The concept of Industry 4.0 turns 10 years old in 2021. This milestone calls for renewed inquiries to review the current efforts of the European Union (EU) and its Member States towards the modernisation of European industry. In 2018, the European Commission published the Digital Transformation Scoreboard 2018: EU businesses go digital: Opportunities, outcomes and uptake, which reports on the readiness for the digital revolution focused on building an economy in line with the concept of Industry 4.0 at three levels: European, national, and business. This study shows how much still remains to be done. At the same time, it identifies some of the key elements contributing to the success in this area, i.e., the digitisation of machines, Big Data, robotics and artificial intelligence, which represent the very essence of the idea of revolution 4.0. The aim of the paper is to determine the extent to which the new strategy for industry proposed by the European Commission in 2020 follows the concept of Industry 4.0. Quantitative and qualitative research methods were used. Statistical analysis was used to demonstrate the importance of industry in the economy of the European Union between 1998 and 2019 in terms of the share in the added value created and the significance for the labour market. The descriptive methods used include a review of the literature and research on the concept of Industry 4.0 and an analysis of the latest strategic documents of the European Commission (EC) in relation to industrial policy.
This article is a case study of a five-year-old girl infected with cytomegalovirus, with profound prelingual sensorineural hearing loss, bilaterally implanted. The aim of the article is to describe research on the child’s current development and current communication skills in the context of early diagnosis, early binaural implantation and systematic speech therapy of the examined child. The description of the skills was developed using the Speech and Language Therapy Examination Card and the Communication Behavior Assessment Card for a Hearing Impaired Child. These tools enabled a detailed characterization of the child’s phonic communication skills in all language subsystems: phonological, lexical and grammatical: morphological and syntactic. The child’s gestural and facial behavior serving a communicative function was also assessed. The child’s audiological capabilities were also discussed, with particular emphasis on the benefits derived from binaural implantation and intensive speech therapy work. The research results allowed us to conclude that speech is the preferred way of communication of the examined girl. She achieved very high phonic communication skills, similar to the level of her hearing peers. Gesture and facial communication has an auxiliary function. It is based on natural gestures, although the child has had an episode of learning the basics of sign language. Analysis of the child’s speech development history allows us to notice a strong relationship between the implantation time and the acceleration of the dynamics of his speech development.
Niniejszy artykuł jest studium przypadku pięcioletniej dziewczynki zarażonej wirusem cytomegalii, z prelingwalnym, odbiorczym uszkodzeniem słuchu głębokiego stopnia, bilateralnie implantowanej. Celem artykułu jest opis badań dotychczasowego rozwoju oraz aktualnych umiejętności komunikacyjnych dziecka w kontekście wczesnej diagnozy, wczesnej obuusznej implantacji oraz systematycznej terapii logopedycznej badanego dziecka. Opis umiejętności opracowany został z wykorzystaniem Karty Badania Surdologopedycznego oraz Karty Oceny Zachowań Komunikacyjnych Dziecka z Uszkodzonym Słuchem. Narzędzia te umożliwiły dokonanie szczegółowej charakterystyki umiejętności dziecka w zakresie porozumiewania się fonicznego we wszystkich podsystemach języka: fonologicznym, leksykalnym oraz gramatycznym: morfologicznym i składniowym. Ocenie poddano również zachowania gestowo-mimiczne dziecka pełniące funkcję komunikacyjną. Omówione zostały także możliwości audiologiczne dziecka ze szczególnym wskazaniem na korzyści, jakie odnosi z obuusznej implantacji i intensywnej pracy surdologopedycznej. Wyniki badań pozwoliły stwierdzić, że mowa jest preferowanym sposobem komunikowania się badanej dziewczynki. Osiągnęła ona bardzo wysokie umiejętności w zakresie komunikacji fonicznej, zbliżone do poziomu prezentowanego przez słyszących rówieśników. Porozumiewanie się gestowo-mimiczne pełni funkcję pomocniczą. Bazuje na gestykulacji naturalnej, choć dziecko miało epizod nauki podstaw języka migowego. Analiza historii rozwoju mowy dziecka pozwala dostrzec silną zależność między czasem implantacji a przyspieszeniem dynamiki rozwoju jego mowy.
Research background: Over the decades, foreign-owned entities (FOEs) have become an important part of the economic landscape considered as behemoths of globalisation, but also transmitters of positive effects such as technology or know-how spillovers. In times of volatility and uncertainty, firms’ contribution to building a resilient economy is at the top of the public agenda. Purpose of the article: The purpose of the article is two-fold. Firstly, we test, how FOEs perform in this stressful time of volatility and uncertainty. Secondly, we examine the contribution to resilience by digital and technologically intensive sectors. Methods: The study utilises the Bureau van Dijk (BvD) Orbis firm-level database as a primary data source. The results are derived with the use of two econometric approaches. Firstly, we estimate a static model utilising the ordinary squares estimator. Secondly, we re-estimate the equations using a two-step System GMM estimator. It introduces a lagged dependent variable into the model and implements a correction for endogeneity among covariates by including instruments (in levels and differences). Findings & value added: We use size, age, ownership, gearing, and intangibility as firms’ financial performance determinants, together with the sector-, country- and time-fixed effects. FOEs compared to domestic ones generated a higher revenue growth rate. In times of crisis high-tech and digital firms are more resilient. However, ownership does not matter in this respect. We contribute to the discussion about functions performed by FOEs in crisis and turbulent times, in which resilience issues are on top of the agenda. Our research intends to bridge the gap between the performance of FOEs, micro-level analysis, and resilience.
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