Scots pine forest are of the main economic importance to the forest management in lowland Europe. Large areas of spontaneous pine forest, including old−growths, are located on two vast dune belts of the Kampinos National Park (central Poland). These forests grow on oligotrophic sandy soils with deep groundwater level. This makes the area unique to study long−term changes in this type of pine forest communities. The aim of the work was to assess the changes in the species composition and richness of undergrowth of Scots pine forests at the beginning of the XXI century. The study was conducted on 10 permanent and 53 semi−permanent plots located within stands of Peucedano−Pinetum and Querco−Pinetum associations on both dune belts of Kampinos National Park. The fieldworks were performed in 2001 and 2002, and repeated in 2015 and 2018. Based on Ward’s cluster analysis we described five local forms of plant communities. Seven species groups were distinguished and changes in their richness assessed using one sample Wilcoxon test. Each species group included species characteristic and/or differentiating for a given set of syntaxonomical units. The results confirmed the hypothesis of gradual decrease of the total species richness. The median of species richness change was –0.308 species per year and was statistically significant. The changes were bigger within the local forms of the Querco−Pinetum association in comparison to Peucedano−Pinetum. The decrease was connected especially with dry grassland and heathland species (characteristic for syntaxons of Koelerio−Corynephoretea and Nardo−Callunetea classes) as well as with coniferous forest generalist species (characteristic for syntaxons of Vaccinio−Piceetea and Cladonio−Vaccinietalia). The results suggest that the two main processes shaping the species composition at the beginning of XXI century within pine forest located on the dune belts of Kampinos National Park may be identified as (i) fluctuation, and (ii) simplification, manifested by species richness decrease. This is probably connected with forest regeneration after past human use and disturbance.
Występujący na terenie województwa łódzkiego rezerwat przyrody Żądłowice został utworzony w 1968 roku na powierzchni 138,79 ha (obecnie 241,19 ha) w celu zachowania ze względów naukowych i dydaktycznych niespotykanego w lasach polskich układu siedlisk występujących w związku z zaistniałym układem warunków hydrologicznych oraz związanych z nimi typów lasu (Zarządzenie 1968). Celem niniejszej pracy jest diagnoza siedliskowa obszaru wspomnianego rezerwatu, weryfikacja przyjętych celów jego ochrony oraz rozpoznanie zagrożeń i zaplanowanie działań ochronnych. Rezerwat przyrody Żądłowice charakteryzuje się ogromnym zróżnicowaniem siedliskowym. Największy udział ma ols porzeczkowy Ribo-nigri Alnetum oraz siedliska borowe: Querco-roboris Pinetum, Leucobryo-Pinetum i Molinio-Pinetum. Analiza drzewostanów występujących na tych siedliskach wskazuje na ich duże walory przyrodnicze. Zdecydowana większość z nich wyróżnia się wysokim stopniem stabilności, wynikającym ze zgodności ich budowy ze składem gatunkowym charakterystycznym dla naturalnych zespołów leśnych. Ze względu na cel ochrony rezerwatu największym zagrożeniem dla występujących tu ekosystemów leśnych jest obniżenie się poziomu wód gruntowych, które może spowodować zubożenie różnorodności siedliskowej badanego obiektu. Fakt ten powinien być uwzględniony w projektowanych działaniach ochronnych ukierunkowanych na wspomaganie naturalnych procesów kształtowania się zespołów roślinnych rezerwatu.
The Żądłowice nature reserve is located in Łódź Voivodeship and was established in 1968 on the area of 138.79 ha (at the moment – 241.19 ha) with the aim to preserve – for scientific and educational purposes – an exceptional site combination which is not found anywhere else in Polish forests caused by the existing system of hydrological conditions and forest types associated with them (Directive 1968). The objectives of this research project include: site diagnosis of the above-mentioned reserve, verification of the adopted protection targets, recognition of potential threats and elaboration of protection activities. The Żądłowice nature reserve is characterized by enormous site diversity. The greatest proportion is taken up by alder Ribo-nigri Alnetum followed by coniferous sites: Querco-roboris Pinetum, Leucobryo-Pinetum and Molinio-Pinetum. The performed analysis of stands occurring on these sites showed their considerable natural value. Most of them are characterized by a high degree of stability resulting from the compatibility of their structure with the species composition typical for natural forest associations. From the point of view of the adopted protection objective of the reserve, the greatest threat to the forest ecosystems occurring here is the possibility of lowering of the ground water level which could lead to the site impoverishment of the examined object. This fact should be taken into consideration when designing conservation activities which should be focused on encouraging the development of natural processes of the reserve plant associations.