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Content available remote Industrial catalysts as a source of valuable metals
tom Vol. 55, nr 2
Purpose: Catalyst are used in all sector of the chemical industry: in basic chemistry (synthesis of sulfuric and nitric acid, ammonia, methanol and aromactics; in petrochemistry; in polymerization chemistry; in refining, in reactions of fluid catalytic cracking (FCC), resid fluid cracking catalyst (RFCC), hydrodesulfurization (HDS) and hydrotreatment; in auto industry for reduce of pollution, for removal of NO, CO and hydrocarbons in exhaust emissions; in variety of industrial processes. Recovery of metals and precious metals from spent catalysts has been an important topic not only from economic aspect but also for recycling rare natural sources and reducing the catalyst waste to prevent the environmental pollution. Various methods for recovering metals form spent auto catalyst, petroleum reforming and other industrial catalysts are reviewed. Design/methodology/approach: The article presents the methods used in the world for metals recovery from spent industrial catalysts. Findings: To recover precious metals from spent catalysts many hydro- and pyrometallurgical methods are used. But none of these methods is an universal method that can be used to recover all type of spent catalysts. These recovery methods have also some disadvantages: pyrometallurgical methods require special equipment, reaching the desired temperature, and they are not only expensive but also highly energy consuming. The application of hydrometallurgical methods requires to solve the problem of harmful waste solutions generated during the process. Practical implications: The paper presents the possibilities of industrial catalysis as a source of valuable metals. Originality/value: The present work is a review about industrial catalysts as a source of valuable metals.
Artykuł porusza problematykę ograniczeń towarzyszących stosowaniu metody upward feedback w organizacji. W części pierwszej autorka przybliża metodę oraz podstawowe założenia i korzyści wynikające z regularnego oraz sformalizowanego udzielania informacji zwrotnych przez podwładnych ich przełożonym. UF wykorzystując techniki dwukierunkowej komunikacji wpływa na rozwój kompetencji przywódczych, menedżerskich jak również może wspierać rozwiązywanie istotnych problemów organizacyjnych. Druga część opracowania poświęcona jest problematyce barier skutecznego realizowania omawianego procesu. Oprócz niekorzystnych czynników sytuacyjnych obejmujących systemowe i formalno-organizacyjne prezentowane są bariery dyspozycyjne czyli cechy, kompetencje i zachowania osób udzielających feedbacku, otrzymujących go menedżerów oraz moderatorów procesu. Autorka zwraca uwagę, iż niski poziom wiedzy dotyczący feedbacku, informacji zwrotnych "od podwładnych" czy oceny pracowniczej oraz brak doświadczeń jednostek w funkcjonowaniu w kulturze wzajemnego uczenia się i wymiany informacji może być przyczyną niewykorzystywania lub niskiej efektywności stosowania upward feedback.
The article addresses the limiting factors associated with the use of upward feedback method in organizations. In the first part the author introduces basic concepts and benefits of regular and formalized feedback that is provided by subordinates for their superiors. Upward feedback - by using two-way communication techniques - influences the development of leadership and managerial competencies, and it may support addressing major organizational problems. The second part of the paper is dedicated to effective implementation of the process. In addition to adverse situational factors, including systemic, formal and organizational determinants, also dispositional barriers of all parties involved in the process are presented - that is traits, skills and behavior of people who are providing feedback, managers that receive feedback and process moderators. The author points out that the low level of knowledge about feedback, including feedback provided by subordinates and employee evaluation as well as individuals lack of experience in operating in the culture of mutual learning and exchange of information, may result in non-use or low efficiency of upward feedback.
