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Although the parish of St John the Baptist in Bychawa is one of the oldest in the Lublin diocese, because its origins date back at least to the beginning of the 14th century, its library in the Old Polish period was very modest. This was caused by the following unfavourable historical conditions: the takeover of the church by Calvinists in the 16th century, difficulties with the restoration of the seized property, Cossack invasions, etc. For these reasons, until the end of the 17th century, the parish owned only necessary liturgical books, with the possible exception of those that had been donated by the parish priest Sebastian Piatkowski to his nephew as payment for his care in the 1930s; however, we have no detailed information about them. It was not until the 18th century that the book collection was enriched with non-liturgical books. These mainly included collections of sermons by Polish or foreign authors, maxims and prayer books, all serving pastoral work. Many of these books cannot be identified due to the general descriptions left by parish inspectors or damage to the codices. Most of the early printed books preserved to this day were possessed by private individuals, and a large number of them came from the libraries of monasteries liquidated after 1863. There are 29 of them, all basically in need of conservation.
Although the parish of St John the Baptist in Bychawa is one of the oldest in the Lublin diocese, because its origins date back at least to the beginning of the 14th century, its library in the Old Polish period was very modest. This was caused by the following unfavourable historical conditions: the takeover of the church by Calvinists in the 16th century, difficulties with the restoration of the seized property, Cossack invasions, etc. For these reasons, until the end of the 17th century, the parish owned only necessary liturgical books, with the possible exception of those that had been donated by the parish priest Sebastian Piatkowski to his nephew as payment for his care in the 1930s; however, we have no detailed information about them. It was not until the 18th century that the book collection was enriched with non-liturgical books. These mainly included collections of sermons by Polish or foreign authors, maxims and prayer books, all serving pastoral work. Many of these books cannot be identified due to the general descriptions left by parish inspectors or damage to the codices. Most of the early printed books preserved to this day were possessed by private individuals, and a large number of them came from the libraries of monasteries liquidated after 1863. There are 29 of them, all basically in need of conservation.
The monastery of the Canons Regular in Kraśnik functioned from 1469 to its dissolution by the tsarist Russia in 1864. Its history and contribution to the culture of the region have not been studied in detail so far. There are relatively few publications on the monastery of Kraśnik and they relate primarily to the issues of specific monuments. The main studies of the beginnings of the monastery in Kraśnik come from Ewa Zielińska (Kultura intelektualna kanoników regularnych z klasztoru w Kraśniku 1469-1563, Lublin 2002) and Janusz Kurtyka (Tęczyńscy. Studium z dziejów polskiej elity możnowładczej w średniowieczu, Cracow 1997). There is no doubt about the date of founding the monastery and earliest emolument of the monastery. The founder is well-known. The reasons for the foundation are as follows: the wish of the founder’s father; commemoration of father’s memory; making the monastery in Kraśnik the necropolis of the Rabsztyńskis; Jan Rabsztyński’s personal piety and concern for providing the local people with adequate pastoral care. Research postulates. The problem of establishing the parish in Kraśnik has not been solved. It is a mystery why the bishop of Cracow Jan Lutek of Brzezia delayed issuing the document confirming the foundation and erection of the monastery in Kraśnik. There are doubts about existing a medieval scriptorium in Kraśnik.
Klasztor Kanoników Regularnych w Kraśniku funkcjonował od roku 1469 do kasaty przez władze carskiej Rosji w 1864. Jego dzieje i wkład w kulturę regionu nie doczekały się dotąd szczegółowego zbadania i opracowania. Publikacje poświęcone wprost klasztorowi kraśnickiemu są stosunkowo nieliczne i dotyczą przede wszystkim kwestii szczegółowych. Najważniejsze opracowania dotyczące początków klasztoru kraśnickiego pochodzą od Ewy Zielińskiej (Kultura intelektualna kanoników regularnych z klasztoru w Kraśniku 1469-1563, Lublin 2002) i Janusza Kurtyki (Tęczyńscy. Studium z dziejów polskiej elity możnowładczej w średniowieczu, Kraków 1997). Nie budzi wątpliwości czas powstania klasztoru i jego najwcześniejsze uposażenie. Znana jest osoba fundatora. Wśród powodów fundacji wymieniono następujące: uczczenie pamięci ojca; uczynienie z klasztoru kraśnickiego rodowej nekropolii Rabsztyńskich; osobista pobożność Jana Rabsztyńskiego i troska o zapewnienie miejscowej ludności odpowiedniej opieki duszpasterskiej. Nierozwiązany jest problem czasu powstania parafii w Kraśniku. Zagadką pozostaje zwłoka biskupa krakowskiego Jana Lutka z Brzezia z wystawieniem dokumentu potwierdzającego fundację i erygującego klasztor w Kraśniku. Wątpliwości budzi sprawa istnienia w Kraśniku średniowiecznego skryptorium.
