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Każdy element działalności człowieka oddziałuje na środowisko, a cykl życia większości z nich jest długi i złożony. Świadomość tego faktu jest ważnym elementem stosunku człowieka do przyrody. Wpływ odpadów komunalnych na środowisko trzeba rozpatrywać w wielu nakładających się na siebie płaszczyznach. Celowym jest podejmowanie efektywnych analiz i działań dla zminimalizowania negatywnych wpływów na otoczenie w jak najszerszym spektrum cyklu życia tej działalności, a zwłaszcza tam, gdzie oddziaływanie jest największe. W opracowaniu przedstawiono element środowiskowej oceny cyklu życia (LCA) w gospodarce odpadami na przykładzie Miejskiego Przedsiębiorstwa Gospodarki Komunalnej - Rzeszów spółka z o.o. Fragment jego działalności skonfrontowano z efektami współpracy z mieszkańcami gminy Rzeszów, wytwórcami odpadów komunalnych. W obrębie tej współpracy wyróżniono 2 typy postępowania mieszkańców: a/ zbieranie odpadów segregowanych i b/ zbieranie odpadów zmieszanych. Zestawiono dane pojawiające się w przedsiębiorstwie w zależności od wymienionych typów postępowania mieszkańców. Rozważono także wpływ tego postępowania na płaszczyzny zrównoważonego rozwoju.
Every element of human activity has an impact on the environment, and the life cycle of most of them is long and complex. The adverse impact of municipal waste on the environment must be considered in many overlapping areas. Therefore, it is expedient to undertake effective analyzes and actions aimed at minimizing the impact of services in waste management on the environment in all phases of the life cycle of this activity, and especially in those where the impact is greatest. The study presents our own attempt to interpret the principles of environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) in waste management on the example of city municipal waste management in Rzeszow. A fragment of his activity was confronted with the effects of cooperation with the residents of the Rzeszów commune. Within this cooperation, two types of behavior of the residents were distinguished: a / collecting segregated waste and b / collecting waste without segregation. The financial data appearing in the enterprise, depending on the types of behavior of residents mentioned, has been compiled and presented.
According to the FAO report, nearly one-third of products manufactured for food purposes is wasted every year (1.3 billion tons per year) in the world. That is of great importance for all the aspects of sustainable development: natural, social and economic. More educational actions should be introduced in order to avoid and minimize the household organic waste. When it cannot be avoided, those who produced it – average consumers, but at the same time very important elements of the sustainable system of waste management, shall recognize food leftovers as a raw material for organic recycling. They should be composted, that results from a constant need of nutrient supplementation in soils of Europe. The aim of this study was to bring attention to the importance of activities concerning the organic waste segregation by each citizen. In the study, three possible methods of management were proposed (co-creation of food sharing, conducting earthworm ecological boxes and simply segregation of kitchen organic waste according to the currently effective law), every one of which becomes a part of building strategically explained waste management organization.
Na świecie, zgodnie z raportem FAO, mniej więcej jedna trzecia produktów wytwarzanych w celach spożywczych marnuje się co roku (1,3 miliarda ton żywności rocznie). Ma to ogromne znaczenie dla wszystkich aspektów zrównoważonego rozwoju (przyrodniczych, społecznych i ekonomicznych). Należy wprowadzać więcej działań edukacyjnych na rzecz unikania i minimalizacji domowych odpadów organicznych. Gdy nie uda się ich uniknąć – ich wytwórcy – przeciętni konsumenci, ale niezwykle ważni jako elementy ogniwa zrównoważonego systemu gospodarki odpadami, powinni rozpoznawać resztki żywności jako surowiec dla recyklingu organicznego. Należy je kompostować, co wynika ze stałej potrzeby uzupełniania składników pokarmowych w glebach Polski i Europy. Celem pracy było zwrócenie uwagi na istotność działań z zakresu segregacji odpadów organicznych przez każdego obywatela. W opracowaniu zaproponowano rozważenie 3 możliwości postępowania (współtworzenie jadłodzielni, prowadzenie dżdżownicowej skrzynki ekologicznej i segregowanie organicznych odpadów kuchennych zgodnie z obowiązującym obecnie prawem), z których każda wpisuje się w budowanie strategicznie uzasadnionej organizacji gospodarki odpadami.
The study was designed to determine selected components of chemical composition in the body of earthworms cultivated on organic kitchen waste. It was shown that their biomass can be classified as protein-rich, succulent fodder. Notably, this work also specified the contents of 17 essential amino acids, as well as the profile of fatty acids. It also highlighted selected threats to the natural environment caused by food production and food wastage by man. Because of that, this paper also presents the determinants of earthworm biomass production. The possibilities of consuming alternative invertebrate protein were also discussed.