Katalizatory samochodowe pozwalają w znacznym stopniu ograniczyć zanieczyszczenie powietrza ( poprzez redukcję NOx i utlenianie CO i HC). Szacuje się, że powszechne stosowanie katalizatorów w nowo produkowanych samochodach zapobiegło wprowadzeniu do atmosfery ponad 12 bilionów ton szkodliwych spalin. Wraz z gwałtownym rozwojem motoryzacji i surowymi regulacjami dotyczącymi emisji spalin stale wzrasta zapotrzebowanie na platynowce. Obecnie w Polsce przerób zużytych katalizatorów samochodowych praktycznie nie istnieje. Wiele prywatnych przedsiębiorstw w kraju zajmuje się tylko skupem zużytych katalizatorów, a następnie ich eksportem. Analizując czas życia samochodu oraz wzrastającą liczbę samochodów można stwierdzić, że w przeciągu najbliższych 4 lat praktycznie czterokrotnie wzrośnie ilość metali szlachetnych wyprowadzanych w zużytych katalizatorach. Przy aktualnych cenach platyny, rodu i palladu, nawet przy 50 % ich odzysku wartość tych metali osiągać będzie kwotę około 63 mln złotych. Aktualnie w świecie zużyte katalizatory przerabia się na drodze pirometalurgicznej lub hydrometalurgicznej. W technologiach tych mamy do czynienia z wieloma operacjami pośrednimi, zmierzającymi do wydzielenia czystego metalu. Obie metody są bardzo efektywne, pozwalają bowiem na odzyskanie ok. 95 % platyny i palladu oraz 70 % rodu. Istnieje też możliwość łączenia obu metod, co umożliwia uzyskanie wyższego procentu odzysku tych metali szlachetnych. W pracy szerzej omówiono i przedstawiono podstawowe technologie piro- i hydrometalurgiczne, stosowane do odzysku platynowców ze zużytych katalizatorów samochodowych. Biorąc pod uwagę możliwe koszty technologii, a także koszt skupu katalizatorów, wydaje się celowe uruchomienie w kraju przerobu tych materiałów, a nie tylko i wyłącznie ich eksport.
Auto catalysts considerably allow to reduce the air pollution. Exhaust gases which are introduced to the atmosphere contain impurities such as carbon monoxide (CO), unburned hydrocarbons (HC) and nitrogen oxide (NO). Nowadays 96 % of cars are equipped with catalysts. It was estimated, that catalysts which were applied in newly produced cars, protected air against 12 billion tons of harmful exhaust gases. The demand of PGM (Precious Group Metal) increases with the rapid development of automotive industry and restricted regulation considering the exhaust gases emission. In Poland spent auto catalysts are purchased but there is no reworking. Almost all purchased catalysts are sent to foreign companies, which recover precious metals from them. Analyzing the auto life and the increasing amount of cars it can be said that during the next 4 years the mass of precious metals in spent auto catalyst will increase four times. Taking into account the current prices of platinum, rhodium and palladium, even if we assume 50 % of their recovery, the values of these metals can reach the sum of 63 mln zloty. Nowadays the spent auto catalyst are reworked with the use of pirometallurgy and hydrometallurgy. In these technologies there are many indirect operations, the aim of which is the extraction of pure metal. In hydrometallurgical method the precious metals are dissolved mostly in the form of chloro-complex (MCl6(2–)) in contact with aqueous solution of chlorate, perchloric acid, Cl2, H2O2, bromate, nitrate and aqua regia. The obtained solution in which precious metals are present in a low concentration is further treated to be more concentrated and finally precious metals are extracted. There is however a risk to create many waste solutions which are dangerous to environment. In pirometallurgical methods the disintegrated catalyst carriers which are covered with precious metals are melted with the addition of other metals. The main role of these metals is to become a liquid matrix. In such an operation the precious metals pass into the alloy and the carriers are separated and scrapped. In consequence there a solution full of precious metals is obtained. This solution is finally refined to separate each precious metal. Both methods (piro- and hydrometallurgical) are very effective. The level of platinum and palladium recovery is 95 % and the level of rhodium recovery is 70 %. There is a possibility to link both methods so the level of precious metals recovery can be increased. Life of auto catalyst is limited. Recycling 2 tons of spent auto catalyst allows to avoid mining 150 tons of ore and performing many operations which are necessary to obtain the pure metal. Comparing the values: 2 tons of spent auto catalyst with 150 tons of ore it is possible to notice what is more economical and above all, ecological. Taking into account the cost of technologies and also the cost of catalyst purchasing it seems appropriate to start recycling process of spent auto catalyst in our country. Recycling means the process of precious metal recovery. So far these spent catalysts were only purchased and exported to other countries. This situation should be changed.
