On March 1, 2017, acts reforming the customs and tax administration system came into force. They introduced not only changes in the system of organs and organizational structure of this administration, but also significantly influenced the legal status of Customs Service officers. Not all officers were offered further service in the newly created customs and tax administration. Some of them received offers of employment in positions of civil part — in general has not been employed for a further period. In both cases, the relationship was terminated, which in the light of the adopted statutory solutions is treated as an exemption from service. A very large group of officers filed appeals to administrative courts, some of them — also to common courts. Against the background of the provisions formulated in such a way, the question arises: whether the change of the legal status of the Customs Service officer from the administrative and legal relation to the contractual relation made by the director of the customs chamber as part of the powers entrusted to him, is in line with the rule of law. The answer to this question will ultimately be given by the courts. The study will, however, present general observations regarding the existing situation.
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Artykuł został poświęcony problematyce związanej z konstrukcją prawną nagrody rocznej. Instytucja ta została uregulowana w art. 110 ustawy z dnia 6 kwietnia 1990 r. o Policji. Omówiono warunki formalne, których spełnienie uprawnia do nabycia tego prawa, a także wskazano podmioty uprawnione do przyznania nagrody rocznej. Skoncentrowano również uwagę na kwestii zwolnienia ze służby w Policji, w tym na podstawie art. 41 ust. 2 pkt 5 ustawy o Policji i wskazano, w jakich okolicznościach zwolniony policjant nabywa uprawnienia do nagrody rocznej.
The article is devoted to the issues related to the legal structure of the annual award. This institution is regulated in the Art. 110 of April 6, 1990 on the Police. Formal conditions which have to be fulfilled to entitle and acquire this right were discussed. There were also indicated entities entitled to the annual award. Attention was also focused on the issue related to the dissmision from the Police, in particular on the Art. 41 (2) (5) Act on the Police and there was indicated in which circumstances in these situations dismissed police officer acquires the right to annual reward.
The article has been entirely devoted to issues related to the institution of cash benefit which is granted in connection with the reinstatement to service in the Police, which is included in the Art. 42 (5) Act on the Police. Restoration to service occurs by virtue of law upon the materialisation of the conditions referred to in Art. 42 (1) or (7) Act on the Police. The consequence of reinstatement to service in the Police is the obligation to grant the Police officer cash benefit for the period while being out of service. The granting of this cash benefit is obligatory while its amount is specified by the administrative authority. Art. 42 (5) Act on the Police specifies a minimum and maximum amount of this cash benefit. Attention was also focused on discussing the legal character of this institution and authorised entities who can use it.
Artykuł w całości został poświęcony instytucji świadczenia pieniężnego przyznawanego w związku z przywróceniem policjanta do służby w Policji, która zawarta jest w art. 42 ust. 5 ustawy z dnia 6 kwietnia 1990 r. o Policji. Przywrócenie do służby następuje z mocy prawa z chwilą zmaterializowania się przesłanek określonych w art. 42 ust. 1 lub ust. 7 ustawy o Policji. Konsekwencją przywrócenia do służby jest obowiązek przyznania policjantowi świadczenia pieniężnego za okres pozostawania poza służbą. Jego przyznanie jest obligatoryjne, natomiast jego wysokość określa organ administracyjny. Przepis art. 42 ust. 5 ustawy o Policji określa minimalną i maksymalną wysokość tego świadczenia. Dokonano również omówienia charakteru prawnego tej instytucji oraz podmiotów uprawnionych do jej stosowania
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