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W 2009r. rozpoczął się proces składania w polskim Sejmie aktów prawnych, które w ocenie polskich spółdzielców były bardzo szkodliwe dla spółdzielczości. Projekty te nie były konsultowane ze środowiskiem spółdzielczym, które w większości nie akceptowało proponowanych zmian w projektowanych aktach prawnych. Propozycje te nie były zgodne z zasadami Międzynarodowego Związku Spółdzielczego, z prawem Unii Europejskiej, ani z zasadami demokratycznego państwa prawnego oraz wolnego rynku, jak również zasadami konkurencyjności. Artykuł stanowi przegląd inicjatyw w zakresie zmian prawa spółdzielczego w latach 2009-2015 i ocenę ich wartości dla spółdzielczości w Polsce. Zaprezentowane zostały główne obszary funkcjonowania spółdzielni, które powinny być uregulowane znowelizowanymi przepisami nowej ustawy.
In 2009 a process of assembling in the Polish Parliament legal documents, which in the assessment of Polish cooperatives’ members were very harmful to the cooperative movement, has started. These projects haven’t been consulted with the cooperative environment, which largely didn't accept proposed changes in the planned legislation. These propositions didn't match the principles of the International Cooperative Alliance, the law of the European Union, or principles of the legal democratic state and the free market, as well as the principles of competitiveness. The article constitutes the overview of initiatives concerning changes of the cooperative law in the years 2009-2015, and the evaluation of their value for the cooperative movement in Poland. Main areas of cooperatives’ functioning, which should be regulated with amended provisions of the new law, were presented.
Projekt ustawy o zmianie ustawy Prawo spółdzielcze z 22 lipca 2016r. zawiera propozycję alternatywnego trybu składania deklaracji w formie elektronicznej, w stosunku do tradycyjnej formy pisemnej. Może to obciążać spółdzielnię dodatkowymi kosztami, przygotowaniem dodatkowej infrastruktury wykorzystywanej do obsługi deklaracji składanych drogą elektroniczną oraz potwierdzania ich odbioru. Taki sposób działania należy negatywnie ocenić, jako ograniczanie członkom spółdzielni możliwości składania deklaracji w tradycyjnej formie pisemnej.
The draft bill of the amendment of the Cooperative Law act from July 22nd 2016 contains proposal of the alternative mode of placing the declaration in an electronic form, in relation to the traditional written form. It can encumber the cooperative with extra costs, preparing the additional infrastructure for the service of declarations filed electronically, and confirming their receipt. One should negatively assess such a modus operandi, as limiting the possibility of cooperatives’ members to place the declaration in the traditional written form.
Co-operative inspection has a very long tradition. It was carried out from the early beginning of the co-operative existence - it is a historical category. The inspections in co-operatives and co-operative organizations can be carried out by people who have the eligibility chartered by National Co-operative Council. The eligibilities are chartered after 60 hours obligatory specialist training which ends by the exam. The training for candidates to the co-operative inspector position is organized by the National Co-operative Council or by the revisory unions after the acceptance of the training programme by the National Co-operative Council. The position of the co-operative inspector is a job of a public trust and is supposed to be performed by the people with adequate education and predispositions. There is a need of preparing the ethical code for the co-operative inspectors' work and bringing the position of disciplinary intercessor of the inspectors into being - all these arrangements aim the increasing of the co-operatives inspection quality. It must be pointed out that the norms of performing of the co-operative inspector job should be compiled as well. The rules of the exam on the co-operative inspector position must be more precise too. Moreover, it can be thought that the eligibilities for the inspections could be chartered after the post graduate studies.