W artykule podjęto badania mające na celu określenie wpływu tlenu zawartego w ciekłej miedzi na szybkość usuwania z niej bizmutu na drodze rafinacji próżniowej. Badania te podjęto, gdyż metalu tego nie można usunąć z miedzi na drodze jej elektrorafinacji do zawartości odpowiadającej normom miedzi beztlenowych. Założono też, że tlen może w znaczący sposób wpływać na ten proces. Tlen należy do substancji powierzchniowo aktywnych, które mają zdolność do gromadzenia się na powierzchni międzyfazowej ciekła faza metaliczna-faza gazowa. Tym samym może w sposób istotny wpływać na szybkość procesu, szczególnie w przypadku, gdy ten determinowany jest transportem masy. Wpływ ten objawia się poprzez obniżenie napięcia powierzchniowego, co powoduje utrudnienia w przedostaniu się elementu ciekłego metalu z głębi fazy na powierzchnię. Jednocześnie tlen może powodować powstawanie na powierzchni międzyfazowej blokującej warstwy tlenku metalu.
In present work were executed the tests aimed at determination of the presence of oxygen contained in liquid copper upon a rate of bismuth removal by means of vacuum refining. These examinations were undertook because it was assumed, that oxygen may have a significant effect on this process. The oxygen, like a sulfur, selenium and tellurium belongs to surface-active substances, which have tendency to accumulation at interfacial surface: metallic liquid phase-gaseous phase. Because of that, they can influence significantly the rate of process, especially in case when mass transfer determines it. This influence is manifested by reduction of surface tension, what provokes difficulties in passing of liquid metal from deep inside the phase onto a surface. At the same time oxygen can cause creation of a locking layer of metal oxide at interfacial surface. Description of gaseous phase composition would require to have at disposal the data related with the type of particles being present therein, as well as the data concerning the constants of reaction equilibrium, their generation and description of thermodynamic properties of components in condensed phase of this system. In case of copper in gaseous phase the only components recorded in quantities essential to presented analysis are particles of Cu(g) monomer. These data with reference to bismuth are showing a presence Bi(g) and Bi2(g), in gaseous phase. In case of the presence of oxygen in the system, there are also present the particles of BiO(g), Bi20(g), Bi202(g), Bi203(g), Bi304(g), Bi406(g) [1]. Performed analysis of equilibrium composition of gaseous phase over liquid Cu-Bi-O solutions had proved, that a rise of oxygen content up to 1 % wt. in liquid alloy does not reduce considerably the partial pressure of bismuth. It also causes no distinct rise of the pressure of bismuth oxides with respect to bismuth partial pressure. It means, that from thermodynamic point of view the elimination of bismuth in vacuum refining process is not executed for such alloys by means of evaporation of volatile oxides of this metal. To perform evaluation of the influence of oxygen contained in liquid copper upon process of bismuth elimination, there were executed the tests of vacuum refining of Cu-Bi-0 alloys containing up to 1 % bismuth and 0.5 % oxygen. The tests were made at temperatures 1373 and 1523 K under 67 Pa, 13.3 Pa and 1.33 Pa pressures. For these tests was used a laboratory vacuum furnace VSG-02 Balzers. A sample of alloy was placed in crucible made of Al203. The first sample was cast into a graphite mould, while the second was left in crucible. The obtained sample was weighed and subjected to chemical analysis. The performed own research on elimination of bismuth from Cu-Bi-0 alloys had confirmed the initial thermodynamic analysis of process namely, had showed no influence of oxygen contained in liquid copper on the tested process. It can be stated, that the oxygen contained in copper is causing no inhibition in the process of bismuth elimination, nor by reduction of liquid metal surface tension nor by creation of a locking layer of bismuth oxides. Basing on performed research, as well as on calculations of equilibrium composition of gaseous phase over liquid solutions Cu-Bi-0 it can be stated, that increase of oxygen in liquid alloy does not cause in any distinct degree the bismuth partial pressure, nor is causing any distinct rise the partial pressure of bismuth oxides with regard to bismuth pressure. This means, that the process of bismuth elimination from liquid copper can be executed only by evaporation of metallic admixture and not by evaporation of volatile oxides of this metal.