In the laboratory experiment, the effect of neonicotinoid Nuprid 200SC at the dose recommended by the manufacturer on the dynamics of population of earthworms Dendrobaena veneta was assessed. The studies were conducted on mature D. veneta specimens, in 4 replications of beddings (control, insecticide) in the climatic chamber. Condition of the population was checked five times, using a method of manual segregation of beddings. Insecticide limited the increase in number and biomass of D. veneta population (both the whole population, mature specimens and immature earthworms), but also restricted its reproduction (it decreased the number of cocoons laid by earthworms (p<0.05)).
The experiment was carried out in 2016–2018 in Łańcut, in the Rzeszów Foothills. The effect of fertilization using the sheep manure vermicompost on sweet potato of early cultivar (Carmen Rubin) and selected soil characteristics was investigated. The experiment was based on the method of randomized sub-blocks performed in four replications. Two cultivation technologies were used, in which the differentiating factor was fertilization applied or the lack of it. In the first technology (I nf – without fertilization), no fertilization was used in the years of research; in the second technology (II fv – fertilization with vermicompost), the vermicompost made from the sheep manure was applied. The vermicompost increased the yield of sweet potatoes of Carmen Rubin cv. and the share of large tubers in the yield structure. It also influenced the increase of organic carbon and total nitrogen in the soil as well as the content of available forms of phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. Some of the studied soil properties were less favorable compared to their condition before the start of the experiment.
Lumbricidae, as representatives of edaphone, are used in ecological research. Over the years, various attempts to improve the ways of earthworm extraction have been made. One of the pro-environmental methods for extracting these animals from the soil is the method involving the application of electric current (octet). The aim of the study was to compare the efficiency of the earthworm extraction using the mixed method (manual segregation along with the use of 0.5% formalin solution) with the method applying the electroshocking. The species composition of earthworms extracted using both methods was the same (seven species of earthworms belonging to three ecomorphological groups were found). A lower number and biomass of earthworms were found in the permanent grassland and arable land with the help of octet than using the mixed method. Further research is needed to improve the existing methods for Lumbricidae extraction and to implement new ones that would be safe for the edaphon representatives.
An increase in demand for energy from renewable sources has increased the hectareage of crops grown for energy purposes. The impact of large-scale energy crop monocultures on soil biodiversity is poorly understood and requires long-term monitoring. Due to their specific lifestyle, Lumbricidae, known as “ecosystem engineers”, have found application in biomonitoring of the soil environment. This study aimed to evaluate the qualitative and quantitative structure of Lumbricidae in annual rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) and perennial willow (Salix viminalis L.) crops for energy purposes, with a permanent grassland as a control site. The research was conducted on the territory of the Podkarpackie Agricultural Advisory Center in Boguchwała (southeastern Poland). Earthworms were obtained by hand sorting soil blocks of 25×25×25 cm and a 0.4% formalin solution was used to extract individuals from deeper soil layers. There were no differences in the species composition of Lumbricidae between the analyzed crops. Five species of earthworms, Dendrodrilus rubidus tenius, Lumbricus rubelllus, Aporrectodea caliginosa, A. rosea, and L. terrestris, were found at each study site. Rapeseed had the lowest density (17.26 ± 9.16 ind•m-2) and biomass (5.93 ± 2.42 g•m-2) of Lumbricidae (p < 0.05). On sites with willow and permanent grassland, density and biomass of Lumbricidae were similar (69.15 ± 28.99 ind•m-2; 26.55 ± 9.67 g•m-2 and 54.04 ± 22.93 ind•m-2; 20.03 ± 7.99 g•m-2, respectively (p > 0.05). The study demonstrated the beneficial effect of perennial willow cultivation on the quantitative structure of earthworm communities. Only long-term biomonitoring will make it possible to determine the real impact of energy crops on invertebrate assemblages and their appropriate management to promote biodiversity.
In the automated world of business, a modern engineer should be characterized by a passion for technology, creativity, innovative capacity, initiative and commitment to scientific and technical progress, ease of adaptation, but also conviction about the mission of technology. Among these, a lack of competence in recognition of, and response to, anthropogenic ecological threats and destruction of biodiversity and ecosystems was noticed. The aim of this article was to draw attention to the problems of educating engineers, to include provision with specialist knowledge and development of necessary competences. The article also refers to the growth of waste production, including packaging waste, presenting an example of the use of activating methods in adult education, deployed in the subject “Waste management” for students of “Renewable energy sources and waste management”, implemented at the University of Rzeszów. Such teaching activity is of great importance in shaping the aforementioned competences.
