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na terenie województwa małopolskiego badania metodą wywiadu kwestionariuszowego w zakresie współpracy partnerskiej w budownictwie. W badaniu wzięło udział 147 przedstawicieli (właścicieli, menedżerów, kierowników budów) średnich i dużych przedsiębiorstw budowlanych z tego województwa. W artykule zaprezentowano wybrane wyniki badań w zakresie wagi i wpływu rożnych podmiotów na funkcjonowanie przedsiębiorstwa budowlanego oraz w zakresie związków partnerskich przedsiębiorstw budowlanych na rynkach instytucjonalnych. Pozwalają one dostrzec widoczną, ale jeszcze na niskim poziomie, współpracę partnerską w budownictwie.
partnership co-operation in the construction industry in the Małopolska region in Poland in 2007/2008. The research involved 147 representatives (owners, managers, construction site managers) of large and medium-seized construction enterprises in the region. The article presents the results of research on the importance and influence of various subjects on the functioning of a construction enterprise as well as partnership relations of construction enterprises on institutional markets. Partnership co-operation in the construction industry is already noticeable but it still remains at a low level.
a potential for the creation of socio-economic values. The process of extending the life cycle of a historic building is associated primarily with the analysis of the options for its conversion in the light of various criteria, many of which have a fuzzy character. The aim of the paper regards the proper selection and also description of the criteria for assessing conversion options for historic buildings in the context of sustainable development.
the development of a comprehensive system of assessment and control of partner relationships have been summarised.
organisational problems during their implementation (most of which could not have been predicted earlier), which in turn determined the different approaches and concepts available for solving them. The article is therefore a kind of case study, which demonstrates the specific implementation al problems associated with this project, as well as identifying the mistakes to be avoided, on one hand, as well as to point to concepts which are worth repeating.
with the application of the thermal insulation materials listed above were discussed. The goals of this article are: to compare technical parameters of certain types of thermal insulation, to provide an economic analysis of the chosen wall insulation solutions, and to choose the type of thermal insulation that is most beneficial in terms of the relationship of price to quality.
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