Wzrost zużycia platynowców w motoryzacji związany jest z coraz większą liczbą produkowanych samochodów z katalizatorami. Spowodowane jest to głównie faktem wprowadzenia zaostrzonych norm dotyczących emisji szkodliwych związków chemicznych. W pracy przedstawiono charakterystykę katalizatorów wykorzystywanych w samochodach z silnikiem benzynowym (TWC - Three Way Catalyst) oraz w samochodach z silnikiem wysokoprężnym Diesla (DOC - Diesel Oxidation Catalyst, DPF - Diesel Particulate Filters, NAC - NOx adsorber catalyst). Na rysunkach pokazano schematy i mechanizmy działania tych katalizatorów. Podano również skuteczność ich działania (zdolność usuwania NOx, HC i CO). Zwiększona produkcja katalizatorów samochodowych spowodowała znaczny wzrost zapotrzebowania na platynowce. Fakt ten pociągnął za sobą znaczny wzrost cen tych metali. W pracy przedstawiono jak kształtowały się ceny platyny, palladu i rodu w 2007 r. oraz na początku 2008 r. Podano również wartości produkcji platyny, palladu i rodu w 2007 r. z uwzględnieniem głównych producentów. W tablicach zestawiono wartości zapotrzebowania na platynę, pallad i rod w 1998 i 2007 r. uwzględniające zastosowanie tych metali oraz w przypadku platyny i palladu także regiony geograficzne (Ameryka Pn., Japonia, Europa, inne kraje). Produkcja katalizatorów samochodowych wykorzystuje 84,4 % bieżącego zapotrzebowania na rod i 48 % zużywanej corocznie platyny. Coraz częściej obserwuje się starania, by część platyny w katalizatorach samochodowych zastąpić tańszym palladem. Odzysk platynowców z katalizatorów samochodowych w ciągu ostatnich dziesięciu lat znacznie wzrósł, ale wciąż jest niewystarczający. W chwili obecnej znanych jest wiele metod przerobu zużytych katalizatorów. Platynowce odzyskiwane z katalizatorów samochodowych stają się zatem istotnym źródłem tych metali. Duża czystość odzyskanych metali powoduje, że ponowne ich wykorzystanie nie nastręcza problemów finansowych. W pracy porównano wielkość odzysku platynowców w latach 1998-2008. Jeden kg platyny można uzyskać z dwóch ton zużytych katalizatorów samochodowych. Odpowiednio wysoka podaż zużytych katalizatorów samochodowych jest zatem warunkiem opłacalności procesu odzysku z nich platynowców. Istotnym elementem jest dobrze zorganizowana sieć skupu katalizatorów i sieć logistyczna pomiędzy zakładami demontażu a zakładami recyklingu. W trakcie całego procesu można zaobserwować także pewne straty platynowców spowodowane np. kradzieżą monolitu, złym segregowaniem złomu czy nieodpowiednim traktowaniem monolitu katalitycznego. W artykule przedstawiono również etapy recyklingu i straty platynowców powstające w ich trakcie.
The increase of Platinum Group Metals in automotive industry is connected with the still growing amount of cars. Today all cars have to be produced with the catalytic converters. The presence of catalytic converters in car is caused by the sticker standards which try to protect the environment against harmful chemical compounds emitted to the air. This paper presents the characteristics of catalytic converters used in cars with gasoline-powered engine (TWC - Three Way Catalyst) and diesel engine (DOC - Diesel Oxidation Catalyst, DPF - Diesel Particulate Filters, NAC - NOx adsorber catalyst). Schemes and pictures of these converters are shown. There are also given data describing effectiveness of these converters. The increasing production of catalytic converters causes that the demand for platinum group metals is still rising. Thus, the prices of these metals are very high. There are given values of platinum, palladium and rhodium prices in year 2007 and in the beginning of the year 2008. The total production of these metals is shown taking into consideration the main producers. The values of PGM demand are juxtaposed in tables. These juxtapositions concern two years: 1998 and 2007 and take also into account the application of these metals and the geographical regions like North America, Japan, Europe and other countries. The production of catalytic converters has used annually 84.4 % of rhodium demand and 48 % of platinum demand. Because palladium is cheaper than platinum, so there are some efforts done to replace some part of platinum in catalytic converters with palladium. The PGM recovery from used auto catalytic converters has been increased during the last 10 years. However this recovery is not sufficient. Today there are many methods used for PGM recovery from used catalytic converters. Therefore the catalytic converters have became more and more important source of Platinum Group Metals. The high purity of these metals causes that there are no financial problem in reusing them. The comparison of PGM recovery in years 1998-2007 has been done. 1 kg of platinum can be obtained from two tons of used auto catalytic converters. So the PGM recovery process will be profitable on condition that there is adequately high level of used catalytic converters supply. Very important element of recycling process is well organized catalytic converters purchase network and logistic network between dismantling plants and recycling plants. There can be also observed some losses of PGM during the whole recycling process e.g. the stealing of carriers, the wrong segregation of scrap, inappropriate treatment of carrier etc. The basic stages of recycling process and losses of PGM during them are also presented.
