In the article, the authors describe the potential of using virtual reality systems in the aspect of increasing information superiority on the modern battlefield. The purpose of the article is to identify virtual reality systems as a tool to support this process. At the beginning, the authors present the genesis of virtual environments and they make a critical analysis of several virtual reality simulators, which have been the subject of scientific research in the last few years. In this way, the authors emphasise the dynamic development of the ICT sector and the possibility of using its technical innovations to support military operations. Next, the authors discuss data processing, which was correlated with the cycle of strategic thinking. Presentation of the hierarchy of information in information systems was the result of these analyses. In addition, the authors refer to the implementation of the communication process in the context of maximising the information superiority. They point to the relationship between the process of designing interactive virtual reality systems and communication theory. Finally, they highlight the advantages and disadvantages of virtual reality simulators in the context of increasing information superiority on the modern battlefield.
As a result of the development of digital technologies, information security has become an important element and subject of research for many scientists. So far, published conclusions show that the current action allowing for an increase in information security is building awareness of cyberspace users. The article is a continuation of research on the security of the information society. So far, in-depth research has been carried out in the scope of verifying users’ awareness of the aspect of sharing data on social media. The aim of the article is to verify users’ knowledge of disinformation in the means of communication and information transfer. As part of the research, the authors used a questionnaire that helped achieve the defined goal. Based on the analysis of the obtained results, the authors presented the level of users’ awareness and indicated the direction of further research in the field of the aforesaid issue.
Bezpieczeństwo informacyjne, w wyniku rozwoju technologii cyfrowych, stało się istotnym elementem i przedmiotem badań wielu naukowców. Jak wskazują wnioski badaczy - działaniem obecnie pozwalającymna wzrost bezpieczeństwa informacyjnego jest budowanie świadomości użytkowników cyberprzestrzeni. Artykuł stanowi dalszy ciąg badań dotyczących bezpieczeństwa społeczeństwa informacyjnego. Dotychczas przeprowadzono badania pogłębione w zakresie weryfikacji świadomości użytkowników w aspekcie udostępniania przez nich danych w serwisach społecznościowych. Celem artykułu jest zweryfikowanie wiedzy użytkowników dotyczącej dezinformacji w środkach komunikacji i przekazu informacji. W ramach prac badawczych wykorzystano kwestionariusz ankiety, który pozwolił na realizację postawionego celu. Na podstawie analizy uzyskanych wyników przedstawiono poziom świadomości użytkowników oraz wskazano kierunek dalszych badań w zakresie poruszanej problematyki.
Purpose: The term data fusion is often used in various technologies, where a significant element is the ability of combining data of different typology coming from diverse sources. Currently, the issue of DF is developing towards interdisciplinary field and is connected with 'agile' data (information) synthesis concerning phenomena and objects. Optimal environment to carry out data fusion are SN (Sensor Networks), in which DF process is carried out on a data stage, most often automatically with the use of probable association algorithms of this data. The purpose of this article was an implementation of a neural network and its adaptation in the process of data fusion and solving the value prediction problem. Design/methodology/approach: The conducted experiment was concerned with modelling artificial neural network to form radiation beam of microstrip antenna. In the research the MATLAB environment was used. Findings: The conducted experiment shows that depending on the type of output data set and the task for ANN, the effect of neural network's learning is dependent on the activation function type. The described and implemented network for different activation functions learns effectively, predicts results as well as has the ability to generalize facts on the basis of the patterns learnt. Research limitations/implications: Without doubts, it is possible to improve the model of a network and provide better results than these presented in the paper through modifying the number of hidden layers, the number of neurons, learning step value or modifying the learning algorithm itself. Originality/value: The paper presents the implementation of the sensor network in the context of the process of data fusion and solution prediction. The paper should be read by persons which research interests are focused at the decision support by the information and communication technologies.
W pracy skupiono się na problemie wykrywania bezzałogowych statków powietrznych naruszających zatrzeżoną przestrzeń powietrzną. Głównym celem badań jest opracowanie algorytmu umożliwiającego detekcję, identyfikacej i rozpoznanie bezzałogowego statku powietrznego wlatującego w obszar monitorowanej przestrzeni powietrznej. Proponowana metoda polega na wielosensorycznej fuzji danych i opiera się na warunkowej filtracji komplementarnej oraz wielostopniowej klasteryzacji danych sensorycznych. Skuteczność proponowanego rozwiązania została przetestowana z wykorzystaniem metodologii szybkiego prototypowania w oprogramowaniu MATLAB na podstawie rzeczywistych danych sensorycznych pozyskanych podczas przeprowadzonych lotów bezzałogowymi statkami powietrznymi.
The paper focuses on the problem of detecting unmanned aerial vehicles that violate restricted airspace. The main purpose of the research is to develop an algorithm that enables the detection, identification and recognition of an unmanned aerial vehicle violating restricted airspace. The proposed method consists of multi-sensory data fusion and is based on conditional complementary filtration and multi-stage clustering. The efficiency of the proposed solution was tested using rapid prototyping approach in the MATLAB software on the basis of real sensory data acquired during arranged unmanned aerial vehicle flights.
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