The article aims to answer the question whether it is possible to state unconditionally, according to the views present in older and modern historiography, that the parish in Stóża existed as early as in the Middle Ages. The paper assesses the arguments of the most important authors who have introduced this view into the literature and contributed to its spreading. Analyzing the surviving sources, the author of the following article reveals that the functioning a parish in Stróża is highly problematic, and that a parish could exist in Kraśnik itself or in the nearby village of Grambienica, in which, by Jan Długosz’s reliable account, a parish church existed in the 14th century.
Artykuł stara się odpowiedzieć na pytanie czy można uznać bezwarunkowo za prawdziwe poglądy obecne w historiografi dawniejszej i współczesnej o istnieniu parafii w Stróży już w okresie średniowiecza. Ocenie poddano argumentację najważniejszych autorów, którzy do obiegu naukowego wprowadzili i upowszechnili tę opinię. Na podstawie analizy zachowanych źródeł starano się wykazać, że funkcjonowanie parafii w średniowiecznej Stróży jest wysoce problematyczne, a ośrodka kościelnego w okolicach Kraśnika należy raczej szukać w innych miejscowościach. Autor stoi na stanowisku, że takim ośrodkiem mógł być albo sam Kraśnik, albo położona w jego pobliżu wieś Grambienica, w której, według wiarygodnego świadectwa Jana Długosza, istniał w XIV wieku kościół parafialny.
The Roman Catholic parish was established in Kumów in 1434. Like all parishes, it had its own library, which always contained liturgical books. A number of parish libraries also held books which were helpful in pastoral work, such as sermon collections. During the Trent reforms there were more and more books, primarily thanks to the Jesuits who dealt with theological writing and publishing activity. In the seventeenth and eighteeenth centuries, the number of books also increased in parish libraries, including the Kumów collection. We do not know much about the parish collection from the Old Polish period as its inventory has not survived. All the information we have is included in the reports of the bishop’s visits; we do not, however, find sufficient detail to help us separate the books belonging to the Church from the private ones whose owners were individual parish priests. Only some of the books can be identified as those belonging to the parish, because they are mentioned several times in the reports of the visitors.  The collection of antique books grew in the second half of the eighteenth century due to the bequests of two parish priests: Rev. Antoni Borowski and Rev. Antoni Wołoszyński. 25 antique books survived; they were kept in the basement of the presbytery for many years, deteriorating in unfavourable conditions. This article presents a valuable contribution to research on the hitherto unknown parish libraries in the archdiocese of Lublin. Research into this area is worth undertaking, as the libraries are cultural sites frequently hiding rare books, which may otherwise be irretrievably lost.  
Parafia rzymskokatolicka powstała w Kumowie w 1434 r. Jak wszystkie parafie posiadała swój księgozbiór, na który zawsze składały się księgi liturgiczne. Wiele parafii posiadało też w swoich zbiorach książki pomocne w duszpasterstwie, np. zbiory kazań. W okresie reformy trydenckiej tych książek przybywało, szczególnie dzięki pracy zakonu jezuitów, którego członkowie trudnili się pisarstwem teologicznym i działalnością wydawniczą. W XVII i XVIII wieku przybywało też książek w zbiorach parafialnych. Te procesy nie ominęły również parafii w Kumowie. Nie znamy dokładnie księgozbioru parafialnego z okresu staropolskiego z powodu niezachowania się jego inwentarza. Informacji dostarczają jedynie protokoły z wizytacji biskupich parafii, jednak trudno jest oddzielić na ich podstawie książki należące do kościoła od prywatnych, będących własnością kolejnych proboszczów. Możemy jedynie wskazać niektóre, powtarzające się w raportach wizytatorów, co do których mamy pewność, że stanowiły własność parafii. Zbiór starodruków powiększył się w drugiej połowie XVIII wieku dzięki spuściznom na rzecz parafii dwóch jej plebanów: ks. Antoniego Borowskiego i ks. Antoniego Wołoszyńskiego. Do dzisiaj zachowało się 25 starodruków, które przez lata niszczały w piwnicy plebanii. Artykuł niniejszy jest przyczynkiem do badań nad księgozbiorami parafialnymi w archidiecezji lubelskiej – dotąd nieprzebadanymi i nieznanymi. Badania w tym zakresie warto podejmować, bowiem księgozbiory stanowią dobra kultury kryjące często rzadkie egzemplarze, niszczejące bezpowrotnie.
