Dokonany przegląd literatury geograficznej dotyczącej ziemi uniejowskiej, dostępnej w księgozbiorze Biblioteki Geograficznej UŁ, dokumentuje różnorodność problemów badawczych podejmowanych przez geografów łódzkiego ośrodka uniwersyteckiego. Intensyfikacja zainteresowań naukowych tym terenem nastąpiła po 1989 r., kiedy to w wyniku transformacji polityczno-ustrojowej Polska stała się z czasem członkiem Unii Europejskiej i mogła aplikować o fundusze niezbędne dla przebudowy kraju. Uniejów, na terenie którego odkryto złoża wód geotermalnych, stał się w tym czasie beneficjantem wzrostu gospodarczego, a zachodzące w strukturze miasta zmiany funkcjonalno-przestrzenne stały się przedmiotem badań i opracowań teoretycznych.
The review of geographic literature concerning the Uniejów region, available in the Geographic Library of the University of Lodz, documents the diversity of research problems undertaken by geographers at Lodz University. Intensification of scientific interest in this area occurred after 1989, when Poland, as a result of political transformation, became a member of the European Union and could apply for funds necessary for the reconstruction of the country. Uniejów, where geothermal water deposits were discovered, became at that time the beneficiary of economic growth, and functional changes in the structure of the town became the subject of research and theoretical studies.
Lodz of the interwar period was the second, after the capital, most populous city of the Second Republic of Poland. After regaining independence, the population of the city was about 300,000 inhabitants. In 1919 there were about 80 large libraries of various types in the area of Lodz. They included: the Public Library, public libraries run by cultural and educational societies, libraries run by social and cultural associations, libraries run by trade unions and professional associations as well as libraries at schools. These places faced a lot of financial perplexities as well as housing problems. An important achievement of the Lodz librarianship of the twenty year interwar period was to carry out the concept of the inter-municipal library network with the Public Library as the central research library, places to borrow books for children, adolescents and adults. The author of the project presented in 1921 at the meeting of the Cultural and Educational Magistrate was Jan Augustyniak.
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