Celem opracowania jest zaprezentowanie ewolucji w wartościowaniu zasobów środowiska, w tym terminu „świadczenia ekosystemowe”. Upowszechnienie tego ostatniego pojęcia ma znaczenie dla pilnych i efektywnych kroków ku zmianie sposobu myślenia i działania w rozwiązywaniu problemów ekonomicznych i środowiskowych. Daje więc kolejną szansę edukacji dla zrównoważonego rozwoju i lepszego rozumienia, akceptacji i respektowania wyników oceny oddziaływania na środowisko (OOŚ). Publikacja uwypukla nadal dominujące w sposobie myślenia ludzi eksponowanie wartości ekonomicznych ponad przyrodniczymi i fakt, że w związku z tym OOŚ są wciąż traktowane jako czynnik ograniczający rozwój gospodarczy i postęp cywilizacyjny.
The aim of the study is to present evolution in the valuation of environmental resources, including the term "ecosystem services". Dissemination of the latter concept is important for urgent and effective steps to change the way of thinking and acting in solving economic and environmental problems. Therefore, it provides another educational opportunity for sustainable development and better understanding, acceptance and respect of the results of the environmental impact assessment (EIA). The publication emphasizes still dominating in people's way of thinking the displaying of economic values above natural ones and the fact that in this context EIAs are still treated as a factor limiting economic development and civilization progress.
Earthworms can be used in the vermicomposting process. The success of the process depends on many factors, including the choice of the appropriate earthworm species. Eisenia fetida and Dendrobaena veneta are treated as "compost earthworms". They are characterized by a relatively short life cycle, relatively fast growth rate, efficient reproduction and a similar amount of organic matter processed, compared to species found in the natural environment. However, while analyzing their features in more detail, it can be seen that these two species differ. The aim of this study was to compare the selected features of the Eisenia fetida (Sav.) and Dendrobaena veneta (Rosa) earthworm populations in an annual cycle. The mature specimens of E. fetida or D. veneta were put in groups into plastic boxes with soil. Populations were checked regularly by manual sorting of the medium. The earthworms and cocoons were cleaned, counted and weighed individually. Afterwards, the mature individuals were placed in appropriate containers, while the cocoons were separated from the starting populations. The earthworms were fed ad libidum on kitchen wastes every four weeks. The experiment was carried out under constant laboratory conditions for 52 weeks. The analysis of the studied populations confirmed that the tested species of earthworms differ from each other. After 52 weeks of the experiment, the sum of earthworm biomass was higher for D. veneta compared to E. fetida species (18.568 ± 1.867 g and 7.263 ± 1.786 g; p <0.01, respectively). This relationship was confirmed for the average body weight of earthworms (D. veneta: 0.912 ± 0.046 g; E. fetida 0.480 ± 0.006 g; t = 15.95, p <0.01) and cocoons (D. veneta: 0.032 ± 0.003 g, E. fetida 0.014 ± 0.001 g; t = 9.15, p <0.01).
Lumbricidae play a key role in the soil environment as “the ecosystem engineers”. They participate in all the categories of services provided by ecosystems. In agricultural areas, the conventional intensive farming practices have led to a significant decline in the biological diversity of soils including earthworms. In this study, we attempted to characterize the community structure of earthworms in permanent grassland and arable land of the Didactic & Experimental Station of Rzeszów University in Krasne near Rzeszów. Similar densities of earthworms were observed in the grassland and in the arable land (101.01 ± 18.03 ind. ∙ m-2 and 82.12 ± 18.26 ind. ∙ m-2, respectively) (p > 0.05) as well as a similar biomass of Lumbricidae (77.72 ± 15.30 g ∙ m-2 and 54.34 ± 11.72 g ∙ m-2) (p > 0.05). In the research, 7 species of earthworms were found in the permanent grassland and 6 representatives of Lumbricidae were identified in the arable land. The identified earthworms represented all three main morpho-ecological groups. The density and biomass of epi-endogeic earthworm L. rubellus and the anecic species of L. terrestris were shown to be higher (p < 0.05) in the grassland as compared to the arable land. In order to protect Lumbricidae and to sustain the beneficial role of earthworms in an ecosystem, it is necessary to monitor the negative changes in populations of earthworm species attributed to various farming practices.
