In the paper some results of preliminary operating parameters research are presented. This investigation was conducted on the research Diesel engine equipped with varied cross section nozzle injector. The new-made research injector has needle, which executes rotational and reciprocating motion. The new worked-out injector has outflow holes with flow section that undergoes a change during the injection process, which enables to decrease of diameter of fuel droplets. The measurements were performed at different rpm (from 1000 rpm to 1600 rpm) and maximum fuel doses. The injector was not optimized in relation to engine performance. The objectives of the research were determination either the working quality of a new injector and their influence on combustion process in varied method of mixture preparation process. The obtained results show a direction of further researches that impact on system optimization.
W referacie przedstawiono wyniki wstępnych badań parametrów roboczych silnika wysokoprężnego, w którym zastosowano prototypowy wtryskiwacz o zmiennym przekroju otworów rozpylających. Pomiary dotyczyły charakterystyk prędkościowych w zakresie od 1000 do 1600 obr/min. Wtryskiwacz nie był zoptymalizowany ze względu na osiągi silnika. Badania miały na celu określenie z jednej strony jakości pracy wtryskiwacza nowego typu, zaś z drugiej strony, procesu spalania na zmieniony sposób wytwarzania mieszaniny palnej. Uzyskane wartości wskazują na kierunek koniecznych dalszych badań mających na celu zoptymalizowanie systemu.
Nowadays, in civil aviation, issues related to improving efficiency, reducing the costs of air operations as well as the negative impact of air transport on the environment are of increasing importance. These ideas allow the formulation of the paradigm relating to the development of air transport - ‘more Efficiently, more Economically, more Eco-friendly - 3E’. The article presents in a cross-sectional and synthetic way research conducted by leading scientific centres around the world as well as prototype aviation constructions designed by companies from the aviation industry. Benefits and disadvantages of future propulsions, such as purely electric, hybrid and distributed propulsions, were presented. Conclusions were formulated regarding further possible directions of civil aviation development, taking into account the improvement of its efficiency as well as economic and ecological indicators.
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