Wszechstronna analiza regulacji prawnych dotyczących spółdzielczego lokatorskiego prawa do lokalu mieszkalnego nakazuje odrzucić twierdzenie, iż nie ono gwarantuje zaspokojenie potrzeb mieszkaniowych osobom bliskim wobec członka spółdzielni, który aktualnie tym prawem dysponuje. Zważyć bowiem należy, iż jakkolwiek spółdzielcze lokatorskie prawo do lokalu mieszkalnego nie podlega dziedziczeniu na zasadach określonych w kodeksie cywilnym, to jednak w ustawie o spółdzielniach mieszkaniowych przewidziane zostały instrumenty, które umożliwiają osobom bliskim dla członka spółdzielni uzyskać to prawo w sytuacji, gdy po stronie pierwotnie uprawnionego członka ów tytuł do władania lokalem z jakiś przyczyn wygaśnie. Możliwość uzyskania (przejęcia) tego prawa ma przy tym charakter roszczenia wobec spółdzielni, którego realizacja może być dochodzona na drodze postępowania sądowego. Istotną cechą spółdzielczego lokatorskiego prawa do lokalu mieszkalnego jest także to, że jego dysponent – poprzez wypowiedzenie członkostwa w spółdzielni – może w każdej chwili wyzbyć się owego tytułu do zajmowanego lokalu. Wówczas uzyskuje on względem spółdzielni wierzytelność o wypłatę wartości rynkowej lokalu, do którego przysługiwało mu spółdzielcze lokatorskie prawo do lokalu mieszkalnego. Z uwagi na te rozwiązania prawne przyjąć można, iż ekonomiczna wartość omawianego prawa w istocie rzeczy zbliża się do prawa własności lokalu.
A comprehensive analysis of the legal regulations concerning cooperative tenancy right to a dwelling demands rejecting of the claim that it does not guarantee providing of the housing to those close to the member of the cooperative, who is currently in possession of this right. It should be noted that although cooperative tenancy right to a dwelling is not inherited according to the rules set out in the Civil Code, the Housing Cooperatives Act provides the instruments that allow close relatives of a cooperative member to obtain that right, when the right of the legitimate member to occupy the premises will expire for some reason. The possibility of acquiring this right is a claim towards a cooperative, which execution can be claimed through legal proceedings. An important feature of cooperative tenancy right to a dwelling is also that its disposer – by denouncing membership in a cooperative – can get rid of that title for the occupied premises at any time. Then he obtains a receivable towards the cooperative for the payment of the market value of the premises, to which he had a cooperative tenancy right. Due to these legal solutions, it can be assumed that the economic value of the right in question is in fact approaching the ownership of the premises.
Doktor Franciszek Stefczyk należy do grona prekursorów polskiego ruchu spółdzielczego, będąc zarówno teoretykiem, jak i twórcą jego struktur w różnych branżach. W swojej pracy wykorzystywał on szeroką wiedzę i umiejętności zdobyte w trakcie studiów historycznych i prawniczych, a także w pracy naukowej. Stefczyk był bowiem erudytą i typem naukowca, który jednak potrafił wykorzystywać swoje umiejętności w pracy społecznej, aktywności politycznej i gospodarczej, dostrzegając potrzeby człowieka, jak również całego narodu i państwa. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przybliżenie poglądów Franciszka Stefczyka na rolę i zadania spółdzielczości jako elementu życia społecznego. W myśli ekonomicznej twórcy systemu kas kredytowych centralne miejsce zajmował człowiek, którego zawsze określał podmiotem całej polityki gospodarczej. Ważnym elementem tejże polityki była natomiast dla niego spółdzielczość, którą uważał za jeden z najskuteczniejszych sposobów obrony i pomocy dla najsłabszych ekonomicznie warstw społecznych.
Doctor Franc Stefczyk belongs to the bevy of precursors of the Polish cooperative movement, being both a theoretician and an originator of its structures in different branches. In his work he made use of the extensive knowledge and abilities acquired in the course of historical and law studies, as well as in his scientific work. For Stefczyk was an erudite and a type of scientist, who at the same time was able to use his abilities in community work, and political and economic activity, recognizing the needs of the individual, but also the entire nation and country. The aim of this article is to present Franc Stefczyk’s views on the role and functions of the cooperative movement as the element of social life. In the economic thought of the originator of credit unions’ system in the central place was always a man, who he described as the subject of the economic policy. An important element of this policy was for him the cooperative movement, which he regarded as one of the most effective ways of the defense and assistance to the most vulnerable economically social classes.
