In response to the trend toward sustainable management of by-products from the pulp and paper industry as well as plant waste, practical and economical methods are being developed to use them in a way that does not pose a threat to the environment. The main aim of the research was to study the possibility of using lignin and plant biomass as biosorbents for the removal of zinc ions from aqueous solutions. The secondary aim was to build an optimal multilayer system made of biosorbents selected during the research in order to obtain the highest sorption efficiency and to determine the best conditions of the sorption process. The effectiveness of zinc ion sorption was assessed using an appropriate combination of sorbents such as lignin, oat bran, rice husk, chitosan, pectin, sodium alginate, pine bark, coconut fiber and activated carbon, selected on the basis of literature data and the preliminary results of tests carried out using FTIR and AAS. The main component of the sorption system was lignin separated from black liquor. Results indicate that the best Zn sorption system was based on coconut fiber, lignin, and pine bark, for which the maximum sorption efficiency was 95%. The research also showed that the increase in the process temperature, the mass of biosorbents used and the alkaline pH are the factors that increase the efficiency of the sorption. It can be concluded that lignin and plant biomass can be used as ecological sorbents of zinc ions from water solutions. They are safe for the environment, produced from renewable sources, and are by-products or waste materials, which is part of the sustainable development and circular economy currently promoted in the EU.
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Przedstawiono wyniki badań ciągłego usuwania jonów fosforanowych(V) za pomocą jonów magnezu i amonu z roztworów zawierających 1,0 lub 0,20% mas. jonów fosforanowych(V) i 0,2 lub 2 mg jonów cynku w 1 kg roztworu. Proces wytrącania i krystalizacji struwitu Mg2+ and NH4+ wykonano w warunkach stechiometrycznych i przy 20-proc. Nadmiarze jonów magnezu. Badania wykonano w krystalizatorze typu DT MSMPR z wewnętrzną cyrkulacją zawiesiny w temp. 298 K przy pH 9 i średnim czasie przebywania zawiesiny w krystalizatorze τ 900 s. Stwierdzono, że obecność Zn2+ w ilości 2 mg/kg w roztworze zasilającym krystalizator wpłynęła niekorzystnie na jakość wytwarzanego produktu. Średni rozmiar kryształów struwitu zmniejszył się o ok. 25%. Mniejsze stężenie jonów fosforanowych(V) i nadmiar jonów magnezu spowodowały, że z krystalizatora odprowadzano produkty o ok. 50% większym średnim rozmiarze kryształów (Lm 23,1 → 35,5 μm). W produktach stwierdzono obecność kryształów struwitu i wodorotlenku cynku (zawartość cynku 0,04-332 mg/kg). Obecność jonów cynku sprzyjała krystalizacji struwitu w postaci kryształów rurowych.
Phosphate(V) ions were continuously removed from aq. solns. (1.0 or 0.20% by mass) at Zn2+ content 0.2 or 2 mg/kg, by their treatment with Mg2+ and NH4+ ions in a reaction crystn. of struvite MgNH4PO4∙6H2O either under stoichiometric conditions or at 20% excess of Mg2+ ions. Internal circulation of suspension was carried out at 298 K and pH 9 for mean residence time 900 s. The presence of Zn2+ ions (2 mg/kg) in a process system disadvantageously influenced the product quality (mean size of struvite crystals decreased by ca. 25%). In contrary, the lower inlet concn. of phosphate(V) and higher concn. of Mg2+ ions resulted in an increase in crystal mean size by ca. 50%. Presence of struvite crystals and solid Zn(OH)2 (Zn content 0.04-332 mg/kg) in products was detected anal. Presence of Zn ions favored crystn. of struvite in a form of tubular crystals.
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