Článek přináší informace a zkušenosti s projektovou výukou mediální výchovy studentů katedry informačních a komunikačních technologií Pedagogické fakulty Ostravské univerzity (dále katedra ICT), tedy budoucích učitelů na základních a středních školách. Tato výuková metoda, při které studenti realizují projekt vlastních novin, se velmi osvědčila, protože vlastní tvůrčí a produkční činnost (learning by doing) je velmi účinná při posilování motivace, dlouhodobém zapamatování znalostí a získávání dovedností. Mediální výchova v tomto pojetí je na katedře ICT zaměřena prakticky. V jednotlivých částech studenti získávají přehled o základech žurnalistiky, digitální fotografie, zvuku a videa. Rozvoj mediální gramotnosti u studentů oboru Informační technologie ve vzdělávání má rovněž pozitivní vliv na posilování jejich informačních kompetencí.
The article presents information and experience with media education project teaching students of the Department of Information and Communication Technology, Pedagogical Faculty of Ostrava University (Department of ICT), that future teachers in primary and secondary schools. This teaching method in which students carry out a project of its own newspaper, proved very useful, because the creative and production activities (learning by doing) is very effective in enhancing motivation, long-term memorization of knowledge and skills. Media education in this concept is the Department of ICT focused practice. In the individual chapters, students gain an overview of the basics of journalism, digital photos, audio and video. Developing media literacy among students majoring in Information Technology in Education also has a positive effect on strengthening their information skills.
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The aim of this article is to map out the mutual relations between literary studies and sound studies, which has rapidly developed as part of humanities worldwide over the last two decades. Sound studies are of an interdisciplinary nature, drawing on the achievements of various scientific disciplines, whereas literary studies definitely do not rank among the most influential kind. It should be noted that the relationship between the two disciplines is complicated, to say the least, if not downright aporetic. The question arises whether the perspective of sound studies is actually compatible with literary studies, or if it is not just another theoretical turn, which, apart from a few novel terms, will not actually bring anything new to literary studies that we did not already know.
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This study makes a contribution towards resolving the issues surrounding the interpretation of intermedia works that experimentally combine poetry, word, music and sound. The particular subject of this analysis is a project known as Scribbles by writing duo Jaromír Typt and Michal Rataj, which has seen the light of day both in the form of live performances and on two albums (Škrábanice [Scribbles], Zaškrábnutí [Scribbles more]), on which the present essay is also based.
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