W 2016 r. obchodzona jest 200. rocznica założenia przez ks. Stanisława Staszica Rolniczego Towarzystwa Wspólnego Ratowania się w Nieszczęściach. Powstało ono w dobrach Staszica na terenie starostwa hrubieszowskiego. Tworząc tę organizację dał on początek spółdzielczości na ziemiach polskich w okresie zaborów. Stał się tym samym prekursorem tej formy gospodarowania w Europie i na świecie. Towarzystwo Hrubieszowskie było odpowiedzią na panujący na początku XIX wieku kryzys i stanowiło formę pomocy najbardziej poszkodowanym przez los i dotkniętym nędzą.
In 2016 we celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Agricultural Society for Joint Rescue in Misfortune founded by Father Stanislaw Staszic. It was established in the Staszic’s estate in the Hrubieszow county. By creating this organization he began the cooperative movement on Polish soil during the partitions. Thus, he became the precursor of this form of management in Europe and in the world. Hrubieszow’s Society was a response to the crisis prevailing in the beginning of the nineteenth century, and was a form of assistance for those most in needed and suffering from poverty.
With regard to the quality and quantity issues, the cooperative enterprises are typical small and medium size entities acting in all areas of the economic life. They have to comply with the regulation of the market law like all other enterprises. Four barriers determining the cooperative sector development can be specified: market, financial, legal and strategic ones. Although the economic potential of cooperative sector decreased in previous years it stll remains essential taking into account the number of cooperative entities operating on the market and the number of associated people. It should be noted, however, that the entire industry, in order to continue functioning and development, has to undergo deep restructuring and should focus more on the cooperation between cooperative entities as well as with the the non-cooperative ones. The cooperation between them is to be tightened.
Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie na podstawie wyników NSP-nych, przeprowadzonych przez G/łówny U/rząd S/tatystyczny, jak przedstawiała się sytuacja mieszkaniowa w Polsce w latach 1950-2011. Skonfrontowana ona została ze zmianami, które wystąpiły w kilkudziesięciu innych krajach. W opracowaniu dokonane zostało porównanie miejsca Polski w rankingu mieszkaniowym, na tle zmian w rankingu ekonomicznym. Pozwoli to na konstatację, w jakim stopniu mieszkalnictwo korzystało z owoców wzrostu gospodarczego. Przedstawione zostaną również uwarunkowania zmniejszenia dystansu mieszkaniowego Polski w stosunku do innych, bardziej, podobnie, czy mniej ekonomicznie rozwiniętych krajów. Wyniki przedmiotowych badań stanowią spektakularną egzemplifikację tempa dotychczasowych zmian. Umożliwią one projektowanie przedsięwzięć niezbędnych dla zmniejszenia niekorzystnego dla Polski „dystansu mieszkaniowego”. Jest to przedsięwzięcie bardzo trudne, wymagające radykalnej reorientacji, w stronę „lokokratycznej” strategii rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego Polski. Stąd zaprezentowane przez Autorów uwarunkowania zmniejszenia niekorzystnej dla Polski pozycji w rankingu mieszkaniowym, stanowić będą zapewne kolejną wyrazistą „fikcję heurystyczną”, uzmysławiającą ogrom potrzeb zwielokrotnienia wysiłku inwestycyjnego w dziedzinie mieszkalnictwa. Wymagać to będzie szeroko rozwiniętego budownictwa mieszkaniowego, w tym przede wszystkim socjalnego dla najuboższych i pomocy dla średniozamożnych.