Celem pracy było zbadanie kinetyki usuwania bizmutu z ciekłych stopów Cu-Bi na drodze rafinacji próżniowej. Do realizacji tak sformułowanego celu, koniecznym stało się: wyznaczenie wartości współczynnika przenikania masy dla badanego procesu, oszacowanie współczynników wnikania masy w fazie ciekłej, wyznaczenie stałej szybkości parowania oraz określenie etapu determinującego przebieg procesu parowania. Praca obejmowała także badanie szybkości usuwania bizmutu ze stopów Cu-Bi.
The aim of the study has been research of the kinetics of bismuth removal from the liquid Cu-Bi alloys in a vacuum refining process. To reach this objective it was necessary to: determine an experimental coefficient of the mass transfer, estimate coefficient values of the mass penetration in a liquid phase, determine the evaporation rate constant, and to determine the stage conditioning the evaporation process. The rate of bismuth removal from the Cu-Bi alloys was also investigated.
Artykuł dotyczy analizy procesu wypłukiwania metali szlachetnych z wkładów katalizatorów umieszczonych w pierścieniowym kanale przy pomocy ciekłego metalu wprawianego w ruch przez wirujące pole elektromagnetyczne. Wykorzystany w pracy model obliczeniowy obejmował sprzężenie pola elektromagnetycznego i hydrodynamicznego z uwzględnieniem przepływu metalu przez kapilarną strukturę katalizatora. W ramach badań przeprowadzono analizę wpływu lokalizacji wzbudnika na efektywność przepłukiwania wsadu katalizatora.
The paper concerns of precious metals washing out from auto catalytic converters placed in the channel. In this device liquid metal is forced to motion by the rotating magnetic field. The model used in research included the coupling of the electromagnetic and hydrodynamic field taking into account the metal flow through anisotropic porom structure of the catalyst. The study analyzes the influence of inductor location on the efficiency of flushing the catalyst.
The paper presents results of the research which aim was to compare the corrosion resistance of alloys based on intermetallic phase after Fe40Al5CrTiB crystallization and after forming the steel corrosion resistant X12CrCoNi2120 species. The tests were performed for steel at temperature of 700°C Fe40Al5CrTiB and for alloy at 1100°C and 9% O2 0.2% HCl + SO2+ 0.08 N2 environment. In the research the changes of weight after corrosion tests, observations of the surface, specified chemical and phase composition of corrosion products were made. The obtained results of the study showed a very good corrosion resistance of Fe40Al5CrTiB alloys in high temperature and environments containing oxygen, sulfur and chlorine as compared to the corrosion resistance of the steel grade X12CrCoNi2120. Results of the research conducted in this scope are the basis for further research.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań mających na celu porównanie odporności korozyjnej stopów na osnowie fazy międzymetalicznej Fe40A15CrTiB po krystalizacji i po przeróbce plastycznej ze stalą odporną na korozję gatunku X 12CrCoNi2120. Badania wykonano dla stali w temperaturze 700°C oraz dla stopu Fe40A15CrTiB w temperaturze 1100°C w środowisku: 9% O2+0,2 HC1 + 0,08% SO2+ N2. Określono zmiany masy po badaniach korozyjnych, wykonano obserwacje stanu powierzchni, określono skład chemiczny i fazowy produktów korozji. Uzyskane rezultat)' badań wykazały bardzo dobrą odporność stopów Fe40A15CrTiB na korozję wysokotemperaturową w środowisku zawierającym tlen, siarkę i chlor w porównaniu do odporności korozyjnej stali gatunku X12CrCoNi2120. Wyniki badań prowadzonych w tym zakresie stanowią podstawę do dalszych prac badawczych.
