The article presents the figure of Father Dr. Paweł Dziubiński, priest of Lublin diocese, lawyer, parish priest of St. Paul’s parish in Lublin (1925 – 1955). He belonged to the group of people who supported Mother Jadwiga J. Kulesza OSB and her endeavours to establish a nunnery in Lublin in 1926. His full biography has not yet been published. Documents found in the archives in Lublin and Rome, as well as valuable studies (Żurek, Marczewski) have helped in its preparation. However, the most valuable source turned out to be the manuscript material, that is the interrogation reports of Fr Dziubiński, written down by the investigators at the time of his arrest and imprisonment. This material read against the background of the epoch and after taking into account the principles of chronology can be defined as the autobiography of Father Paweł Dziubiński.
Prezentowany artykuł przybliża postać ks. dr. Pawła Dziubińskiego, kapłana diecezji lubelskiej, prawnika, proboszcza parafii pw. św. Pawła w Lublinie (1925 – 1955). Należał on do grona osób wspierających matkę Jadwigę J. Kuleszę OSB i jej starania w założeniu placówki sióstr w Lublinie w 1926 roku. Jego pełna biografia nie została dotychczas opublikowana. W jej przygotowaniu dopomogły dokumenty odnalezione w archiwach w Lublinie i Rzymie, a także cenne opracowania (Żurek, Marczewski). Najcenniejszym źródłem okazał się jednak materiał rękopiśmienny, czyli protokoły z przesłuchań ks. Dziubińskiego, spisane przez śledczych w czasie jego aresztowania i osadzenia w więzieniu. Materiał ten odczytany na tle ówczesnej epoki oraz po uwzględnieniu zasad chronologii określić możemy jako autobiografię ks. Pawła Dziubińskiego.
Presented here, and yet never printed, the article consists of an introduction, four small chapters, Teminations and Annex source. It was based on non-print sources: 1) religious, located in the archives of General House of the Missionary Benedictine Sisters in Otwock (ABMO), as well as the archives of the Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) in Białystok, and the few studies concerning violence of totalitarian communist regime in the People’s Republic in the overall scale. The Introduction containts a brief history of Grajewo. The first chapter is shown origins and beginnings of the religious house of the Benedictine Sisters of Missionaries in that city and in the second – showing violence against the people’s sisters by unlawful use of evictions from nine to three rooms in the house sisters and quartered for this religious building at Marchlewskiego street 26, a number of multi-family. The theme of the third chapter is, lasting several years, defending religious institutions sisters who did not undergo passive people’s power and have not left, despite the harassment, his home. In the fourth chapter indicated a positive result of a previous home defense sisters in Grajewo in a document-decision of the Office for Religious Affairs in Warsaw, dated 26 Februrary 1975, revoking the decision of the Department of Religious Affairs PRN in Białystok on the dissolution of the religious house of sisters in Grajewo. It was pointed out that from now began to normal development of the religious institutions and describes the Golden Jubilee celebrations of the religious house erection. In conclusion briefly summarizes the reflections previous chapter article. The Annex contains: Decree erectile religious house in Grajewo, Letter of Fr. A. Jagłowskiego the Benedictine missionaries is Grajewo, semipublic decree of erection of the chapel in the hous of the Benedictine Sisters of Grajewo and against the local superiors in the same house in the years 1958–2008.
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