The aim of this article is to demonstrate, on the basis of the results of National Censuses conducted by Central Statistical Office, the housing situation in Poland in the years 1950-2011. It was confronted with the changes that occurred in several dozen other countries. The paper compares the place of Poland in the housing ranking with changes in the economic rankings. This will allow inter alia to define the extent to which housing benefited from the effects of economic growth. The article presents also conditions necessary to reduce the housing distance of Poland relatively to the other – more, similarly, or less economically developed countries. The results of presented studies represent a spectacular exemplification of the pace of changes. They will enable to design project necessary to reduce the "housing gap" negative for Poland. It is a very difficult project, requiring a radical reorientation of strategy for socio-economic development of Poland. Thus, conditions to reduce Poland’s unfavorable position in the housing ranking presented by the authors, will probably provide another expressive "heuristic fiction", visualizing the enormity of the needs to multiply the investment efforts in the field of housing. This will require a wide-developed house-building, particularly including social housing for the poorest, and the assistance for those of moderate means.
Management of housing resources is binding from the first side with rising financial assets from people who live in this particular housing resource for its maintaining and from the other side is binding with the ability of effective use and management of those financial assets. In this article the efforts on the evaluation of effectiveness of cooperative's housing resources management has been taken. Due to carried out research and also on the basis of statistical data the Authors found out that the cooperatives' housing resources are managed in a modern way, according to the legally binding law regulations in respect to the laws of the people who live in it. The excellent prove for that is the smallest exploitation fee in calculation for 1 m2 in the cooperative's housing resources. In spite of the privatization the great majority of flats are still under the cooperative management. Moreover, the administration and management costs of those resources were the lowest in comparison to the other housing resources. The equipment of cooperative's housing resources with central heating system formed itself as a beneficial effect on the background of the council housing resources and community ones. In addition to that the biggest financial inputs on renovation and modernization were noticed particularly in cooperative's housing resources. These resources can be characterized as ones that have the lowest renovation gap and the high percentage of thermo isolation in use. In the summary of the work one very essential conclusion has been drawn. It says that housing cooperatives were exactly adjusted to the actual legal solutions of this kind of entities as housing resources and they took on in many cases the management role of the housing resources. In addition to that in many categories of the management effectiveness estimation the housing cooperatives were located on the top position among the others forms of housing ownership existing on the market.
Co-operative's higher level organizations have been functioning from the beginning of the first co-operatives. During the partitions revisory unions operated in the frames of operational structures of the invaders. In that time revisory unions had the right to conduct revisions and assisted the associating co-operatives. The first legal act that regulated activity of the revisory unions was established in 1920. This legal act declared self-government of co-operatives and their right to associate into higher level organizations. The affiliation to revisory unions was voluntary to co-operatives. After the Second World War period up to the 90s' of 20th century the affiliation to revisory unions has been obligated and resulted from law. The revisory unions in that time provided inspections, training and advisory services to the other co-operatives. In the political transformation period in 1990 the legal act deleted all co-operative revisory unions. In 1991 co-operatives could affiliate in revisory unions again, due to the Constitution Court of Justice judgment. This Court stated non compliance of deleting the co-operatives' structures to constitution. Just after that the very difficult period of rebuilding the co-operatives' organization has begun. These co-operatives are acting now on the rules of voluntary associating of co-operatives. The main mission of the unions is to help the associated co-operatives, providing them with inspections, training and advisory services. The revisory unions in present times are functioning in the same form shaped after 1991 as one arm organizations.
Co-operatives are the enterprises operating in market economy on the rules and conditions concerning the all other forms of economic activity. They are obliged to keep books due to Accounting Act concerning their specificity and financial economy. The co-operatives accounting should therefore be based on the regulations of the Accounting Act and the Cooperative Law. Moreover, in referring to housing co-operatives, they should also follow the rules gathered in the legal act controlling the conditions of operating such co-operatives. The co-operatives are characteristic of their self financing and full responsibility for contractors, tax organs and their members. This means, that the co-operatives are fully responsible for the results on their economic activity and their liabilities. The result determining the market position of the co-operative is generated income. The obtained net profit can be accumulated as a source of its development or can be shared between co-operative's members due to its further consumption. The decisions regarding the usage of the net profit of the co-operative are taken independently by co-operative's members.
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