The article presents current methods used for the recovery of metals from used electronic equipment. The analysis of the composition and structure of the material was made on the example of one of the most popular and widespread e-waste - used cell phones. The article was address the problems of processing and separation of individual components included in these heterogeneous wastes. The main purpose of the conducted research was to prepare the tested material in such a way that the recovery of metalsin the further stages of its processing was as effective as possible. The results of attempts to separate individual material fractions with magnetic, pyrometallurgical or hydrometallurgical methods will be presented. An analysis of the possibilities of managing electronic waste in terms of the circular economy will be made.
Purpose: Applying the catalytic converters allow to eliminate the compounds harmful to the environment. Typical catalytic converter is built from the metallic or ceramic carrier with porous structure covered with the PGM metals especially platinum, palladium and rhodium. The content of these metals is on average about 2 grams. Catalytic converters have limited life time, and then they are scrapped. The necessity of waste disposal and very high prices of PGM metals are the reason why recovery of PGM metals from used auto catalytic converters has become more and more profitable. Design/methodology/approach: This work presents method of PGM metals recovery from auto catalytic converters by means of solving them in the liquid metal. Liquid metal is put in motion using magneto-hydro-dynamic pump, and then the PGM metals are eluted from channels of the used auto catalytic converters. Findings: All over the world the used auto catalytic converters are preceded by the use of pyrometallurgical, hydrometallurgical or mixed methods. Each method has some disadvantages. Pyrometallurgical methods need to use units which assure the necessary temperature. This is as expensive as energy consuming. Applying hydrometallurgical methods involve danger of creating many waste solutions which are harmful to the natural environment. Practical implications: The way PGM metals are recovered from used auto catalytic converters by their dissolution in the liquid rotating metal allows to increase concentration of PGM metals in the solution by means of applying the same metal collector to flush other catalytic collectors. Motion of the metal essentially shorten the time of PGM metals elution from catalytic converters; whereas the flow of liquid metal in closed cycle limits the unfavorable influence of the process on the environment. Originality/value: Method presented in this article is an innovative method and has never been applied. Additionally it is protected by a patent.
Content available Bioleaching of indium and tin from used LCD panels
The demand for indium is increasing every year. This metal is mainly used as indium tin oxide (ITO) in the production of transparent conductive coatings for liquid crystal displays (LCD). This paper focuses on biohydrometallurgical methods used for the recovery of indium and tin from LCD sourced from spent mobile phones. Bioleaching experiments were carried out in two different leaching media: 9K medium and H2SO4 solution, using mixed, adapted bacteria Acidothiobacillus ferrooxidans and Acidothiobacillus thiooxidans. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the potential and efficiency of indium and tin extraction in the presence of acidophilic microorganisms. Within 35 days, using 9K medium, 55.6% of indium was bioleached, whereas the chemical leaching resulted in a value of 3.4%. Leaching efficiency of tin was 90.2% on the 14th day of the experiment for the biological system (9K) and 93.4% on 21st day of control leaching.
W celu identyfikacji parametrów procesu, konieczne są badania empiryczne. Niekiedy można je przeprowadzić bezpośrednio na pracujących w warunkach przemysłowych urządzeniach. Efekty badań prowadzonych w ten sposób mają bardzo duże znaczenie, gdyż umożliwiają bezpośrednią identyfikację obiektu. Lecz ze względu na znaczne koszty i trudności związane z badaniami na obiektach wysokotemperaturowych najczęściej stosuje się badania modelowe na modelach fizycznych i/ lub modelach matematycznych. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań modelowych identyfikujące charakterystyki przepływowe w wielowylewowej kadzi pośredniej COS.
For the identification of the process parameters, empirical tests are necessary. Sometimes, these can be carried out directly on the equipment operating under industrial conditions. The results of so performed investigations are of very high importance, as they enable the immediate identification of the facility. However, due to considerable costs and difficulties associated with tests conducted on high - temperature facilities, model studies on physical and/ or mathematical models are most often used. The present work provides model investigation results that identify the flow characteristics in a multi - nozzle CC tundish.
