Początek roku sprzyja różnego rodzaju inicjatyw społecznych. Chciałabym zachęcić do wdrożenia kilku zasad, które pozwolą wprowadzić działalność firmy na „zielone tiry”. To podstawa zielonego marketingu, choć pewnie niektóre z tych zasad wydadzą się niezwiązane z marketingiem. W moim odczuciu to podstawa zielonego marketingu, choć pewnie niektóre z tych zasad wydadzą się niezwiązane z marketingiem. Jestem jednak przekonana, że chcąc uczciwie podejść do tematu, nie można abstrahować od tego, jak firma korzysta z zasobów i jakie zachowania promuje wśród swoich pracowników. Używanie przez firmę określenia „zielona”, „przyjazna środowisku”, „eko” jest zobowiązaniem. Jeśli uda się Państwu wdrożyć proponowane przeze mnie rozwiązania, to z pewnością zobowiązanie to będzie wypełniane.
Purpose: The aim of the article is to show the negative impact of greenwashing on the company's reputation and to propose ways of using CSR and green marketing tools to reduce green reputation risk. Design/methodology/approach: The article attempts to answer the question: How to use CSR and green marketing tools so that they are not perceived as greenwashing and do not generate green reputation risk? The following methods were used: literature review, deductive inference based on the analysis of the following concepts: CSR and sustainable development, stakeholder theory, corporate reputation management, stakeholder engagement and social innovation. Findings: The most frequently postulated method of limiting greenwashing is the legal regulation of CSR, but due to its weaknesses, it is proposed to develop cooperation with stakeholders in order to jointly create green strategies and social innovations. Practical implications: The methods and directions of activities limiting the negative effects of greenwashing in the context of reducing green reputation risk and improving the reputation management process were indicated. Originality/value: The article contributes to the development of reputation management theory by drawing attention to another source of reputational risk, the so-called green risk, such as greenwashing, with an indication of how to reduce or avoid it.
Objective: The cognitive objective of the paper is to present the target groups for the environmental marketing of cities. The research objective was to identify the priority audiences for the green marketing of cities in Poland and to indicate what activities are undertaken regarding these most important groups. Design/methodology/approach: The primary research used the CAWI method, using a proprietary questionnaire. The research was conducted in Q1 2022. The subjects surveyed were cities in Poland. The questionnaire was sent out to all cities, and 414 returned and correctly completed questionnaires were analysed. The presented results represent a section of the entire research. Findings: The interviewed stakeholders indicate that, of the many groups mentioned, residents are the key audience for green city marketing activities. Residents were divided into three groups - young residents, middle-aged residents and older residents. According to the statements, the key audiences are young residents - 95% of indications. Next are middle-aged residents with 67% of indications and older residents with 63%. The least frequently mentioned key audiences are those associated with the scientific community - 4.6% of indications and foreign tourists - 6.3% of indications. Activities undertaken to promote ecology in the city are mainly based on creating pro-environmental attitudes among the youngest groups of residents. Research limitations/implications: The research was quantitative research, in the future the research could be extended to include qualitative research that would indicate the motives for selecting specific groups for urban green marketing activities. Practical implications: The results of the survey indicate that cities mainly focus on promoting environmental activities among their inhabitants. However, cities in most cases do not carry out surveys of their citizens about their environmental needs. It is worth considering conducting such a survey among residents in order to identify expectations and the most pressing issues. Originality/value: The research is aimed at all those interested in the subject of environmental marketing and in particular the target groups targeted by green city marketing activities.
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