Anesthetic drugs have been tested for years on rats, rabbits, dogs, cats and monkeys, which may raise ethical concerns. Researchers do not always pay attention to the possibility of using techniques of anesthesia, analgesia or euthanasia in relation to invertebrate animals. It has previously been shown that earthworms meet the requirements of laboratory animals, and being a good alternative to the studies on vertebrates, may also be used as the first stage of testing anesthetics. The lethal concentrations of procaine and lidocaine for E. fetida and D. veneta were established using modified filter paper contact test. Using a modified method developed for testing anesthetics, mature earthworms (clitellate) of both species were used to check the effectiveness of lidocaine and procaine in safe immobilizing of earthworms. The reactions of earthworms in contact with anesthetics were different. The possibility of using a higher concentration range of procaine and lidocaine for E. fetida than for D. veneta, as E. fetida demonstrated a greater resistance to the stress caused by the action of chemical substances. The response to this stress varied and depended on the concentration used; however, higher concentrations of anesthetics caused rapid body movements and discharge of the coelomic fluid as well as morphological changes observed after 48 hours. Procaine was not effective in immobilizing earthworms, but lidocaine proved effective in reversibly immobilizing both species. For E. fetida, lidocaine in the concentrations of 1.4 and 1.6 at 95 and 90 min, respectively, resulted in a full immobilization of animals, which then survived following 24h and 48h of recovery. For D. veneta, lidocaine in the concentrations 1.3 and 1.4 during 40 min proved effective and safe to use, as all individuals survived following 24h and 48h of recovery.
In the 21st century, waste is a growing problem and must be considered one of the essential elements of creating conditions for sustainable development. The article pays special attention to the biofraction of cemetery waste, and interviews with cemetery visitors made a possible determination of its place among other wastes produced in the cemetery. The willingness of cemetery visitors to participate in the logistics of the cemetery waste management system was also tested. The article also presents selected elements of cemetery waste management logistics. The system should consist of several subsystems. Subsystems of waste minimisation "at the source" and waste segregation, disposal, and secondary management were considered crucial. In addition to the logistics mentioned above, subsystems were proposed to include innovation in cemeteries, the biotechnology of composting/vermicomposting of the biofraction, and segregation on-site by those cleaning their graves. The cemetery biofraction represents a waste suitable for on-site management, increasing the potential for environmental, social, and economic savings. The issues under consideration are part of the problem of integrating the cemetery biofraction into the green recycling system in force in Europe. Logistics for management of other cemetery wastes (plastic, metal, glass, and paper), which require subsystems involving their long-distance transportation, should be limited at the level of purchase by cemetery users. From civic participation in the control of logistical improvements, the entire cemetery waste management system will gradually evolve.
W XXI wieku odpady stanowią rosnący problem i muszą być rozważane jako jeden z podstawowych elementów tworzenia uwarunkowań zrównoważonego rozwoju. W artykule szczególną uwagę poświęcono biofrakcji cmentarnej. Wywiady z użytkownikami cmentarzy pozwoliły ustalić jej miejsce wśród innych produkowanych na cmentarzu odpadów. Sprawdzano także gotowość użytkowników cmentarzy do partycypacji w logistyce systemu zagospodarowania odpadów cmentarnych. W artykule przedstawiono także wybrane elementy logistyki gospodarowania odpadami cmentarnymi. System powinien składać się z kilku podsystemów. Za kluczowy uznano podsystem minimalizacji odpadów „u źródła”, oraz podsystemy segregowania, unieszkodliwiania i wtórnego zagospodarowywania odpadów. Do wspomnianych podsystemów logistyki zaproponowano dołączenie innowacyjnej na cmentarzach, biotechnologii kompostowania / wermikompostowania biofrakcji, wysegregowanej na miejscu powstawania przez sprzątających swoje grobowce. Biofrakcja cmentarna stanowi odpad nadający się do zagospodarowania na miejscu powstawania, co zwiększałoby potencjał oszczędności ekologicznych, społecznych i ekonomicznych. Rozważane zagadnienia wpisują się w problematykę włączania cmentarnej biofrakcji do obowiązującego w Europie systemu zielonego recyklingu. Pozostałe odpady cmentarne (z plastiku, metali, szkła i papieru), logistyka gospodarowania którymi wymaga podsystemów obejmujących ich transport na dalekie odległości, powinny zostać ograniczone na poziomie zakupów przez użytkujących cmentarze. Powinno to stopniowo ewoluować i wynikać z obywatelskiej partycypacji w kontroli możliwości usprawnienia logistyki całego systemu gospodarowania odpadami cmentarnymi.
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