On 5 November 2019, the Supreme Court issued a decision in which it expressed the opinion that the election protest was groundless. The Supreme Court adjudged that the Election Code contains a specific rule for determining whether the time limit for performing certain actions provided for in electoral law has been met. The general civil law rules referring to the lapse of the time limit do not apply in this case. The time limit specified in Article 265a of the Election Code (by the 15th day before elections, and in the event of its extension as a result of the application of Article 9 § 2 of the Election Code, by the 13th day before elections) is understood as a moment by which the candidate registration event must occur. The condition for the registration is the death of the previous candidate and making the submission within the set time limit. The death of the previous candidate may occur in the period from the list registration to the end of the set time limit, i.e., also on the last day of the time limit. It is important for the submission of the new candidate to occur at the latest on the 13th day before elections. According to the Election Code, the analyzed time limit is not regarded as a time period starting with a factual event.
Artykuł jest poświęcony problemowi wsparcia rodziny przez władze publiczne na tle przepisów Konstytucji RP. W artykule została omówiona istota rodziny, dobro rodziny jako wartość konstytucyjna, prawo rodziny znajdującej się w trudnej sytuacji materialnej i społecznej do szczególnej pomocy ze strony władz publicznych oraz kwestia pomocy udzielanej matce przed i po urodzeniem dziecka (art. 71 Konstytucji). Zdaniem autora Konstytucja tworzy wystarczające podstawy do udzielania pomocy przez władze publiczne rodzinom, które takiej pomocy wymagają. Kluczowe znaczenie odgrywa pod tym względem nakaz uwzględniania dobra rodziny w prowadzonej przez państwo polityce społecznej i gospodarczej. Jednakże ostateczny kształt i zakres pomocy określany jest w drodze ustawy.
The article is devoted to the problem of the support for the family by public authorities in the light of the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. The article discusses the essence of the family, the good of the family as a constitutional value, the right of a family in a difficult material and social situation to special help from public authorities and the issue of help given to the mother before and after childbirth (Article 71 of the Constitution). According to the author, the Constitution creates sufficient grounds for providing support by public authorities to families which require such support. In this respect, the key issue is the requirement to take into account the good of the family in the state’s social and economic policy. However, the final shape and scope of assistance is determined by law.
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The article is devoted to the constitutional right of a child to care and help of public authorities (Article 72 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland of 1997). The author analyses the following elements that make up this right: the right of a child to protection against violence, cruelty, exploitation and demoralisation, the right to care and help of public authorities in the event of deprivation of parental care and the right of a child to be heard and have his/her opinion taken into account, where possible, by public authorities and persons responsible for the child in the course of determining a child’s rights. The article also discusses the problem of determining the term “child” against the background of constitutional provisions and the divergent conception of a “child” in the Civil Code and the Family and Guardianship Code.
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