A method to develop the structure of the internal pore surface is proposed. The surface of porous silicate glasses is modified by impregnating carbon into the pores and subsequent annealing. The procedure is repeated several times. A technique to control the properties of the pore surface is proposed as well. Analysing the change in the features of the photoluminescence spectrum as a result of such treatment in comparison with the pore-size distribution spectra allows us to assume formation of silicon nanoclusters in porous glass and to estimate their sizes. The nonmonotonic change of the surface development with simultaneous stationary increase of photoluminescence intensity is explained by the composite pattern of the silicon clusters change during multiple carbon treatments.
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W artykule przedstawiono, w jakim stopniu zmiana takich parametrów jak średni współczynnik pochłaniania dźwięku αśr w pomieszczeniu, wielkość pomieszczenia oraz ustawienie muzyków wpływa na spadek poziomu dźwięku w sali prób muzycznych. Przeprowadzone symulacje pozwalają wywnioskować, że dla użytkowników najbardziej odczuwalne spadki poziomów dźwięku generuje zwiększenie powierzchni pomieszczenia. Jednak dopiero uwzględnienie wszystkich trzech działań pozwala osiągnąć bezpieczny dla użytkowników poziom dźwięku zgodnie z ISO 23591:2021 [1] i wyznaczyć wymagane powierzchnie sal prób muzycznych.
In this paper to what extent the change of such parameters as the average sound absorption coefficient αav in a room, the size of the room and the positioning of the musicians affect the decrease in the sound level in the music rehearsal room has been presented. The conducted simulations allow to conclude that the most important is the appropriately selected room area. However, only after taking into account all three effects it is possible to achieve a sound level that is safe for users according to ISO 23591:2021 [1] and to determine the required areas of music rehearsal rooms.
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