Heraclitus was one of the most often mentioned ancient philosophers in the literary output of Czesław Miłosz. The thinker from Ephesus was important for the formation of the poetic imagination of the Polish poet. Two main Heraclitean themes appear in Miłosz’s poetry: the image of slow flowing river and a fire bringing both the destruction and the purification of the world. The first theme comes from poet’s memories relating to a childhood spent on the Nevėžis River in Lithuania. We can observe the fascination with movement, change, metamor-phosis in Miłosz’s poetry. The flowing river becomes ambivalent symbol of passing and con-stancy of all what exists. The metaphor of the river of time also relates to the experience of his-tory – in the personal and universal dimension. Miłosz exchanged notes on the symbolism of fire in correspondence with Thomas Merton. Heraclitean metaphor of fire as arché connects to the eternal fire (foco etterno) that appears in Dante’s The Divine Comedy.
The theme of the Middle Ages has very often appeared in the over a hundred year old history of cinematography. No doubts one of the most famous films about the Middle Ages is The Seventh Seal by Ingmar Bergman. In this film many elements that compose the stereotypical image of the Middle Ages are recalled. Still some film critics, referring to the Bergman’s explanations, suggest that this film reveals the problems of the contemporary, post-war world. This picture is also very private work, in which the Swedish artist wants to express his metaphysical fears and is trying to resolve his existential problems. The following article is an attempt of interpretation of Bergman’s film in the context of the studies on medievalism, which research the phenomenon of “the Middle Ages after the Middle Ages” and recognize the reinvention of the medieval culture in the post-medieval world. From this point of view the vision of the Middle Ages in The Seventh Seal is the fantasy in which a representation of the past time is mixed with the problems of the present time. In his film Bergman has used the elements of a medieval moral play and an allegory, but his main intention is to reconstruct the medieval Christian spirituality, which is a reference point to the indefinite, distracted or atrophic spirituality of the modern and postmodern world. The Seventh Seal is an example work in which the Middle Ages (as an artistic vision) is the stretching shape of modernity and postmodernity.
A feature of 20th century art was an attempt at reaching the cultural tradition older than Greek-Roman Antiquity. Worth noticing is the artists’ confrontation with the products of paleolithic culture that offers a unique kind of hermeneutic experience since it consists in a journey to the beginnings of the art. Wislawa Szymborska’s and Zbigniew Herbert’s writings contain pieces which recall the most widely known paleolithic culture artifacts: rock paintings and women figurines (Great Mother). Confronting the relics of prehistoric art, the authors tried to return to the most primordial forms of thinking. Szymborska, through her philosophical investigations, reaches the attitude of wisdom, while Herbert, shaping his statements into a prayer, conforms to religious one. Both cases prove that the two Polish poets strived to oppose instrumental reason’s arrogation which reifies a man’s relation to the world.
The article is a proposal for a new interpretation of Herbert’s erotic poems from a collection entitled Podwójny oddech [Double Breath], whose illegal publication caused confusion among readers and literary scholars. In addition to legal matters, the discussion also concerned the artistic level of this collection of poetry. The author draws attention firstly – to the conscious compositional idea in the Podwójny oddech, secondly – to a series of intertextual references that testify to the poet’s reading, thirdly – to the poet’s attempt to find the proper poetic language to express the love experiences and fourthly – to a specific, shaped by religious schemes, philosophy of love.
Cardiovascular diseases in primary health careCardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of lost productivity, morbidity, disability and mortality in Poland.The aim of this article is to present feasible in primary health care (PHC) actions to prevent or delay the onset of CVD. The role of the family doctor in these activities is discusses.Both in the Polish and European publications special attention is paid to health promotion and disease prevention as an important task of family doctors. Preventive measures should be implemented in all age groups (children, adults, elderly), and regardless of gender. This article highlights the need to assess the total CVD risk, which is the basis for selection of the best treatment decisions; discusses the risk factors for CVD; presents their occurrence in the Polish population and the methods used in PHC for their early diagnosis. It also describes the method of "brief interventions", which is a technique that allows altering the lifestyle of patients.CVD prevention should include the correction of all modifiable risk factors. In our country, there are still areas in which there is much room for improvement of the quality of preventive care. In addition to the activities conducted in PHC, it is advisable to take action at other levels of health care system.
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