Ceremoniał koronacji królów polskich wpisuje się w średniowieczny związek Kościoła i państwa. Koronacja miała więc wydźwięk nie tylko państwowy, lecz także kościelny – była udzielana przez arcybiskupa w katedrze, wobec zgromadzonego Kościoła. W pewien sposób koronacja włączała nowego władcę w misję Kościoła. Używany podczas koronacji formularz zawierał podbudowę teologiczną dokonywanego aktu. Koronacja, czyniąca z króla pomazańca Bożego, dawała władcy szczególną pozycję w państwie i w Kościele.
The coronation ceremonial of the Polish kings reflects the medieval union of the Church and state. The coronation was, therefore, not only a state ceremony but also an ecclesiastical one. It was performed by the archbishop in the cathe­dral in the presence of the assembled Church and through the coronation the new ruler was involved in the mission of the Church. It should also be noted that the formulary used during the coronation was built on theological foundations. Thanks to the coronation, which made the king God’s anointed, the ruler gained a special position in the state and the Church.
Content available Księgozbiór panien norbertanek w Imbramowicach
The article presents the convent book collection of the Norbertine Sisters in Ibramowice. Its beginnings date back to the first half of the 18th century. The convent was rebuilt after the fi re in 1710. Then its greatest benefactor, the Rev. Dominik Lochman, made an effort to found a library to which he himself gave a lot of books. The library established by the Rev. Lochman grew bigger throughout the following years. The books mainly came from donors, but some of them were brought by sisters who entered the convent, including those nuns who were resettled from dissolved convents, for example from Busko. The present–day book collection is divided into five categories: manuscripts, antique books, nineteenth-century books, modern books and magazines. The size of the book collection is not exactly known. So far it has been possible to confirm the existence of about 30 music manuscripts, which were written from the 18th to the 19th century, over 800 antique books and over 300 titles of magazines. The most valuable books are the thirteenth-century antiphonaries of Płock, the fifteenthcentury gradual and a few extremely rare antique books.
Content available Chrystianizacja Prus według Kroniki Jana Długosza
Since the beginning of its existence, the Polish Church took an active part in the Christianization of the neighbouring pagan peoples. One of its missionary areas was the land inhabited by the Prussians. These missions were conducted in three stages. The first one was the mission undertaken by Saint Wenceslaus under the patronage of duke Boleslaw the Valiant (Polish: Bolesław Chrobry). During this mission St Wenceslaus died a martyr’s death, which was used as a factor promoting the Polish Church while creating metropolitan church organization in 1000. The second stage was the missionary activity at the time of Henryk Kietlicz, the archbishop of Gniezno, at the turn of the 12th and 13th centuries, which was interrupted by the appearance of the Teutonic Order in Prussia. The action of the Teutonic Knights in Prussia was the third stage of Christianization. However, this evangelization was the German method of conducting a mission- that is to say, by the sword. The objective of the Teutonic Knights was to create their own state in Prussia rather than convert pagans to Christianity. The description of these processes was based on the Annals of Jan Dlugosz, which shows how the memories of those events were retained.
Pursuant to the contemporary teaching of the Catholic Church bishops are deemed the successors of Apostles – and the only continuation in their offices. This thesis, posed by the dogmatic theology, should not be questioned. From the perspective of history, however, the issue is not that straightforward. The oldest monumental Christian scripts would rather suggest the separation of bishops from the presbyters.
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