New technologies and the globalization of the electrical and electronic equipment market cause a continuous increase in the amount of electrical and electronic waste. They constitute one of the waste groups that grows the fastest in quantity. The development of the new generation of electrical and electronic devices is much faster than before. Recently attention has been concentrated on hydrometallurgical methods for the recovery of metals from electronic waste. In this article the role of an oxidizing agent, mainly ozone and hydrogen peroxide was presented in hydrometallurgical processes. Leaching process of printed circuits boards (PCBs) from used cell phones was conducted. The experiments were carried out in the presence of sulfuric acid and ozone as an oxidizing agent for various temperatures, acid concentration, ozone concentration. As a result, the concentrations of copper, zinc, iron and aluminum in the obtained solution were measured. The obtained results were compared to results obtained earlier in the presence of hydrogen peroxide as an oxidizing agent and discussed.
The article presents the results of coupled analysis of the electromagnetic and flow field calculations. The aim of conducted research was to design a device for precious metals leaching from used auto catalytic converters. The aim the calculations was to determine the velocity field distribution of liquid metal, the movement of which was forced by the electromagnetic field. Computational experiment was conducted to obtain the relation between the metal velocity distribution and the inductor supply parameters.
Artykuł zawiera wyniki sprzężonej analizy pola elektromagnetycznego i pola przepływu. Celem przeprowadzonych badań było zaprojektowanie urządzenia do odzyskiwania metali szlachetnych z zużytych katalizatorów samochodowych. Obliczenia przeprowadzono w celu wyznaczenia pola prędkości ciekłego metalu poruszanego z wykorzystaniem oddziaływań elektrodynamicznych. Obliczenia wielowariantowe przeprowadzono, aby uzyskać zależności rozkładu pola prędkości od parametrów zasilania wzbudnika urządzenia.
Catalytic converters contain the catalytic substance in their structure, which is a mixture of Platinum Group Metals (PGMs). The prices of these metals and a growing demand for them in the market, make it necessary to recycle spent catalytic converters and recovery of PGMs. In the study, the effect of ozone and hydrogen peroxide application on the possibility of extracting PGM from used car catalysts was investigated. The catalytic carrier was milled, sieved and then the fractions with the desired grain size were treated with the appropriate HCl mixture and 3%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 30% H2O2, respectively, and the tests were also carried out at temperature 333 K. Ozone tests were conducted with the O3 flow in the range of 1,3,5 g/h. Samples for analysis were collected after 30 min, 1 h, 2 h, 3 h and after 4 h, respectively. The residue after the experiments and filtration process was also analysed. The obtained results confirmed the assumption that PGMs can be extracted using hydrochloric acid with the addition of H2O2 or ozone as oxidants. It allows to significantly intensify the carried out reactions and to improve the rate of PGMs transfer to the solution.
Content available remote E-waste as a source of valuable metals
Purpose: Recovery of metals and precious metals from electronic waste (e-waste) has been an important topic not only for economic aspect but also for recycling rare natural sources and reducing the e-waste to prevent the environmental pollution. The paper presents data concerning material composition of e-waste, with particular attention directed to the precious metals and possibility of their recovery from Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs). Design/methodology/approach: Material balance, one of the most popular and widespread e-waste in the form of used mobile phones, has been conducted. The results of preliminary leaching of precious metals from ground mass of PCBs derived from used mobile phones have been also shown. Findings: Main source of precious metals in e-waste are PCBs. In the adopted experimental conditions, when aqua regia was used in the second stage of the leaching, precious metals have not been effectively recovered. Material complexity of PCBs may complicate the hydrometallurgical processes and can reduce the effectiveness of metals recovery. Research limitations/implications: E-waste consists of several components in the form of metals and multi-material elements. The base metals include iron, copper, aluminum, nickel, zinc, selenium, indium, gallium and precious metals. Hazardous substances that can be found in e-waste, include: mercury, beryllium, lead, arsenic, cadmium, antimony. In addition, the large material group consists of plastics, glass and ceramics. Recovery of desired material with such a diverse group of waste requires the use of complex technology recycling. The biggest problem is a necessity of applying different technologies for the processing of various materials, which are extracted in the subsequent stages of recycling. Practical implications: This cognitive work provides the basis for further research. Originality/value: It is a research work.
At present, every launched car must be equipped with a catalytic converter, in which the precious metals such as platinum, palladium and rhodium play catalytic role. Catalytic converters have a limited life time, therefore they have to be replaced and become a valuable source of platinum group metals (PGM). Currently in the world, used auto catalytic converters are processed in pyrometallurgical or hydrometallurgical way. However, the first step of such treatment should be a chemical analysis. In the paper catalytic carriers were analysed taking into account the level of platinum. Scanning electron microscope was used. The analysis concentrated on testing samples coming from different catalytic carriers. The structure of tested samples, chemical analysis and X-ray energy spectra (EDS) where presented as well as the discussion of obtained results and possible methods of platinum recovery.
