components.
Obecna norma EURO 6c wprowadziła limit liczby cząstek stałych dla silników z zapłonem iskrowym równy temu dla silników z zapłonem samoczynnym (6x10e11). By spełnić wymagania, producenci instalują filtry cząstek stałych w układach wylotowych większości nowych silników. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań pojazdu z tym rozwiązaniem podczas przejazdu przeprowadzonego zgodnie z procedurą RDE. Wyniki pomiarów po uwzględnieniu współczynnika Conformity Factor w stosunku do limitów homologacyjnych potwierdziły skuteczność oczyszczania spalin zarówno pod względem emisji składników gazowych, jak i cząstek stałych.
The subject of this article is to compare the effectiveness of commercial exhaust gas aftertreatment systems such as TWC and GPF with their prototype variant, which is produced on a pilot line that allows the recovery of precious metals. What's more, the said production line allows the manufacture of components compliant with Euro IV, V and VI standards. Depending on the model of the monolith made, it is possible to reduce the consumption of precious metal raw materials by up to 20%, which should be considered a significant result. The article describes in detail the manufacturing process of metal carriers using the mentioned technology. A dynamic engine dynamometer was used for tests verifying the effectiveness of particulate filters, on which the RDE test route covering the area of the Poznan agglomeration was mapped. The tests performed are particularly important, as it should be borne in mind that according to the forecast in 2025, internal combustion engines powered by conventional fuels will account for 85% of all propulsion sources. In addition, the increasing environmental awareness of vehicle users and manufacturers requires solutions to reduce PM emissions into the atmosphere in both mass and number.
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