This paper is the next in series dedicated to mesh blocking. It presents a measuring method for determination of clearance coefficient of a real sieve. The method takes into account uneven distribution of blocking particles on the sieve. Due to computer-aided processing and analysis of the blocked sieve image it is possible to determine precisely the mesh blocking.
W opracowaniu przedstawiono sposób obliczania współczynnika blokowania dla potrzeb pomiaru aktywnej powierzchni sita. Praca zawiera również wyniki wstępnych badań dotyczące możliwości przechodzenia ziaren odsiewalnych przez otwory sita podczas procesu przesiewania.
A method for calculation of a blocking coefficient for measuring the active surface of a sieve is presented in the paper. Results of preliminary investigations on the possibility of passing of screenable grains through the mesh during screening are also discussed in the paper.
The paper deals with methods for measurement of the clearance coefficient in a real sieve with special reference to metrological properties of two measuring methods developed and broadly applied by the authors. The two methods viz. manual and computer-aided measurements using the image processing and analysis of algorithms were compared.
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