Obecnie każdy wyprodukowany samochód musi być wyposażony w katalizator, w którym metale szlachetne takie jak platyna, pallad czy rod pełnią funkcje katalityczne. Czas życia katalizatorów jest ograniczony, zatem zostają one zastąpione nowymi, a stare stanowią ważne źródło platynowców. Zużyte katalizatory samochodowe przerabiane są hydrometalurgicznie lub pirometalurgicznie. Jednakże pierwszym etapem takiego przerobu powinna być analiza chemiczna. W pracy analizie na zawartość platyny poddano kilka różnych nośników katalitycznych pochodzących z różnych samochodów. Do tego celu posłużył elektronowy mikroskop skaningowy. Przedstawiono strukturę analizowanych nośników katalitycznych, ich analizę chemiczną jak również wykresy EDS (Energy Dispersive Spectrum). Przeprowadzono dyskusję wyników i możliwych metod odzysku platyny.
Automotive catalytic converters have a limited life time, after which the catalyst must be replaced or regenerated. The spent catalytic converters contain small amount of precious metals. Recovery of these metals is essential for environmental and economic reasons. The waste electronic equipment is also an attractive source for recovery of precious metals. Precious metals in electronic scraps are concentrated mainly in printed circuits and integrated circuits - so generally in elements that are the most diverse in their composition. Material heterogeneity of these elements is the reason why there is no universal method for processing this type of scrap. Methods used in the world for recovery of precious metals from spent auto catalytic coverters and electronic wastes by pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical methods were mentioned in this paper. The results of simultaneous melting of electronic waste with spent automotive catalysts were presented. The printed circuit boards were used as the carrier and as a source of copper. The precious metals present in the catalyst were collected in copper.
Samochodowe konwertory katalityczne mają ograniczony czas życia, po czym katalizator ten należy wymienić lub poddać regeneracji. Zużyte katalizatory zawierają niewielkie ilości metali szlachetnych, a możliwość odzysku tych metali jest istotna ze względów ekonomicznych i ekologicznych. Równie atrakcyjne źródło metali szlachetnych stanowi wycofany sprzęt elektroniczny. Metale szlachetne w płytkach elektronicznych są zlokalizowane głównie w obwodach drukowanych układów scalonych, które są najbardziej zróżnicowane pod względem składu. Niejednorodność materiałowa tych elementów powoduje, że nie ma uniwersalnego sposobu przetwarzania tego rodzaju złomu. W artykule zwrócono uwagę na metody pirometalurgiczne i hydrometalurgiczne stosowane na świecie do odzysku metali szlachetnych ze zużytych katalizatorów samochodowych oraz od- padów elektronicznych. Przedstawiono wyniki badań próby wspólnego przetopu odpadów elektronicznych z odpadami zużytych katalizatorów samochodowych. Odpady elektroniczne w postaci drukowanych płytek obwodowych zostały wykorzystane jako nośnik i główne źródło miedzi, metalu pełniącego rolę metalu zbieracza platynowców, obecnych w katalizatorach. Otrzymano stop Cu-Fe-Au-Pt odzyskując w ten sposób platynę na poziomie około 78%.
Three plants extracts were used for biosynthesis of Ag nanoparticles (AgNPs). AgNPs nucleation process requires effective reduction agents which secure Ag+ to Ag0 reduction and also stabilizing/capping agents. The UV-vis and TEM observation revealed that the best results were obtained by R. officinalis leaf extract. The strong SPR band peak appeared at the wavelength 418 nm. Synthetized AgNPs were globular, fine (~20 nm), uniform and stabile throughout the experiment. A rapid rate of AgNPs synthesis was also significant and economically advantageous factor. Fine (10-20 nm) and globular nanoparticles were synthetized also by U. dioica leaf extract, but the stability of nanoparticles was not permanent. Despite V. vitis-idaea fruit extract contains a lot of reducing agents, UV-vis did not confirm the presence of AgNPs in solution. Synthetized Ag particles were very unstable, Ag particles agglomerated very fast and clearly indicated sediment was formed.
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