Damage to cargo in transport occurs as a result of improper securing of cargo, which causes not only material losses due to partial or complete damage to cargo, but may threaten the safety of participants in the distribution of cargo in the distribution chain. Dangers, difficulties and costs caused by human errors in packing and securing cargo in all modes of transport can be remedied and certainly significantly reduced. The best way to achieve this goal is to build the awareness of the great need for proper packaging and securing the cargo in a way that ensures the safety of all participants in the distribution chain among producers, distributors and carriers. The article discusses the problem of rational use of stretch film as the most frequently used method of securing loads. Author indicated necessity to develop methods and procedures for the proper protection of palletized loads with the use of stretch film to reduce the amount of stretch film used while ensuring proper load security, increase the safety and better protection to the environment of the planet and its natural resources.
Uszkodzenia ładunków w transporcie powstają w wyniku niewłaściwego zabezpieczenie ładunku co powoduje nie tylko straty materialne, spowodowane częściowym lub całkowitym uszkodzenia ładunków, ale może zagrażać bezpieczeństwu uczestnikom dystrybucji ładunku w łańcuchu dystrybucyjnym. Takim niebezpieczeństwom i utrudnieniom a w konsekwencji kosztom spowodowanymi błędami ludzkimi przy pakowaniu i zabezpieczaniu ładunku na środkach transportu można zaradzić, a z pewnością znacznie je ograniczyć. Drogą do tego celu jest uświadomienie producentów, dystrybutorów i przewoźników o konieczność prawidłowego opakowania i zabezpieczania ładunku w sposób zapewniający bezpieczeństwo wszystkim uczestnikom łańcucha dystrybucji. W artykule omówiono problem racjonalnego zastosowania folii stretch, jako najczęściej stosowanego sposobu zabezpieczania ładunków. Wskazano na konieczność opracowania metody i procedur prawidłowego zabezpieczania ładunków spaletyzowanych przy zastosowaniu folii stretch co pozwoli na ograniczenie ilości zużywanej folii stretch przy jednoczesnym zapewnieniu prawidłowego zabezpieczania ładunku, a w konsekwencji pozwoli zwiększyć bezpieczeństwo oraz lepiej chronić środowisko naturalne planety i jej zasoby.
In recent years, electric and hybrid vehicles have taken more and more attention due to their apparent advantages in saving fuel resources and reducing harmful emissions into the environment. Even though electric vehicles can solve the ecological problem, their operation is faced with a number of inconveniences associated with a limited driving distance from a single charge due to limited storage of energy from an independent power source and a lack of the required service and repair infrastructure. In hybrid and electric vehicles one of the main parameters is the curb weight, which affects energy consumption, vehicle speed, stability, controllability and maneuverability. In this regard, leading car manufacturers use parts with a low specific weight (non-metallic, aluminum alloys, etc.) in the design and also exclude some units from the design. Due to these technical solutions, the vehicle's operating is improved. One of the groups of parameters to be defined when designing a new electric vehicle is the parameters relating to the electric motor. The purpose of the article is determination of the mechanical characteristics of a two-rotor electric motor during magnetic flux control and assessment of the possibility of organizing the drive of the drive wheels of the vehicle. The electric motor has two mechanically independent outputs. For the study, an electrical equivalent diagram has been developed for the given two-rotor electric motor. A simulation model of the equivalent diagram has been built. Simulating the interaction processes of the rotors with the stator made it possible to obtain data for building the mechanical characteristics for each output of the electric motor. Analysis and processing of the mechanical characteristics data of the electric motors showed the conformity and the range of changes in the torque on each of the rotors when changing their slip and revolution, which are required when building algorithms for the operation of electric motor control systems as part of drives for various purposes. Analysis of the simulation results made it possible to assess the possibility of using the considered two-rotor electric motor for the drive of drive wheels in an electric and hybrid wheeled vehicle.
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